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Client’s Satisfaction Regarding Nurses’ Performance
in Family Planning Centers in
a Rural Community /
Mohamed, Ghada Mohamed Bayoumy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ghada Mohamed Bayoumy Mohamed
مشرف / Nawal Mahmoud Soliman
مشرف / Nadia Ibrahim Abd-El-Aty
مناقش / Nadia Ibrahim Abd-El-Aty
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
201p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة مجتمع
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lient’s satisfaction is considered as one of the desired outcome of health care and it is directly related with utilization of health services, it reflects the gap between the expected and experience of the services from the client’s point of view.
The nurse plays an important role in helping women or couple to choose a method of contraception that is acceptable to both partners, she is responsible for taking detailed history, listening to client’s needs and concerns, providing detailed education and follow-up necessary for making practical choices and successfully using selected methods.
This study aimed to evaluate the client’s satisfaction regarding nurses’ performance in family planning centers through ; Assessing nurses knowledge & performance in family planning and factors affecting nurses’ performance, also clients’ knowledge and their satisfaction related to nursing performance.
Research design:
Descriptive study was used in the study.
Research setting:
This study was conducted at all centers of maternal and child health care at Quesna City at El-Menoufia Governorate, Total number of centers was 33.
Sample of the study
Purposive sample was used for two samples in the study, clients and nurses.
1-Clients: total number of clients attended family planning centers monthly were 6000, 2.5% were chosen randomly from all centers, the total number of clients were 150, 10% of them were taken for pilot study and the sample was 135 clients. The sample was chosen according to certain criteria: first, age ranged between 20 and 35; second, had more than one child; and third, accepted to be involved.
2-Nurses: Total numbers of nurses were working in family planning in every center were two. The total numbers of nurses were 66 from all centers, 10% was taken for pilot study and the sample was 60 nurse.
Tools for data collection
First tool
Interviewing questionnaire: It was designed by the researcher based on literature review. The tool included the following parts (Appendix II):
Part 1: A -Socio demographic characteristics of nurses included data related to age, marital status, education level, year of experience and skills.
B- Socio demographic characteristics of clients included data related to age, education level, occupation, income level.
Part 2: Family planning record: used for assessing medical health status for the clients which included family history, medical & surgical history, menstrual history, obstetric history and physical examination (Appendix III).
Part 3: A- Knowledge of the clients about family planning such as types of contraceptive method, side effect of contraceptive method and uses of contraceptive method B- Knowledge of the nurses about family planning such as purpose, methods, follow-up and factors affecting nurses’ performance.
Second tool
Scale to measure satisfaction: It was adapted from (USAID, 2010 & Hamdy and El-zeblawy, 2015) and modified by researcher to measure the client satisfaction in family planning (Appendix II).
Third tool:
Observation checklist for nurses: It was modified by the researcher based on the national policy of nursing standards in family planning adapted from (MOH, 2011). It was used to observe the actual nursing performance in counseling of family planning which includes greeting, assessment, counseling about all methods of family planning, counseling after choosing the method and follow-up(Appendix III).
The findings of the present study could be summarized as the following:
The findings of the study found that 56.7% of nurses aged more than 40 years and they attended more courses. The current study found that 68.3% of nurses had complete knowledge and 53.3% of them were satisfied about performance. 93.3% of nurses’ performance with total factors such as (organizational, culture, personal, environmental and social). 63.7% of the clients had poor knowledge regarding family planning, while 56.3% of the studied samples were satisfied about family planning services.
According to research question, it was found that there was a statistical significant association between nurses’ performance and their attendance of specialized courses in their field, age (years) and years of experience. Also association between nurses’ performance and client’s satisfaction. There was a statistical relation between client’s satisfaction with age, occupation and reasons of visit.
Also, it was found that there was no relation between nurses’ performance and their marital status, qualification. Also there was no statistical relation between client’s knowledge and their satisfaction. Also no relation between client’s satisfaction with educational level, monthly income and source of information.
In the light of the findings obtained from the present study, the following points are recommended:
-Health education program for the clients in MCH center about: Family planning
-Educational and counseling program for nurses to improve nurses performance in family planning in rural area contain the following:
*Reproductive health
* Family planning
Further researches:
 Nurses performance in rural and urban area regarding family planning.
 Assessment the woman’s knowledge regarding reproductive health in rural area.
 Quality of family planning services in rural area