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هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Mohamed El- Sayed El -Haddad
مشرف / Nahed Samy Youssef
مناقش / Nahed Samy Youssef
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - مكروبيولوجيا زراعية
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Mushroom is one of the man’s earliest foods which have come to
be recognized as highly nutritive food, low in calories, but rich in proteins
and certain vitamins. A distinctive feature of mushroom protein is that it
comprises of all the essential amino acids and has highly digestible value.
The vitamins of mushrooms are not destroyed by cooking, drying and
freezing. Mushroom has been used as a food and medicine by different
civilizations since immemorial time, due to its delicious taste and dietetic
qualities. Development of mushroom industry was stimulated in 1960,
with the establishment of laboratories for research on the mushroom.
Such development was established not only in U.S.A and Europ but also
in Jaban, Tiwan and Korea. Improved technologies on the use of
mushroom growing houses and use of pure culture spawn increased
production of the mushroom world wide
1. In vitro experiments
Five different bacterial strains namely, Peanibacillus polymyxa
(AT13), Bacillus circulans (SD6), Bacillus megaterium (PSB),
Azotobacter chroococcum (A101) and Pseudomonas flourescens (Ps1)
were tested for their antagonistic activity against eight edible mushroom
strains namely Straphoria rugoso-annulate, Pleurotus sajor-caju,
Auricularia. sp, Lentinula edodes, Vollvariella volvacea. Pleurotus
eryngii, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus florida. Most of the bacterial
strains showed antagonistic among all the treatments except Peanibacillus
polymyxa with P. eryngii, P. ostreatus and Ps. flourescens with P. florida
which reveals no antagonistic effect between each pair of them. selected
bacterial strains Peani. polymyxa and Ps. flourescens were examined for
some biological activities such as nitrogenase activity, phosphate
solubilization, potassium mobilization, production of indole acetic
acid(IAA), gibberellic acid and cytokinins. Peani. polymyxa was able to
fix atmospheric nitrogen with nitrogenase activity which estimated 3.38 μ
Mole C2H4/ml/h. The highest amount of solubilized phosphate was
Norhan Hassan Abdel-Aziz (2018), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
recorded with Ps. flourescens. While the capability of potassium
mobilization was recorded with Peani. polymyxa. Ps. fluorescens
recorded the highest production capability of cytokinins, indol acetic acid
and gibberellin. In accordance with enzymatic activities the strain Peani.
polymyxa exhibit the highest enzymatic activity on the plate as an
oxidative zone with laccase being 2.2 cm and as hydrolysis zone with
cellulose, protease and chitinase being 2, 3.9 and 0.9 cm respectively.
The linear mycelial growth of three oyster mushroom strains
namely P. eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. florida was examined on six
different agar media to select the most suitable one. Effect of pH was also
examined at different values on the selected medium. Results indicated
that malt extract agar medium was the most suitable one for mycelium
growth of all the tested mushroom strains.
The mycelia growth of the tested oyster mushroom strains was also
examined at different temperatures. The highest significant mean linear
growth (cm) was recorded within 25oC in all tested strains The capability
of the tested mushroom strains P. eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. florida to
grown on wide range of relative humidity (RH) levels have been tested
invitro to locate the best relative humidity that award the best linear
growth for each strain. The highest significant linear growth was
recorded within 65% RH in all tested mushroom strains.
Seven different cereal grains namely (millet, sorghum, barley,
yellow maize, white maize, wheat, and oat were tested individually or in
combination(1:1) for mushroom spawn production to select the best
spawn production substrate that gives the best growth performance of
tested mushroom strains P. eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. florida during
spawn production stage.
