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Specimen Extraction Site for Laparoscopic-Assisted Anterior Resection for Cancer Rectum (A Study of Short-Term Outcomes) /
Abdelrahman, Waell Ramadan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Waell Ramadan Abdelrahman
مشرف / Tarek Youssef Ahmed
مشرف / . Mahmoud Ahmed Farghaly
مناقش / . Mahmoud Ahmed Farghaly
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - جراحة عامة
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olorectal surgeons employ numerous approaches to retrieve specimens following LCR as there is controversy about the specimen extraction site that has the lowest frequency of postoperative hernia and wound infection.
In the period between March 2015 and February 2017 hand assisted anterior resection was done for patients suffering from cancer rectum at Ainshams university hospital and Darelshefa hospital and outcomes of specimen extraction through pfaneinnsteil and lower midline incision was evaluated and compared.
This study included 36 patients for whom we analyzed the demographic and clinical data relevant to age, sex, co-morbid factors, location of tumour, site of specimen extraction, hernia occurrence, surgical site infection, postoperative pain, length of hospital stay for patients underwent hand assisted anterior resection under general anesthesia, was performed using the four port method.
Regarding specimen extraction, patients were categorized to two groups: specimen extraction through lower midline incision or specimen extraction through pfaneinnsteil incision and outcomes in postoperative period(hernia occurrence, surgical site infection, postoperative pain, length of hospital stay) were compared between two groups and Differences
 Summary
in categorical variables between groups were analyzed using the chi-squared test and Fisher‘s exact test, and quantitative variables and independent groups were compared with the Mann–Whitney test and the t test. Statistical significance was defined by P value.
The current study results suggest that hernia occurrence, surgical site infection, postoperative pain, length of hospital stay are less in specimen extraction through pfaneinnsteil incision than lower midline