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El Sayed, Mohammed Farouk Moustafa Khair.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mohammed Farouk Moustafa Khair El Sayed
مشرف / Taha Abd El Azzem Mohamed Abd El- Razek
مشرف / Sabry Zaghloul Wahba
مناقش / Mostafa Mohamed Hassan Khalil
مناقش / Mohamed Bakr Mohamed Ibrahim
مناقش / Taha Abd El Azzem Mohamed Abd El- Razek
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
236 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - Environmental Sciences
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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River Nile has been the lifeblood for Egypt since the cradle of civilizations, noting that Egypt is the estuary state for the Nile River, which runs in 11 African countries with a length of about 6700 km. Nile water (raw water) is not suitable for drinking because it’s contaminated by several forms of contamination (physical, chemical, and biological contamination) and due to human activities (sewages, industrial and agriculture waste) beside exposure to atmosphere. There are many compounds were detected as contaminates in raw water.
This contamination of surface water prevents people to use it directly because its carcinogenicity and toxicity. Pesticides and polysulfide from the contaminants were recorded in Nile water due to agriculture waste and biological activity respectively. So this thesis is aiming to study the concentration levels of Atrazine and some pesticides like (Molinate, Propanil, Metolachlor, Pendimethalin, Isoproturon & Dimethoate) and Polysulfide in drinking water and its related raw water. To achieve these aims; a previous data was used to select the study sites. Three water treatment plants in Cairo Governorate were selected (Tebben, Maadi and Shoubra El Khama) which represent the Nile River from upstream to downstream in Cairo to monitor (pesticides & Polysulfide). While, eighteen water treatment plants in Kafr El Sheikh Governorate which use the Nile as a source of raw water for drinking water production to monitor (pesticides). Also the study is aiming to investigate some of the factors affecting the formation of polysulfide, eg. dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature. The most important aim of this study is applying some of advanced water treatment techniques like (Fenton oxidation, chlorine oxidation, Potassium permanganate oxidation and activated carbon adsorption) to remove these pollutants from drinking water.
To achieve the objectives of this study, the following work was carried out:
1. Seasonal monitoring of pesticides in Cairo and Kafr El Sheikh Governorates using EPA 536.
2. Study the effect of Fenton oxidation, chlorine oxidation, Potassium permanganate oxidation and activated carbon adsorption on removal of pesticides.
This phase conducted into four stages
I. Removal of pesticides using Fenton oxidation under different conditions; different concentrations of FeSO4, H2O2 concentrations, contact time and pH conditions to detect the optimum conditions for Pesticides treatment.
II. Applying different contact time of chlorine oxidation to study its optimal conditions for its efficiency in Pesticides removal.
III. Removal of pesticides using Potassium permanganate oxidation and study the effect of Potassium permanganateconcentrations and contact time to achieve the optimum conditions for Pesticides treatment.
IV. Removal of pesticides using adsorption by activated carbon and study the effect of doses of activated carbon, contact time and pH conditions to achieve the optimum conditions for Pesticides treatment.
3. Seasonal monitoring of Polysulfide in Cairo Governorate using EPA 625.
4. Investigate the relationship between Polysulfide and Dissolved Oxygen, pH and temperature.
During the study period, 168 samples were collected from Cairo and Kafr El Sheikh Governorates to monitor these pesticides. The results showed that:
I. All samples were collected from Cairo Governorates recorded concentration less than LOQ (0.005ppb) and its comply with WHO, Egyptian minister of health regulations and the European and National drinking water quality standards. On the other hand, samples were collected from KafrEheikh Governorates comply with WHO, Egyptian minister of health regulations but not comply with European and National drinking water quality standards for Atrazine compound at some regions like El mandora, Shebas El Mahel, El Hamol, Elriad, Newaga, Ebishan and Fouh.
II. Application of advanced water treatment techniques show the following results:
Stage 1: - removal of pesticides by Fenton oxidation showed that as concentration of FeSO4, H2O2and Contact time increases the Pesticides removal increases and optimum pH condition at pH3.
• The optimum conditions for Atrazine removal is 0.89mMFeSO4, 0.8M H2O2and pH3 after 1hour contact time
• The optimum conditions for Metolachlor removal is 0.89mMFeSO4, 0.8M H2O2and pH3 after 1hour contact time
• The optimum conditions for Pendimethaline removal is 0.89mMFeSO4, 0.4M H2O2and pH3 after 30 Min. contact time
• The optimum conditions for Isoproturon removal is 0.89mMFeSO4, 0.8M H2O2and pH3 after 1hour contact time
• The optimum conditions for Propanil removal is 0.89mMFeSO4, 0.8M H2O2and pH3 after 30Min. contact time
• The optimum conditions for Dimethoate removal is 0.89mMFeSO4, 0.8M H2O2and pH3 after 1hour contact time
Stage 2: - removal of pesticides by chlorine oxidation showed that chlorine had no effect in removing of atrazine, Isoproturon, Propanil, Pendimethalin and Metolachlor but it was effective in Molinate and Dimethoate removal.
Stage 3: - removal of pesticides by Potassium Permanganate oxidation showed that Potassium Permanganate had no effect in removing of atrazine, Isoproturon, Propanil, Pendimethalin, Metolachlor, Molinate and Dimethoate.
Stage 4: - removal of pesticides by activated carbon showed that as doses of GAC, and Contact time increases the Pesticides removal increases
• The optimum conditions for Atrazine removal is 2g of GAC,and pH3 after 2hours contact time
• The optimum conditions for Isoproturon removal is 2g of GAC,and pH3 after 2hours contact time
• The optimum conditions for propanil removal is 2g of GAC,and pH7 after 2hours contact time
• The optimum conditions for Molinate removal is 2g of GAC,and pH11 after 2hours contact time
• The optimum conditions for Dimetoate removal is 2g of GAC,and pH7 after 2hours contact time
• The optimum conditions for Pendimethalin removal is 1g of GAC,and pH11 after 2hours contact time
• The optimum conditions for Metolachlor removal is 2g of GAC,and pH7 after 2hours contact time
The kinetic calculations in the study showed that all removal reactions were pseudo first order reaction and the suitable adsorption isotherm equation for all pesticides were Fruendlich equation with the following adsorption isotherm capacityPendimethalin > Propanil>Atrazine>Metolachlor>Molinate>Dimethoate>Isoproturon
Phase No. 3: -
from Cairo Governorate, 24 samples were collected to monitor Polysulfide, the result recorded the presence of Polysulfide in Tebben and Shoubra regions and the highest influent of Polysulfide concentration is (11.24 ppb) was found in Shoubra region during summer due to biological activity.
Phase No. 4: -
Also field study showed that the Polysulfide concentration was decreased at acidic pH due to formation hydrogen sulfide and it is very stable at basic pH. Also it was decreased as the Dissolved oxygen concentration increased due to the formation sodium-thiosulfate and no significant effect was observed in polysulfide concentration with changing in temperature.