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The Relationship of Nurse Managers’ Transformational and Transactional Leadership with Staff Nurses Absenteeism /
Mohamed, Eman Shehata.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيمان شحاتة محمد
مشرف / منى مصطفى شاذلي
مشرف / سماح فيصل فخري
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
177 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - إدارة التمريض
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Managers of contemporary organizations must appreciate the important role, who are play in their respective organizations, if they are to achieve sets goals. Both leadership and management are essential for organizations to succeed. In nursing, nurse mangers directly influence the quality of healthcare provided to patients and therefore, directly impacts upon patient outcomes Meighan (2010). Absenteeism in nursing is a growing management concern. It can contribute to understaffed units, staffing instability, and other factors that could have a negative impact on patient care (Anderson, 2012).
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between nurses managers transformational and transactional leadership and absenteeism among their nursing staff through, assessing the transformational and transactional leadership behavior among nurse managers assessing the intensity level of absenteeism among staff nurses, and finding out the relationship between nurse managers transformational and transactional leadership and absenteeism among their nursing staff.
This study was carried out using a description correlation design .Furthermore; the study was conducted out at two hospitals namely Dar Elshafa hospital and Elhalal hospital in all departments. The study subjects consisted of 34head nurses and250 staff nurses working in different clinical units, (17) head nurse from Dar Elshafa hospital and (17) head nurse from Elhalal hospital (125) staff nurse from Dar Elshafa Hospital and (125) from and Elhalal hospital.
The data were collected through Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (Bass and Avolio, 2012) and Absenteeism sheet. The questionnaire composed of two parts. First part consists of demographic characteristics of the study subjects and the second part consist of two forms of the MLQ one for the head nurses to evaluate themselves (self form), and the other for the staff nurses to evaluate their head nurses. It involves 12 subscales with 45 items.
The results of the study revealed that:
 Head nurse age ranging between 26 and 60 years, all of theme was females. Slightly more than two thirds (67.60%) had a bachelor degree in nursing. Results also showed that, more than half (55.9%) of head nurses attended training courses in management.
 Staff nurses age ranging between 18 and 54years, results shows that majority (90.4%) of staff nurses was female and (75.6%) of staff nurses had a nursing school diploma.
 Regarding types of absenteeism among staff nurses, the highest absenteeism was annual and sick leaves, while excused leave is the lowest score(21.4±8.8, 154±17.1,4.0±3.4) respectively.
 There was a negative statistically significant correlation between absenteeism days and all items of transformational leadership scores, except idealized influence p= (-.447**, -.503**, -.545**, -.564**).
 The result reveals that, there was a negative statistically significant correlation between absenteeism days and transformational and transactional leadership scores, outcomes of leadership p= (-.300**, -.282**, -.359**, -.322**-.323**, -.157*, -.307**) respectively, p= (-.276**, -.349**, -.200**) respectively.
 Furthermore, there was a positive significant correlation between laissez -faire leadership and absenteeism p= (127*).
 The findings of the current study lead to demonstrated that the number of total absenteeism of the staff nurses subordinate was lower score at Dar-Elshafa hospital than Al-helal hospital.
 The study finding indicates the score of transformational and transactional leadership style was higher as viewed by head nurses than staff nurses point of view.
 Dar Al Shifa Hospital and inspirational motivation leadership was the statistically significant negative predictors of total absenteeism days.
 Finally there was statistical significant negative correlation between head nurses, transformational and transactional leadership style and staff nurses absenteeism.
 The study recommended that, Attendance of training courses, preferably degree courses in management should be a pre-requisite for promotion of head nurses to top higher managerial positions.
 Development an attendance policy and sickness protocols to reduce absenteeism rate. Finally, further studies are needed to explore the impact of transformational and transactional leadership behaviors on other organizational outcomes.