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Cardiac Rehabilitation after Myocardial Infarction:
Abdel-hamid, Mohammed Menshawy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mohammed Menshawy Abdel-hamid
مشرف / Mohamed Tarek Zaki
مشرف / Hazem Mohamed Khorshid
مناقش / Adham Ahmed Abdel-tawab
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
140 P. :
أمراض القلب والطب القلب والأوعية الدموية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - قسم القلب والاوعية الدموية
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TEMI is the most serious presentation of atherosclerotic CAD and it is known for its effect on cardiac function and can lead to impaired segmental and even global myocardial function.
Primary PCI is the treatment of choice for acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation myocardial infarction;
Cardiac Rehabilitation is considered a class I indication in numerous national guidelines following myocardial infarction as it promotes secondary prevention of CVD and is an essential component of care for all cardiac patients.
The main problems of centre-based CR are the low participation, low adherence and high drop-out rate. Several barriers to the uptake include: geographical distance and transport issues, especially in rural and remote settings, work or domestic commitments and inconvenient schedules.
In order to improve these problems home-based cardiac rehabilitation was suggested as long ago as 1980s. There are different home-based programmes that may include a combination of home visits, telephone or mail support, telemedicine or specifically developed self-education materials.
The study done on 70 patients presented with first attack acute STEMI, and underwent successful primary coronary intervention immediately, and were subdivided into two (2) groups according to patients’ preference to different modalities of cardiac rehabilitation.
group A: Patients who couldn’t undergo regular in-hospital cardiac rehabilitation and preferred to undergo home-based cardiac rehabilitation
group B: Patients who underwent regular in-hospital cardiac rehabilitation
Regarding the population studied, the mean age in group A and B was 47.94 ± 10.05 years and 46.97 ± 9.2 years receptively.
group A included 32 (91.4%) males and 3 (8.6%) females while group B included 30 (85.7%) males and 5 (14.3%) females, in group (A): 23 (65.7%) were hypertensive, 13 (62.9%) were diabetics and 28 (80.0%) were smokers While in group (B): 28 (80.0%) were hypertensive, 15 (42.9%) were diabetics and 24 (68.6%) were smokers.
We compared between changes in both groups before and after CR regarding exercise test parameters including functional capacity, exercise time resting heart rate heart rate recovery and arterial blood pressure, Echocardiographic findings and lipid profile.
During our study, we observe that regular CR leads to improvement in exercise test parameters Echocardiographic findings and lipid profile also we observe that home-based CR does not have significantly inferior outcomes compared to center-based supervised program.