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Evaluation of Mother’s Expectations, Knowledge and Practices Regarding Danger Signs during Second Trimester of Pregnancy /
Soliman, Mansora Khalaf Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منصورة خلف محمود سليمان
مشرف / كاميليــا رجــب ابو شبانــة
مشرف / امــال طلعــت عبد الواحــد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
201 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الامومة وامراض النساء
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Pregnancy is a normal physiological process and not a disease, but it is associated with certain risks to the health and survival both of the women and for the infant she bears. During pregnancy a woman’s body changes. These changes can sometimes be uncomfortable, but most of the time they are normal. Abnormal signs and symptoms may lead to serious complications like morning sickness may develop into hyperemesis graviderum. So, guide the mother as alert as possible for any complications that are likely to arise. Developing a better understanding of how women manage these discomforts during pregnancy is a clear need as some women use home remedies that may have potential side effects for the mother and fetus (Kavitha et al., 2012).
Awareness of the danger signs of pregnancy is thus the first step to seeking appropriate and timely referral to emergency obstetric care and this reduces the first and second delays. Danger signs of pregnancy though not the actual obstetric complications, are symptoms that are easily recognized by the woman, her family and members of the community and include swelling of feet and hands, severe headache or fits, fever, smelly vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding before labor (Kavitha, 2012).
Word expectation was defined as (expectant mental attitude that encompass positive and negative attitudes, beliefs, perceptions).This paradoxical blend of expectations seems to affect most pregnant women cross-culturally (William Collins, 2012).
Also Pregnancy and child birth are a process that, like all other life events, is looked upon with a mixture of anticipation and happy expectation. Studies in developed countries have shown a positive impact on pregnancy and birth outcomes when the woman feels in control of the process of pregnancy and birth; making a birth plan has been shown to facilitate this feeling of self-control and autonomy (Kyenga, 2011).
This study aimed to evaluate mother’s expectations, knowledge and practices regarding danger signs during second trimester of pregnancy.
Descriptive study implemented to achieve this aim. The study was conducted at the antenatal outpatient clinics at Ain Shams Maternity University Hospital.
Systematic random sample was used to select sample 300 case. The sample was including all pregnant mothers who visited antenatal outpatient clinics at Ain Shams Maternity University Hospital starting from September 2014 to February 2015. Case was selected randomly the first four mother, based on following including criteria; All pregnant mothers in second trimester of pregnancy complaining from one or more of danger signs associated with their pregnancies with living fetus (300 case).
The data was collected by using two tools; first tool was: A Structured interview questionnaire schedule adopted which modified by researcher and revise by reviewing the relative literatures. The questionnaire sheet was consisted of 45 questions: that felt on 15:20 minute it divided into 4 parts as follow: 1st part: it was covered the mother’s general characteristics as age, education, work and place of residence. 2nd Part: it was covered the mother’s obstetrical and gynecological history. 3rd part: it was covered the mother’s knowledge regarding danger signs associated with pregnancy. Ten questions were designed to assess knowledge. Scoring system for knowledge was as the following: Each correct answer was scored two and score one for incorrect answer. 4th part: assesed mother’s immediate intervention regarding the occurrence of danger signs associated with pregnancy which were evaluated as: each correct intervention scored two and each incorrect intervention was scored as one. The intervention practical sheet included ten statements.
The second tool: was mother’s expectations check list assessment designed by the researcher: Each items in the expectations check list was used to assess mother’s expectations regarding danger signs of pregnancy it consisted of 10 item : Each items in the expectations check list was assessed as: Expected, uncertainly expected or not expected.
The main finding of the study revealed that:
The majority (71.0 %) of mothers were aged 18-30 years. Majority of them (69.3 %) live in urban area, while (20.7%) of them live in rural area. Regarding duration of marriage (59.7) of them (<5 years), while (40.3 %) were (5: 10) years. Most of the mothers (91.3 %) were housewives and only (8.7%) were formally employed. More than third of them (39.3%) had Secondary education. A number of mothers (21.7.3%) were University education. mother who had no formal education were categorized under those with primary education (18.3%).