Effect of different cereal grains on nitrogen and dry matter% of P.
eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. florida at the end of the spawn production
stage were also determined. No significant variation was recorded in
nitrogen % between spawn substrates inoculated by the same mushroom
Norhan Hassan Abdel-Aziz (2018), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
strain. The highest dry matter% was recorded with yellow maize spawn
inoculated with P. eryngii and P. ostreatus. While the highest dry
matter% of spawn substrates inoculated with P. florida was recorded with
sorghum, yellow maize and white maize which gave 60% for all of them
The effect of different combinations between seven cereal
grains (1:1) on the linear growth of selected oyster mushrooms (P.
eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. florida) during incubation period throughout
spawn production stage were also examined. The highest significant
linear growth for P. eryngii (8 cm) was recorded with millet + yellow
maize and millet + wheat after 9 days for both of them. While strains P.
ostreatus and P. florida recorded their highest significant linear growth
(8cm) on millet + yellow maize as a growth substrate after 14 and 9 days
respectively. No significant variation was recorded in nitrogen % between
all different mixtures of cereal grains inoculated with P. eryngii at which
the highest significant nitrogen % was recorded with millet + oat mixture
spawn substrate inoculated with P. eryngii. While mixed cereal grains
inoculated with P. ostreatus and P. florida recorded low significant
variations in nitrogen % at which the highest significant nitrogen % were
recorded with barely + wheat spawn substrate inoculated with P.
ostreatus and yellow maize+ wheat inoculated with P. florida. The
highest significant dry matter % were recorded with millet +sorghum
spawn substrate inoculated with P. eryngii and P. florida and millet +
yellow maize inoculated by P. ostreatus.
Twelve different substrates were examined on mushroom growth
namely (cotton waste, cottonseed hull, cottonseed cake, maize husk,
maize stalk, corn cob, sugar cane bagasse, sugar cane leaf, rice straw,
wheat straw, banana leaf and broad bean stover) were tested individually
as growth substrates for mycelial mushroom production. The highest
significant linear growth (8 cm) for P. eryngii and P. ostreatus recorded
with cottonseed cake after 9 days from incubation period for both of them
followed by cottonseed hull that recorded full colonization (8 cm) after 14
Norhan Hassan Abdel-Aziz (2018), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
and 12 days respectively. While P. florida recorded its highest significant
linear growth (8cm) on cottonseed hull after 11 days followed by
cottonseed cake which recorded the full colonization (8cm) after 12 days.
The highest significant nitrogen% were recorded with cottonseed hull
beds inoculated by P. eryngii and P. florida and cottonseed cake beds
inoculated by P. ostreatus. The highest significant dry matter% were
recorded with cottonseed hull beds inoculated by P. eryngii and P. florida
and cotton seed cake beds inoculated by P. ostreatus.
The effect of different concentrations (0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%) of
ammonium sulphate and urea as chemical additives to improve the growth
performance of selected oyster mushroom strains (P. eryngii, P. ostreatus
and P. florida) grown on different substrates were also examined to select
the best concentration from each chemical additive that improve the
growth performance of each mushroom strain during 21 days of
incubation period.
The highest significant linear growth (8 cm) for P. eryngii was
recorded within cotton waste supplemented with 0.5% ammonium
sulphate as a chemical additive after 12 days of inoculation. While the
highest linear growth and the lowest full colonization period compared to
other concentrations of ammonium sulphate, 0.5% ammonium sulphate as
a chemical additive reveal slow growth rate on all growth substrates
inoculated by P. ostreatus during incubation period when compared to the
other concentrations at which the growth was continued after 21 days of
incubation period except cotton seed hull and maize husk which reached
the full colonization (8cm) after 16 and 18 days respectively. P. florida
recorded the highest significant linear growth (8cm) within cotton seed
hull supplemented with 0.5% ammonium sulphate after 15 days of
incubation period.
