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هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Ahmed Galal El-Sayed
مشرف / Mahmoud Yousef Mahrous
مناقش / Hassan Hassan Younis
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
109 P. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم الزراعة فى الاراضى القاحلة
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view


This experiment was carried out at poultry breeding farm in Shalakan, Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, and Ain Shams University. It designed to evaluate the productive performance for broiler strain when probiotics added for the broiler diet and exposed to high temperature during the first week under environmental conditions of Egypt. Some measurements taken in this study like: (body weight – body weight gain – feed consumption – feed conversion ratio - carcass characteristics - abdominal fat – blood parameters – Pha-p Cell-mediated immunity).
The main results could summarize as follows:
1. Body weight and gain Body weight.
• The broiler chicks group added probiotics by 50gm/100kg feed and exposed to high temperature during the one week of old was significantly heaviest body weight in all period of experimental another 5-week compared to other groups.
• It was concluded that the marketing weight (5wk) of control + broiler chicks was exposed to high temperature during the one week of old significantly heavier than that other groups. In the same trend observed that in body weight gain (0-5 weeks) higher than the same group for the other of the groups.
• The body weight gain between (0-5 weeks) was higher for (Control+) exposed of heat stress treatment than the other of the groups.
2. Feed consumption & Feed conversion ratio and Body weight gain
• The present result showed that the broiler chicks groups added probiotic and exposed of heat stress were significantly consumed more feed from 14 to 28 days of age compared to control (-&+) broiler chicks.
• from 28 to 35 days of age, it could be noticed that the control exposed of heat stress broiler chicks were significantly consumed less feed compared to the remaining groups.
• Concerning feed conversion ratio, it could be observed that the control positive broiler chicks had better feed conversion ratio calculated from 14 to 28 days compared to other groups.
• With respect to the body weight gain, the present result showed that there was no significant difference among groups for body weight gain calculated from 14 to 28 days of age.
• Inversely, from the later stage of growth (28 to 42 day) of age, the control negative broiler chicks were significantly higher body weight gain compared to remaining groups from 14 to 42 days of age, it could be noticed that the pro.50g treatment broiler chicks recorded the lowest value compared to other groups.
3. Carcass characteristics
• The present results were no significant difference indicated that the body weight of treated-groups was heaviest than that of control negative group.
• It could be observed that the control of exposed of heat stress significantly decreased the relative inedible meat parts compared to remaining control group and others treatments.
• Our results showed that the broiler chicks added probiotic 100g and exposed of heat stress recorded higher dressing percentage values compared to other groups and observed that the negative control recorded lower value.
• The present results showed that the broiler chicks were no significantly relative breast muscle weight and percentage among groups. Similar trend was observed for relative percentage thigh and drum muscles, where the broiler chicks consumed probiotic 100g and exposed of heat stress recorded higher relative thigh muscle weight compared to remaining groups.
4. Abdominal fat
• The present result showed that the broiler chicks exposed of heat stress and consumed probiotic were significantly lower relative abdominal fat weight compared to control-group. Similar trend was noticed for group broiler chicks exposed of heat stress only when compared with control group.
5. Blood parameters.
• It could be noticed that the broiler chicks exposed of heat stress only and groups additive probiotic recorded the highest hemoglobin and Hematocrit l
• With respect to plasma total protein, the present results indicated that the TPP did not significantly affected by all groups accept pro.50g group increased slightly. Observed plasma albumin was no significantly among groups.But showed that higer recorded about groups which fed on probiotic and exposed heat stress compared to control groups (-&+).
• All groups had statistically similar plasma thyroid hormones of T3; however additive probiotic and exposed of heat stress groups (pro.50 & pro.150) tended to have the highest T4 ratio compared to others groups.
6. Heterophils / lymphocytes ratio.
• The heterophills count was significantly decreased when broiler chicks were consumed probiotic and exposed of heat stress compared to control negative group.
• The broiler chicks additive of probiotic and exposed of heat stress and combination were significantly reduced monocyte, basophile and eosinophil counts compared to control group.
7. Changes in lymphoid organ weights.
• The present results showed that the relative bursa weight was significantly increased in groups additive of probiotic and exposed of heat sress compared to control (-&+) groups.
• There was no significant difference between control- and control (+) groups. Similar trend observed of lung weight.
8. Thermo physiology (skin temperature and rectal temperature)
• TC groups, PL and their interaction had no significant effect on Ts. However only TC group had a significant (p ≤ 0.05) effect on Tr that control + and pro.50 birds had significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower Tr compared to control - and another groups tended to have the lowest Ts.
• The results indicated that control negative treatment had significant (p ≤ 0.01) effect only on Tr whereas Probiotic and control positive interaction had no significant effect on all studied traits. Heat stressed groups had significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher Ts than the negative control but pro.100, pro.150 tended to have higher Ts compared with control-HS.
9. Mortality rate.
• Indicated that the control negative broiler chicks control had significantly highest mortality number compared to all groups broiler chicks. However, this result is due to birds’ adaptation to high temperature since childhood as well as to adding probiotic.
10. Cell-mediated immunity.
• The present result observed that the probiotic treatment groups showed significantly higher cell mediated compared to the control
(-&+) groups.
• A significant increase was recorded in the relative weight of thymus gland in all probiotic supplemented groups compared to the control one.
• Probiotic supplementation significantly (p<0.05) increased the relative weight of thymus in all probiotic treatment groups at 35 day of age as compared Birds groups can respond to vaccination by developing humeral and cellular immune responses.