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الاستعارة فى الحديث النبوى دراسة لغوية فى اكتساب المعرفة المجازات النبوية للشريف الرضى نموذجاً /
عيسى، سمر ناصر على.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سمر ناصر على عيسى
مشرف / عطية سليمان
مشرف / سلوى العوا
الحديث النبوي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
252 ص. :
الدراسات الدينية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - اللغة العربية وآدابها
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 252

from 252


The researcher found by trying to shed light on the metaphor and issues of significance to the modern set of results are as follows:
1- metaphor to the ancients:
First: the metaphor to the ancient form of rhetoric based on similar between Fezan with a presumption baffle the will of the meaning of the original understanding of the meaning.
Second, not confined to the ancient interesting Balastarat eloquent has had a role semantic communicative with them, too.
2- Remember the impact of modern theories in the study of metaphor:
First, is the metaphor in cognitive theory mentality tool arise as a result of interactions mentality within a conceptual structure reacts in the composition of all previous experiences and events and previous experience in the formation of metaphor first within the mind, and then comes the linguistic stage to translate what he had done the mind of the operations of call and linking things.
Second: The metaphor in semiotics theory symbolic tool produces us meaning indirectly, where based on the principle of substitution (the replacement unit tag somehow share the semantic attributes vary with the other attributes. where abandon the metaphor in the semiotics of its format technical rhetoric and take on a new role, a symbolic role, which results in significant, and the more we were able to decipher the code code whenever we reach more semantics. Valastarh in semiotics is the method of analysis.
Third: The metaphor in the deliberative theory of communicative tool, where you play the elements of communication (speaker, addressee, presumption when the addressee, as required by the dialogue of the meaning of unintentional, acts of words carry a lot of Alanjazah and influential force) an important role in building metaphoric, where you can not study metaphor isolated from these elements, and the message is sourced from public Received her party to play a key role in understanding the metaphor and determine its persuasive.
3- prophetic metaphor from the perspective of modern theories:
Metaphors prophetic remained survive Bblagtha and Vsaanha what was characterized by the Prophet, peace be upon him from the rhetoric and eloquence which does not Adahiha one, and has had many metaphorical expressions not preceded in saying one, it has resulted in a study of metaphor prophetic through modern theories of the following:
First: as a result of the fact that metaphors Prophet possessed of Rhetoric and Oratory is unmatched by any other metaphors are shortened a lot of sense a little word, it has been described as Ottey conciseness of speech, it has been generated by the daily metaphors we use in contemporary language without feeling they borrow in order to frequent use.
Second: it revealed these theories Remember Alhadith aspects of a new tag and issues within the metaphor prophetic Vomcn viewed from the perspective of my mind before it is translated into words and words, looking at the FAQ relations between the parties and presented meaning directly, and, as could be seen from the perspective of deliberative looking at the elements communicative in the formation of metaphor and understand their significance.
Third: the possibility of subjecting prophetic metaphors for the study of the mechanisms and theories of modern, and the statement of new aspects and issues in the study.