Cotton waste beds supplemented with 0.5 ammonium sulphate
recorded the highest significant nitrogen % for P. eryngii when compared
to other substrates supplemented within the same concentration of
Norhan Hassan Abdel-Aziz (2018), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
ammonium sulphate being 2.10%. While 0.5% ammonium sulphate
recorded highest significant dry matter 49.0% at the same substrate. The
cottonseed hull supplemented with 0.5% ammonium sulphate recorded
the highest significant nitrogen% 2.80 for P. ostreatus which gave the
highest significant dry matter 64.0% when compared to other beds
supplemented with the same ammonium sulphate concentration. The
highest significant nitrogen 2.10% for P. florida was recorded with
cottonseed hull beds supplemented with 0.5% ammonium sulphate which
gave significant dry matter 54.60 % at the same concentration of
ammonium sulphate
The highest significant linear growth was recorded within
cottonseed cake followed by cottonseed hull supplemented with 0.5%
urea for P. eryngii recorded full colonization (8cm) after 14 and 15 days
respectively and The highest significant linear growth was recorded
within cottonseed hull and cotton seed cake supplemented with 0.5% urea
for P. ostreatus which recorded full colonization (8cm) after 16 days for
both of them. While the highest significant linear growth was recorded
within cotton seed cake followed by cottonseed hull supplemented with
0.5% urea which recorded full colonization (8cm) after 15 days and 16
days respectively.
Cottonseed hull beds supplemented with 0.5and 1.0% urea as bed
substrate for P. eryngii recorded the highest significant nitrogen % and
the highest significant dry matter. The highest significant nitrogen% for
P. ostreatus was recorded within wheat straw beds supplemented with
0.5% urea and cottonseed cake supplemented with 1.0% and 1.5% urea.
Maize husk beds either supplemented with 0.5 or 1.0% urea recorded the
highest significant nitrogen % for P. florida when compared to other bed
substrates supplemented with the same concentration of urea and the
highest dry matter% recorded with cottonseed hull beds supplemented
with different concentrations from urea when compared to other beds
supplemented with the same concentration of urea.
Norhan Hassan Abdel-Aziz (2018), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
The effect of different levels from wheat bran as an organic additive
on the growth performance of selected mushroom strains grown on
different substrates were also examined to select the best wheat bran level
that improve the growth performance of each mushroom strain during 21
days of incubation period. Substrates supplemented with 20% wheat bran
recorded the highest significant linear growth which is documented as full
colonization (8cm) with cotton waste, cottonseed cake and corn cob for P.
eryngii after 12 days of inoculation for all of them. While substrates
supplemented with 25% wheat bran recorded the highest significant linear
growth with sugar cane bagasse after 12 days of inoculation. The highest
significant linear growth of P. ostreatus which is full colonization (8cm)
was recorded with cotton waste supplemented with 20% wheat bran and
sugar cane bagasse supplemented with 25% wheat bran after 14 days of
inoculations for both of them. While the highest significant linear growth
of P. florida (8cm) was recorded with cotton waste supplemented with
20% wheat bran after 12 days when compared to other substrates
supplemented with 20% wheat bran. Substrates supplemented 30% of
wheat bran recorded the highest significant linear growth of P. florida
with maize stalk and sugar can bagasse after 12 days inoculation when
compared to other substrates
Sugarcane bagasse beds supplemented with 20 and 25% wheat bran
for P. eryngii recorded the highest significant nitrogen% when compared
to other bed substrates supplemented with the same level of wheat bran
and rice straw supplemented with 20 and 25% wheat bran gave the
highest significant dry matter% when compared to other beds
supplemented with the same wheat bran level. While sugar cane leaf
supplemented by 20% and 35% wheat bran for P. ostreatus recorded the
highest significant nitrogen% when compared to other bed substrates
supplemented by the same level of wheat bran. While rice straw
supplemented by 25% and 30% wheat bran recorded the highest
significant nitrogen% when compared to other beds supplemented by the
same dosage of wheat bran and the highest significant dry matter% were
Norhan Hassan Abdel-Aziz (2018), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
recorded within cottonseed hull supplemented by 20% wheat bran, maize
stalk supplemented by 25% wheat bran, wheat straw supplemented by
30% wheat bran and broad bean stover supplemented by 35% wheat bran.
