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المساعدات الإنسانية الدولية فى ضوء أحكام القانون الدولى /
النصر، أبو عجيلة عامر الهادي سيف.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أبو عجيلة عامر الهادي سيف النصر
مشرف / محمد رضا الديب
مناقش / محمد شوقى عبدالعال
مناقش / حازم محمد عتلم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
538ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الحقوق - قسم القانون الدولي العام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 538

from 538


International Humanitarian Aid is of great importance to the international community, as it represents a form of solidarity between States and peoples and represents a humanitarian act required by human instinct.
The importance of the research is reflected in the fact that it reflects the development of international solidarity as one of the duties imposed on the international community in situations of war, natural disasters and sudden emergency situations that cause states and state organizations to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need to alleviate their suffering and preserve human rights..
This led me to write on the subject to shed light on the international legal rules governing humanitarian aid and the new developments in the humanitarian aid operations, especially the intervention of the UN Security Council, which contributed to establishing a base in humanitarian assistance as a new human right.
Based on the above, humanitarian assistance contributes to alleviating human pain, increasing international solidarity and supporting international relations among peoples. Therefore, we divided this study into two sections, preceded by an introductory chapter, which explains the definition of humanitarian aid and the distinction between it and similar concepts that can be mixed with it or Interfere with it, which is an introduction to address the substance of the subject in the two main sections are:
Part I: The legal basis for humanitarian assistance includes two chapters:
Chapter I: Addressing the Right to Humanitarian Aid and its legitimacy. It is clear that international cooperation in the field of humanitarian assistance is governed by ethical and legal considerations, where the motives for assistance may be humanitarian, moral, political or legal, and it is clear that the strongest foundations are agreement and custom.
And that the provision of assistance is subject to the consent of the State, otherwise it would have been unlawful and that the principles of humanitarian action, such as neutrality, impartiality, non-discrimination and humanity, must be adhered to.
Chapter II deals with the scope and content of the right to humanitarian assistance and consolidates international rules governing aid in various situations such as wars, natural disasters and other emergencies, and then to parties entitled to humanitarian assistance who are victims of these cases and the parties providing assistance. We then clarified the rights and duties of each of these parties And ends its duty to accept assistance while facilitating the access of individuals and relief materials to those in need.
The second part was to highlight the mechanisms of implementation of international humanitarian assistance and this is done peacefully by convention or through international organizations of the United Nations or non-governmental organizations.
Humanitarian assistance can also be made by military means through the work of the UN Security Council. In such cases, there are other legal justifications for intervening to the military, not to assist the needy. These reasons must be legitimate in accordance with international law..
The need to establish a body in each country for the management of crises and disasters, although this body already exists must be developed and provided with legal expertise in addition to other experiences, and call for the formulation of rules governing the implementation of humanitarian assistance in situations of internal armed conflicts, which represents a threat to international peace and security even The United Nations would be able to act on it, as well as the call for an international convention to protect human beings in natural or man-made disasters as the nucleus of a new branch of international law, To activate the mechanisms available in the Geneva Conventions for the conduct of relief work and to develop means of implementation to include international armed conflicts and non-international conflicts as well as to monitor States’ implementation of those conventions as a means of implementing the right to humanitarian assistance.
There is a close relationship between the protection of civilians and the question of the maintenance of international peace and security, which has led to the protection of civilians as a justification for the maintenance of international peace and security and as an international issue linked to the objectives of the United Nations in achieving international peace and security.