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Factors Affecting Quality of Life of Patients Post Kidney Transplantation /
Sami,Ahmed Fathi Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ahmed Fathi Mohamed Sami
مشرف / Hanan Shehata
مشرف / Yosreah Mohamed
مشرف / Khaled El-Dahshan
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تمريض العناية الحرجة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - التمريض الباطنى الجراحى (حالات حرجة)
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Oatients in the end-stage renal disease phase have two options in order to stay alive: life-long dialysis or kidney transplantation but kidney transplantation is the best choice for patients who have chronic kidney diseases (CKD) specially end stage renal failure (ESRF). In this operation, person with kidney failure (recipient) receive a new kidney from other person (donor) and new kidney take over the work of cleaning the blood (National kidney foundation, 2015).
Kidney transplantation may be the treatment option that allows them to live much like lived before kidneys failed, but transplantation is not a cure; it’s an ongoing treatment that requires taking medicines for the rest of life (The National Institute of Kidney Diseases, 2014).
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is a multi-dimensional concept that includes domains related to physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning. It goes beyond direct measures of population health, life expectancy, and causes of death, and focuses on the impact health status has on quality of life (Kobau, et al, 2010).
Renal transplant patients face many new challenges after transplantation and need to develop new coping strategies and renal transplant nurses can play a key role in that process. Renal transplant nurses offer more social support and provide patients with advice on post-transplant care, immunosuppressive medication and self-care skills (Journal of advanced nurse, 2009).
Aim of the study
The aim of the study was to assess factors affecting quality of life of patients post kidney transplantation through:
1- Assessing quality of life of patients post kidney transplantation which includes physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions.
2- Assessing factors affecting quality of life of patients post kidney transplantation.
Research question
What are factors affecting quality of life of patients post kidney transplantation?
Subjects and method
Research design
Descriptive exploratory design was used to achieve the aim of the study.
The study was conducted in Nephrology Outpatient Clinic at Urology and Nephrology center at Mansura University, this clinic lies in second floor and contain 5 rooms and reception hall.Subjects
Purposive subjects included 164 patient who visited Nephrology Outpatient Clinic at Urology and Nephrology center at Mansura University were involved in this study.
C-Inclusion criteria
- At least one year post transplantation.
- Graft success
- Patients over 18 year and less than 50 year.
Tools and data collection
Data were collected using two tools:-
I) Structured interview questionnaire (appendix I)
This tool were developed by the researcher in simple Arabic language after reviewing the related recent literature, it included three parts,
Part 1: It was used to assess socio-demographic characteristics of patients post kidney transplantation, as age, sex, marital status, education level, occupation, residence, economic level, smoking and sporting activities and medical history of patients post kidney transplantation.Part 2: It was used to assess factors affecting quality of life of patients post kidney transplantation, as housing, economic, work and medication factors.
Part 3: Kidney transplantation knowledge questionnaire
- It was used to assess patient’s knowledge post kidney transplantation.
- It consists of (19) question which measured knowledge about definition of kidney transplantation (2), type of donation (1), complications post kidney transplantation (5), types and complications of immunosuppressant post kidney transplantation (6), life style modifications post kidney transplantation (5) items.
Scoring system
Each question was scored (1) mark for each correct answer, (0) mark for each incorrect answer then the satisfactory level of knowledge were considered from (75%) and above. Less than (75%) were considered unsatisfactory level of knowledge.
II) Quality of life scale (appendix II)
- Quality of life scale with standardized activities adopted from quality of life index kidney transplant version-III (Ferrans & Powers, 1984) to assess physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions. The tool comprise (38) questions which measured (4) multi-dimension variables, physical (14) questions, social (13) questions, psychological (7) questions and spiritual (4) questions.
Scoring system
Answer to each question is scored (1) not satisfied, (2) satisfied to some extent and (3) satisfied then coded for each variable item, summed and transformed onto ranging (<50%) not satisfied, (50% - <75% ) satisfied to some extent and (75%-100%) satisfied.