P. florida strain recorded the highest significant nitrogen% with maize
husk supplemented by 20% and 25% wheat bran when compared to other
beds supplemented with the same level of wheat bran and the highest
significant dry matter% were recorded with cottonseed hull beds of P.
florida strain supplemented by 20%, 30% and 35% wheat bran when
compared to other substrates supplemented by same wheat bran level.
Effect of different levels of different bacterial culture as biological
additive on the growth performance of selected mushroom strains were
conducted in two stage, spawn production stage and mycelial production
stage at different levels of microbial inoculants (Peani polymyxa for
inoculate P. eryngii and P. ostreatus bed spawn) and (Ps. fluorescens for
P. florida bed spawn) to select the best bacterial culture level that
improve the growth performance of each mushroom strains.
The highest significant linear growth of P. eryngii was recorded
with sorghum and millet + yellow maize either supplemented by 1 ml of
Peani. Polymyxa or 2 ml of Peani. Polymyxa after 12, 12 and 17, 17 days
in respective order. While the highest significant linear growth of P.
ostreatus was recorded with millet + sorghum supplemented by 1 ml
Peani. Polymyxa, millet, and barley supplemented by 2 ml of Peani.
Polymyxa after 12, 16 and 16 days respectively and the highest significant
linear growth of P. florida were recorded with sorghum supplemented by
1 ml of Ps. fluorecens, millet +yellow maize supplemented by 2 ml of Ps.
fluorecens after 12 and 12 days of incubation period.
The highest significant nitrogen was recorded with millet +yellow
maize supplemented by 1, 2 and 3 ml of Peani. polymyxa for P. eryngii
when compared with other cereal grains supplemented by the same dose
of Peani. Polymyxa and the highest significant dry matter% was recorded
with millet + wheat supplemented by 1, 2 and 3 ml of Peani. polymyxa for
Norhan Hassan Abdel-Aziz (2018), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
P. eryngii. While the highest significant nitrogen% was recorded with
millet+ yellow maize in all doses of Peani. polymyxa when compared
with other cereal grains supplemented by the same dose of Peani.
polymyxa and the highest significant dry matter% was recorded with
sorghum supplemented by all doses of Peani. polymyxa for P. ostreatus
strain when compared to other cereal grains supplemented by the same
dose from Peani. polymyxa. The highest significant nitrogen% were
recorded with millet + yellow maize in all supplemented doses of Ps.
fluorescens for P. florida strain when compared with other cereal grains
supplemented by the same dose from Ps. fluorescens and the highest
significant dry matter% was recorded with sorghum supplemented by all
doses of Ps. fluorescens for P. florida when compared to other cereal
grains supplemented by the same dose of Ps. fluorescens
The growth performance of P. eryngii inoculated on different
growth substrates supplemented with different concentrations of Peani.
polymyxa as biological additive showed significant linear growth of P.
eryngii (8cm) were recorded with cotton waste and cottonseed cake
supplemented with 25% Peani. polymyxa after 12 days when compared to
other substrates supplemented with the same concentration of Peani
polymyxa. While the highest significant linear growth of P. ostreatus
(8cm) was recorded with cottonseed cake supplemented with 25% Peani
polymyxa and corn cob supplemented with 50% Peani polymyxa after 12
days for both of them when compared to other substrates supplemented
with the same concentration of Peani polymyxa. The highest significant
linear growth of P. florida (8cm) was recorded with cotton waste
supplemented with 25% Ps. fluorescens after 12 days from inoculation
when compared to other substrates supplemented with the same
concentration of Ps. fluorescens.
The highest significant nitrogen% of P. eryngii was recorded within
cotton waste beds supplemented with each of Peani polymyxa doses,
when compared to other beds supplemented with the same doses of Peani