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Assessment of problem solving skills and factors influencing decision making among nursing management staff /
Mohammed, Soaad Elsayed Younis.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سعاد السيد يونس محمد
مشرف / جيهان محمد أحمد مصطفى
مشرف / فوزية فاروق كامل السيد
مناقش / جيهان محمد أحمد مصطفى
Surgical nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
135 ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التمريض - علوم التمريض
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Nursing management staffs solve problems and make decisions on daily work. Problem solving skills and decision making have parallel process, but these are not the same. These concepts require critical thinking. Problem solving begins when dilemma is identified and ends with specific solution. Decision making includes selecting and implementing actions or solution to achieve a desired goal. It influenced by many factors as personal and organizational factors (Lynn, 2017).
This study aims to assess problem solving skills and factors influencing decision making among nursing management staff at Benha University and Benha Teaching Hospitals through assessing nursing management staff problem solving skills, identifying the factors influencing the decision making carried out by the nursing management staff and determining the relationship between problem solving skills and the factors influencing the decision making process among the nursing management staff.The study was conducted at Benha University Hospitals and Benha Teaching Hospital.A convenience sample consisted of 83 nursing management staff (nursing directors, nursing supervisors and head nurses) 50 of them were working at Benha University Hospital and the other 33 nursing management staff working at Teaching Hospital.
Tools of data collection:
Two tools are used to collect the data of this study; the first tool: problem solving skills questionnaire consisted of two parts; part 1: contained demographic data about nursing management staff (age, marital status, qualification, experience, and training course about problem solving skills). Part II: included 32 items, to assess problem solving skills divided into five categories; identify the problem 7 items, put solutions and alternatives 8 items, choose the best solution 7 items, put the solution into practice implementation 4 items and evaluate the solution 6 items. The second tool: factor influencing decision making questionnaire consisted of 51 items to identify the factors influencing decision making that carry out by nursing management staff divided into four categories; personal factors 17 items, structural factors 17 items, process factors 12 items, and outcome factors 5 items.