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نموذج مقترح لأثر المناخ الأخلاقي وجودة
حياة العمل على الالتزام التنظيمي :
مصطفى، أميرة يحيى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أميرة يحيى مصطفى
مشرف / محمود محمد السيد
مشرف / سوسن عبد الفتاح وهب.
مناقش / عايدة سيد خطاب
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
235ص. :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التجارة - قسم إدارة الأعمال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 235

from 235


This research addresses the effective relationship for both ethical climate and work life quality on the organizational commitment through an applied study on the employees of oil companies in public sector.
Firstly: the study problem
In the light of what has been said the problem of the research is represented as following:-
1- What are the concept and dimensions of ethical climate? Are they different among the oil companies mentioned in the study?
2- What are the concept and dimensions of work life quality? Are they different among the oil companies mentioned in the study?
3- What are the concept and dimensions of the organizational commitment? Are they different among the oil companies mentioned in the study?
4- What is the effect of the ethical climate and work life quality on the organizational commitment? Are they different among the oil companies mentioned in the study?
Secondly: the study goals
The study goals are represented in the following:
1-Identifying the concept and dimensions of the ethical climate and the results of that on the individuals and the organization
2-Identifying the concept and dimensions of the work life quality.
3-Identifying the concept and the dimensions of the organizational commitment and the results of that on the individuals and the organization
4-Studying the relation between the ethical climate, work life quality and the organizational commitment.
5-Reaching a group of recommendations to help in improving the ethical climate and achieving the work life quality and its reflect on the workers commitment.
Thirdly: the study importance
The study importance is clear through the following points
1- The Arab studies don’t cover the ethical climate sufficiently, that’s from the researcher’ point of view.
2- The ever-increasing interest in the non-ethical practices of many organizations from the public opinion, mass media consumer protection associations and others.
3- The international ever-increasing interest in ethics generally and work ethics especially. This was represented by publishing a group of specialized magazines in this topic and increasing number of programs about this topic.
Fourthly: the study proposes
The study proposes are as following:
The first propose: these is no significant indication of the ethical climate dimension on the organizational commitment. This propose divides into the following
1- These is no significant indication for self-benefit on the organizational commitment.
2- There is no significant indication for the organization benefit on the organizational commitment.
3- There is no significant indication for the team benefit on the organizational commitment.
4- There is no significant indication for friendship on the organizational commitment.
5- There is no significant indication for social responsibility on organizational commitment.
6- There is no significant indication for personal ethical beliefs on the organizational commitment.
7- There is no significant indication for commitment of the organization rules and regulations on the organizational commitment.
The second propose:
There is no significant indication of work life quality dimensions on the organizational commitment. This proposes divides into the following:
1- There is no significant indication for the justice of wages and financial incentives on the organizational commitment.
2- There is no significant indication for chance of career development and promotion on the organizational commitment.
3- There is no significant indication of continuous learning and training on the organizational commitment.
4- There is no significant indication for employee’s contribution in making decisions on the organizational commitment.
5- There is no significant indication for boss’s method of supervisions on the organizational commitment.
The third propose:
There is no significant indication of ethical climate and work life quality on the organizational commitment.
Fifthly: the study method
The researcher has depend on the following two methods.
The descriptive analytic method:-
- To set the theoretical frame of the study by using the following resources:
- Arab and foreign books and references.
- Arab and foreign periodicals.
- Published and non-published researches.
The applied method:-
To get the required data for the applied study by depending on investigation list method. The researcher has prepared it to identify the effect of ethical climate and work life quality on the organizational commitment through depending on a set of previous studies.
Sixthly: The study Body
It includes the following chapters: The first chapter:
The intellectual framework It includes, the study introduction, the study problem, the study importance, the study proposes, the study variables, the study model, the community and sample of the study, the study method, the statistical analysis methods.
The second chapter: The previous knowledgeable contributions.
It includes the previous Arab and foreign studies for ethical climate, work life quality and organizational commitment.
The third chapter: The ethical climate
It includes the concept of ethical climate, factors that Help to build the ethical work climate, ethics resources, the reasons for the attention to the ethical climate, the ethical climate dimensions, the ethical behavior management, the factors affecting the ethical behavior and the factors of improving ethical climate.
The fourth chapter: work life quality
It includes the concept and the origin of work life quality, work life quality elements, the importance of applying work life quality program, the obstacles of applying work life quality, the steps of improving work life quality and the steps of organizing work life quality.
The fifth chapter: The organizational commitment
It includes the concept of organizational commitment, the organizational commitment approaches, variables, stages, dimension and methods of development. It also indudes the factors affecting it, its importance, its advantages, its effects and determinants of behaviour.
A) The results of the field study
1- The results of the field study of organizational commitment
 There are significant differences among companies in the study for the organizational commitment
The differences among these companies are results of differences of the workers responses in the following companies (Cairo Petroleum, Petroleum Pipes, Misr for petroleum) and the workers of the following companies ( Petro gas, cooperation Petroleum , public company for petroleum), the results were for the workers of (Cairo Petroleum, Petroleum Pipes, Misr for petroleum) and they were confirmed by the average.
