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فعالية برنامج باستخدام تكنولوجيا ثلاثية الأبعاد لتنمية التفاؤل وخفض قلق المستقبل
لدى عينة من المراهقين /
شعبان، أيمن سعد سعد الدين.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أيمن سعد سعد الدين شعبان
مشرف / جمال شفيق أحمد
مشرف / فؤاده محمد على هدية
مناقش / محمد رزق أحمد البحيرى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
291ص. :
علم النفس (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - قسم علم النفسز
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 291

from 291


English Summary
Has become a concern for the future is prevailing in this age feature live with the old and young, male and female, and anxiety may be together worried or satisfactory worried either normal anxiety tell him the individual in normal conditions, a reaction of the individual external risk-known positions are threatened, and the anxiety of patients is a fear of the mysterious unknown causes and the feeling of insecurity and anxiety that the starting point for any psychology of psychological conflicts.
For reasons of concern to the present in terms of pressures and problems, and worry for reasons relating to the future, where the successive changes outweigh our ability to predict and then prepare and prepare to live with this anxiety.
Future concern is a modern and important terms in the field of scientific research, all types of anxiety have a future effect. In our time worrying constantly arise because of the demands and multiple needs to contain the fast-era changes and control. (Zaleski, Z. 1996) agree with this view Rappaport, H , 1991, Moline, R. 1990)) that the future concern is no longer a source to meet the objectives and achieve only dreams and hopes it has become for some a source of instability and fear of what the magnitude of the concerns of the unknown and objectives as to suggest to the members of a state of realization that life will end at an unknown point is specific. Thinking about the future is one of the fundamental factors updated for concern among individuals. (Hanan al-Anani, 2000) was one of the studies have shown, including the study of Joseph Uqsuri done on a sample of 100 people of different tendencies and patterns of intellectual and physical levels, the extent of their suffering from anxiety, fear, fear of the future or not, It has been shown that 95% of those respondents suffer from anxiety and fear of the future. (Yusuf Aksaray, 2002) As for the concern and clear impact on production rates, and the days of absence from work and gross national product of any country (Abdul Khaliq Ahmad and Najwa Alehipovi 2004).
And the concern of the future is one of the types of anxiety that is dangerous to a person’s life, which represents the fear of an unknown result from the experiences of the past and present are also experienced by the individual make him feel insecure and anticipate danger and feels unstable and cause has this case something of pessimism and despair that would lead him eventually to real and serious disorder such as depression. (Zainab Shakir, 2005)
Is an interest in the future and thinking about it and planning one of the important priorities in the lives of teenagers, and play the outlook, whether positive or negative important role in determining the ability to pass the identity crisis among adolescents (Mohamed el-Sayed, 1984, Singiner et al., 2005) and to predict the dangerous behaviors , also determined by the extent of the direction of teenagers about the deviation and the increasing negative impact of peer them (Somerz & Gizzi, 2001), while the associated reduction of suffering from anxiety the future down the aggressive and deviation, and the high level of academic interest and ability to get social support, feeling efficient self and personal capacity, high the level of problem-solving ability and a high level of support for the prisoners where they affect the level of a sense of concern on the future of their actions and their behavior and their attitude to life and a clear and strong influence. (Dubow et al., 2001)
That concern the future is worth studying Pepin adolescents in general, whether the study in the traditional manner or remotely, because to get optimistic teenagers is crucial, he noted study (Nahed Saud al, 2005) that concern the future with high adolescent students is apparent and clear in the community and so many in the highly charged dramatic factors unknown community variables determination result in economic, social, health and environmental interactions and other negative consequences on the behavior of individuals, where this phenomenon is affecting the existence of the individual and society and thus became not be trusted in the future psychological trait for all, especially young teens, it can be said that concern the future may affect the level of ambition of young people and disrupts his goals and lose the ability to solve problems, which leads to low self-efficacy, which is associated with the concentration and lack of self are important characteristics in the face of anxiety effectively. (Nahed Saud, 2005)
And see (Mr. Abdel Dayem, 1996) that young people look to the future largely unaffected perception of the individual for himself, and for the goals it seeks to achieve negative and objectives of trying to avoid them, and the impediments to the realization of these objectives as well as the affected glance future psychological environment where there include all events that affect the individual, and is affected by where the future helps the person to build long-term goals. The future concern is worth studying.
There is no doubt that optimism is important in the emerging life as it is a weapon which is facing its difficulties that hinder their progress at school level, as well as what awaits them in the future of their lives, and students who expect goodness in most of what they are met in life are undoubtedly students optimists, and this is what makes students are better able to meet the problems of life and more tolerant to Sdmadtha.
With the importance of the concepts of optimism Optimism Pessimism and pessimism in human life in general, and in psychological studies in particular, the history of attention to these two concepts did not exceed the last two decades, where Astqtaba attention of many researchers in the areas of personal and social psychology and psychology Alaclenky and health science (Abdul Farhan Humairi 0.2005).The importance of the study.
1. Modern concepts derived from the theories of positive psychology.
2. Identify the role of three-dimensional technology in increasing optimism among a sample of teenagers
3. Preparation and build a program based on the use of some of the innovations of technology in three-dimensional psychology clinical.
4. test the program ability using three-dimensional technology to reduce future anxiety in adolescents.
The problem of the study
1. Are there differences between the average of the study sample (for the control group and the experimental group) on the optimism scale before and after the application of the program?
2. Are there differences between the averages of the study sample (as a control group and experimental) on a scale of concern future before and after the application of the program?
Aims of the study
1. Find out how effective the program using three-dimensional technology in increasing optimism among a sample of adolescents.
2. To know the effectiveness of the program using three-dimensional technology to reduce future anxiety among a sample of adolescents
The hypotheses of the study
1. There are significant differences between the average of the study sample (for the control group and the experimental group) on the optimism scale before and after the application of the program in favor of the dimensional application.
2. There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group on a scale concern the future before and after the application of the program in favor of the post test.
The study approach
The researcher used the quasi-experimental approach,
1. The study sample: consisted of (50) teenager from secondary education, their ages average was (14-17) years they were tested by future anxiety scale and the highest (5) had been chosen.
study tools( by the researcher)
2. future anxiety scale
3. The three-dimensional software
3. Optimism Scale
Statistical style
The researcher used the averages and standard deviations and test ”T” T-test to find out the differences before the application of the program and then applied to a sample of teenagers