The aim of present study was to evaluate mother’s expectations, knowledge and a practice regarding danger signs during second trimester of pregnancy, this aim was answered within the framework of the research questions, and the 1st research question was what are the mother’s expectations regarding danger signs during second trimester of pregnancy? This question was significantly answered through the present research finding.
Because study findings revealed that: the majority among the studied sample expected serious complications related to danger signs of pregnancy as: the majority among studied sample expected complication from bleeding to the mother & fetus and seek antenatal visit, and the majority among studied sample was expected water coming from vagina as a dangerous sign
Regarding sever frontal headache & Blurred vision was expected by the majority of studied sample to be as a dangerous sign. While the most among studied sample was expected swelling of the body as a danger sign. Also three quarter among studied sample was expected Seizure or loss of Consciousness as a dangerous signs.
Regarding to persistent vomiting most among studied sample was reported as a dangerous signs. Additionally two third among studied sample was expected Increase or decrease fetal movements as a dangerous signs. Also most of study sample was expected Sever pain in calf muscle as a dangerous signs. While the most of studied sample expected Pain /burning on urination as a dangerous signs. Similarity the same finding was reported unusual abdominal pain & lower back pain as dangerous signs.
Concerning the second research question was what are the mother’s knowledge & practices regarding danger signs during second trimester of pregnancy? This question was significantly answered through the present study finding which illustrate that:
Regarding recognizing danger signs of pregnancy the most of study sample recognized it, more than one third reported that: the main source of information was health team, probably because most among the study sample attended ANC and recognize danger signs in pregnancy at the health center.
Also this finding revealed that two third among the studied sample had correct Knowledge about danger signs during pregnancy. This could be because women were taught about the danger signs, or due to highly education.
Also more than half among mothers studied were expected liability of exposure to danger sings during pregnancy.
Moreover, most among mothers in this study had correct knowledge regarding regular antenatal visit, Furthermore, antenatal period clearly presents opportunities for providing pregnant mother with a health teaching that may be vital to their health and well-being and that of their fetus. It is a window of opportunity to inform women and families about danger signs and symptoms and about the risks of labor and delivery.
Also the second research question was refer the two third among the studied sample were seek medical care fear of danger signs. While more than one third among the studied sample went late to antenatal visit.
Also the present study finding revealed that less than half among the studied sample had correct practices about danger signs during pregnancy.
Also the present study finding revealed that Most of the respondents took more than one hours to reach the health center. Additionally the majority of mothers used bus to reach the health center.
Also the present study finding revealed that the most among mothers weren’t provided information about danger signs of pregnancy.
While the present study finding revealed that the majority among the studied sample self-reported avoidance of future antenatal visit due to poor quality of services and far place of antenatal clinic.
Furthermore the present study finding revealed that there was significance relation between mother’s Knowledge and their general characteristics as place of residence Respondents who was from urban had higher levels of knowledge about danger signs than those from rural area.
Also the present study finding revealed that there was significance relation between mother’s practice and their general characteristics as place of residence. As Respondents who were urban had highly seek ANC than those from rural area.
Also the present study finding revealed that there was significance relation between mother’s knowledge & practice and their education. where more respondents with college education had higher levels of knowledge about danger signs during pregnancy.
Also the present study finding revealed that there was significance relation between mother’s knowledge and complaint of danger signs (health problems).
Also the present study finding revealed that there was a significance relation between mother’s expectations of danger signs and area of residence among studied sample Respondents who were urban had higher levels of expectations about danger signs than those from rural.
Also the present study finding revealed that there was significance relation between mother’s expectations of danger signs and education among studied sample. More respondents with college education had higher levels of expectations about danger signs during pregnancy. Female education consequently motivated women for early detection of their danger signs during pregnancy
Conclusion: Based on the result of the present study findings, it was concluded that: The majority of studied sample expected serious complications regarding danger signs of pregnancy. Regarding recognizing their danger signs during pregnancy the majority among study sample recognized it. Also Respondents in this study demonstrated inadequate practices regarding danger signs of pregnancy
Finally, there was significance relation between mother’s Knowledge, practices and expectations and their general characteristics as place of residence and education.
Recommendations: Based on the findings of the study and conclusions: Awareness Rising program to enhance pregnant women awareness and practices regarding danger signs of pregnancy.