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Control of Onion White-Rot Disease by Using Some Plant Extracta and Trichoderma Species /
Hussein, Warda Ahmed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ورده احمد محمد حسين
مشرف / حسان محمد محمد الذهبى
مشرف / عبد الوهاب عنتر اسماعيل
مشرف / عبد الناصر عبد الغنى الزعويلى
مشرف / نبيل ابراهيم الشعيرى
Agricultural Botany.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
p 169. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الزراعة - النبات الزراعى
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Onion(Allium cepa L.)is the world’s two monetarily vital vegetable product after tomatoes. Onion(Allium cepa L.) rightly called as ruler of kitchen, fits in with the family Alliaceae and it has played antimicrobial. Onion(Allium cepa L.) has important position among all vegetable crops in Egypt. The dry-land area cultivated with onion in Egypt reached 68,487.00 hectares and producing 2505189 tonnes. Several plant pathogens attack onion plants causing serious diseases during growing season.Of which, onion whit rot caused by S. cepivorum one of the most essential disease around the world, it causes around 100% of crop losses. The fungus produces long-lived survival structures (sclerotia). The sclerotia stay in the soil without host plant, for over 20 years. Control of this disease has been accomplished primarily by chemical fungicides such as Folicur.Due to concerns of health and environmental hazards and many pathogen could develop or acquired resistance against most recommended fungicides hence there is a great demand for safer, alternative and effective agents.The main goal of this study was to minimize the use of synthetic fungicides entirely or partially by natural ones; and to assess this assumption.