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Mahmoud, Reem Sallam.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Reem Sallam Mahmoud
مشرف / Sabah Saad EL- Sharkawy
مشرف / Eman Abd-El-Fatah Ali
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
149 p. ;
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الأطفال
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This study aimed to assess the perception of cancer related fatigue among pediatric patient undergoing cancer therapy.
Subject and methods
Research design: - Descriptive Research design
This study was carried out in the chemotherapy pediatric units and a bone marrow transplantation unit of Ain Shams Children Hospital.
Research subjects:
The subject composed of all available children undergoing cancer therapy in the previous mentioned settings during the period of six months.
It composed of seventy children with the following criteria:- age 6-18 years, both genders, all types of cancer regardless type of therapy
Tools of data collection
Data were collected through the use of the following tools: -
1-A predesigned Questionnaire Format (Appendix1):
It was designed and written in an Arabic language by the researcher after reviewing related literature by it includes the following parts
Part one:
Characteristics of children, as age, gender, child’s ranking , educational level, and residence
b- Child diagnosis, duration of illness, kind and duration of therapy.
Part two
Children’s knowledge about cancer-related fatigue, such as definition, causes, effect of fatigue on child daily activities, child’s overcome on his fatigue
Scoring system:
A scoring system was followed to assess the children’s knowledge, the total score of questionnaire was10 grade multiple x10 to equal (100 %) it was classified into satisfactory by (50>100) grade, unsatisfactory ≤ 50
3- Children’s Cancer Related Fatigue Problem (Appendix II):
It was adopted from ”Fatigue Assessment Guide by National Comprehensive Cancer Network ” (2008) to assess children’s fatigue during and after cancer therapy session through:
• Physical assessment as shortness of breath, heart palpitation, generalized weakness, pain, loss of appetite, heaviness of limbs, headache, hyperthermia, nausea and vomiting
• Psychological assessment as restlessness, insomnia, sleep disturbance, sadness, depressed mood, crying and irritability.
• Cognitive assessment as lack of concentration, forgetfulness, lack of thinking and confusion
3) Child’s perception, fatigue scale
Children’s Perception Fatigue Scale to assess a relation between the children’s perception of fatigue, according to the type of therapy & their disease and children knowledge’s through using the ”Numeric Rating scale ”that adapted from ” Oncology Nursing Society’ to pediatric patient (2000).
The scale was 10 classified into mild fatigue ( child can do daily activity) by 1>3, moderate fatigue (child can do daily activity but he can’t do it all time) by4 > 5, sever fatigue ( child depend on others by 6>7 extreme fatigue (bed ridden child)by 8>10
Operational design:
Preparatory phase
The researcher reviewed the local and international related literature and studies covering various aspects of the perception of cancer related fatigue among pediatric patient undergoing cancer therapy using books, articles and magazine, to develop the study tools.
Pilot study:
A pilot study was carried out during March 2013.It was applied on ten cancer pediatric patient in the chemotherapy pediatric units and a bone marrow transplantation unit of Ain Shams children’s hospital. To assess the study tools for its clarity, applicability and time required for filling the tools and appropriate modifications were done prior to data collection for the actual study.
The field work:
Data collection started from the first week of April 2013 up to the end of September, 2013, the researcher was available in the study settings three days/ week (Saturday , Monday and Thurday) from 9Am to 2pm .The researcher introduced herself to children and explain the purpose of the study to each child before answer the questionnaire.The tools for data collection were fill for each child individually by a researcher and the time needed for the completion of sheet for each child was one hour.
Administrative design
An official approval was obtained from the study Facculty,Medical and Nursing directors of the Ain shams children’s hospital in the settings to carry out the study.A clear explanation to whom was given about the nature, importance and expected outcomes of the study.