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Motivation Factors Affecting Students` Success at Technical Institute of Nursing \
Mohamed, Hanan Abd El-Wahed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حنـــان عبــد الواحــد محمـــد
مشرف / ساميـــة محمـــد آدم
مشرف / سمـــاح فيصــل فخـــري
مناقش / ساميـــة محمـــد آدم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
218 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - إدارة التمريض
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 218


The motivation of students is a major issue in higher education.
Educational psychology has identified two basic classifications of
motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic. The aim of this study was to assess the
motivation factors affecting nursing students` success in their studies at
technical nursing institutes to learn. The design was descriptive. The
Setting of the study was carried out at ten Technical Institutes of Nursing in
Greater Cairo, on a Sample of 500 nurses students. The Toole, was a selfadministered
questionnaire was used to collect data about students`
perception of failure and motivating factors. The results, in the study
revealed that the nursing students have a high rate of academic failure both
before and after enrollment in the institution. The main factors underlying
their failure are related to nursing and non-nursing subjects, but less studentrelated
factors. Failure is related to students` agreement upon the theorysubjects-
related failure factors, their type of secondary education, and their
choice of the institution. The internal motivation factors are higher
compared to external ones, with overall high percentage of total motivation.
The students view practical subjects as easier and less exhausting compared
to theoretical ones. The Recommendations were the technical institutes of
nursing should apply innovative teaching strategies, the institutes’
management should give more attention to the factors that may contribute to
students’ failure, the students’ assessment methods , the tests and exams
needs to be improved, and the clinical settings need to be equipped with
enough facilities.
Keywords: Nursing students, Motivation factors.