2- Results of the field study of ethical climate and work life quality:
a- There are essential differences among companies included in the study for the dimension of ethical climate which includes the following variables (self – interest/ team interest / friendship/ stricting to the rules and regulations of the organization – the organization interest / the social responsibility / the personal ethical beliefs) the results were for the responses of the employees of (Cairo petrolium company – Misr
Petrolium – Oil pipes) and these results were confirmed by average of these companies.
b- There’re essential differences among the six companies for the dimension of work life quality represented in (fairness of wages, financial incentives – chances of career development and promotion – continuous training and learning– type of supervision – contribution in making decision) the results were the responses of the employees in (Cairo petrolium – Misr petrolium – Oil pipes), this was confirmed by the average.
B) Testing proposes
1- The main first propose results:
The first main propose was refused (there is no significant indication for the ethical climate dimension on organizational commitment.
The alternative propose was accepted (there is an influence with statistical indication for the ethical climate dimensions on the organizational commitment).
- The results confirmed the following:
* There is an influence with significant indication for self – interest on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with statistical indication for the organization interest on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with statistical indication for friendship on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with statistical indication for social responsibility on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with statistical indication for personal and ethical beliefs on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with statistical indication for stricting with the organization regulations and rules on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with statistical indication for team – interest on the organizational commitment.
- The results also showed that the ethical climate dimensions were dissimilar in the level of influence. The dimensions are as following according to the standard value of the dimensions.
- The organization interest.
- The friendship.
- Stricting to the organization rules and regulations.
- The team-interest.
- It’s remarkable that all the previous variables Were with direct relation with the organizational commitment.
2- The second main propose results:-
The second main propose was refused (There is no an influence with significant indication for work life quality dimensions on the organizational commitment).
The alternatie propose was accepted (these is an influence with significant indication for the work life quality on the organizational commitment).
- The results confirmed that:
* There is an influence with significant indicatin for the fairness of wages and financial incentives on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with significant indication for chances of career development and promotion on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with significant indication for continuous training and learning on the organizational commitment.
* There is an influence with significant indication for type of supervision on the organisational commitment.
* There is an influence with significant indication for employee’s contribution in decision making on the organizational commitment.
The results showed that the work life quality dimensions were dissimilar in the level of influence.
The dimensions of work life quality were as following according to their importance.
- Fairness of wages and financial incentives system.
- Chances of career development and promotion.
- Employee’s contribution in decision making.
- Supervision type.
- It’s remarkable that all the previous variables were in direct relation in affecting the organizational commitment.
3- The third main propose results:
The third main propose was refused (there is no significant effect with statistical indication of ethical climate and work life quality on the organizational commitment).
The alternative propose was accepted (there is significant effect with statistical indication of ethical climate and work life quality on the organizational commitment).
The results confirmed that ethical climate and work life quality were different in effect. The following are the dimensions according to their importance:-
- Ethical climate-work life quality
C- The results of applying the proposed Model
1) The results of testing the proposed model showed a strong relation and positive effect among the dimensions of the ethical climate (the organizational benefit- team benefit – self benefit- the social responsibility – the friendship – adhering to the organizational rules – the ethical personal beliefs) and the dimensions of organizational commitment (the emotional commitment – the continuous commitment – the standard commitment) in the companies of oil sector.
2) The results also showed that there is a strong correlative relation and positive effect among the dimensions of work life quality (supervision type – the fairness of salaries system – chances and career development and promotion- workers participation in decision making – continuous learning and training) and the dimensions of organizational commitment (the emotional commitment – the continuous commitment – the standard commitment) in the companies of oil sector.
3) The results showed that there is a correlation and positive effect for the ethical climate and work life quality on the organizational commitment in the companies of oil sector.
Seventhly: Recommendations RecommendationResponsible for implement Method of implement
1- Petroleum companies should decrease the climate of selfishness as much as they can because it has a negative effect on the organization commitment
- High Management.
- Middle management.
- Managers
- Setting up team – work system to decrease selfishness and self – interest.
RecommendationResponsible for implement Method of implement
2- High Management sets up the concept of ethical work climate and working on developing and supporting this concept
High Management of the organization
- Setting up workshops to clear the importance of ethical climate.
- Setting up a training course to practice ethical climate.
- Admitting the importance of spreading this concept inside the organization to increase the employees’ organisational commitment.
3-The necessity of providing a chance for many employees to contribute to the process of decision making in the shadow of ethical climate and contribute to improving the worklife quality which in turn increasing the employees’ organisational commitment.
High management
Human resources Management
-Developing the employees’ skills towards decision making relating to their duties aiming to achive distinction in their work.
- Holding meetings periodically to discuss and exchange opinions required for decision making.
4- shaping a suitable ethical climate helping in establishing and developing ethical values and beliefs to contribute to the programs of rising up the work life quality
- Human Resources.
- Training department
-Employment develop-ment depart
- supporting ways of communications among different departments of management.
- Identifying the problems of employees inside and outside work and trying to find suitable solutions to achieve balance between personal life and work life.
- achieving stability and security of employees and training them both professionally and ethically
5- Re-Considering the
- Human Resources
- Connecting rewards with
RecommendationResponsible for implement Method of implement
systems of wages and incentives
- financial department
- finding satisfied systems of wages and incentives for the employees
6- Paying attention to develop matual understanding between the employees and the management.
- Human Resources.
- Training and developing Department.
- Work developing Department.
- establishing open ways of communications between employees and the management.
- Holding periodical meetings between the employees and the management.
- Discussing and revising the expectations of both employees and management and how both sides strict towards the other