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Genetic evaluation for productive and reproductive traits in the first three lactations in Egyptian buffaloes /
Gamal El-Dien, Yasmin Mohamed Sallam El-Sharkawy Ali.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ياسمين محمد سلام الشرقاوى علي جمال الدين
مشرف / السعيد زھرى محمد عوده
مشرف / ناظم عبدالرحمن شلبى
مناقش / عاطف يوسف سالم
مناقش / فايق حسنى حسين فراج
Genetic correlations. Milk yield. Egyptian buffaloes. Buffalo. Animal production. Milk.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
156 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الزراعة - Animal Production
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The data used in the present investigation were collected from lactation Egyptian buffaloes raised at Mahallet Mousa Experimental farms (El-Gaded, Main Mahallet Mousa and El-Kadem) of Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, were used in the present study. These farms are located in the northern part of Nili-Delta in Kafer El-Sheikh Governorate. The row data were collected from 1972 to 2002 (thirty one years). The numbers of animal, sires and dam used in this study were 1776, 260 and 1372, respectively. The main objectives of this study were to 1. Estimate mean, heritability, variance and covariance 2. Estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations coefficients 3. Estimate genetic and phenotypic trends 4. Estimate breeding values for some productive and reproductive traits and for lifetime milk yield production traits over first three lactations in Egyptian buffaloes. Data for each parity were analyzed using the software package VCE-6 (Groeneveld et al., 2010), using multiple analysis animal model. In general, the results have shown that the coefficient of variation for studied traits were high. This reveals that there is a clear variation can be exploited to improve those traits. The heritability of productive traits was higher than those of reproductive traits. Genetic parameters for traits when using all animal records during the first three lactations was higher than using animal records in each lactation separately. There was a clear and broad variation of the breeding values of the traits when using all animal records compared to other methods. This suggests that the use of all animal records in its first three lactations gives the good results of the genetic variance in animals, which can be exploited in the work of a successful breeding program for genetic improvement in Egyptian buffalo. This achieves the desired development in the field of animal production.