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إستحداث تشكيلات نسجية معاصرة من خلال المزاوجة بين إساليب النسيج اليدوى والأقمشة النسجية سابقة التجهيز /
بدر، منار حسين عبد الفتاح سيد أحمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منار حسين عبد الفتاح سيد أحمد بدر
مشرف / أحمد على محمود سالمان
مشرف / مى أحمد محمد مصطفى
الغزل والنسيج.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
235 ص. :
تربية فنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية النوعية - تربية فنية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 235

from 235


The study addressed the pairing of weaving techniques and textile fabrics pretreated with a view to the development of contemporary textile formations The study included five chapters, namely:
Chapter One:
”Introducing the research and its borders”
This chapter included the introduction of the problem and the problem of the research and the goal of the research and its importance and homework and procedures associated with this research and studies have been divided into:
First, studies on the textile structures and the factors influencing them.
Second, studies of textile raw materials and the impact on the functional properties of the performance.
Third, studies on the design relationship histocompatibility induced contemporary art.
Chapter II :
”Textile raw materials and the general division
of the fabrics”
This chapter includes the nature of raw materials histological types and the division of raw materials and natural fibers, animal and plant identification of synthetic fibers, including fibers, industrial altered or manufacturing or industrial synthetic as well as initial public division of fabrics and to identify the relationship fabrics Other arts to derive possibilities Fine Fabrics Kkhamh suitable for the formation of histocompatibility from the perspective of the researcher.

Chapter III :
”Textile structures and their impact on the functional properties of the performance.”
This chapter includes identifying structures textile, whether simple or complex techniques textile decorative addition to addressing the impact of compositions textile on the functional properties of the performance and to clarify the structure elements certain amount on the properties of fabrics in terms of (prolapse and rigidity - texture - gloss - air permeability and moisture absorption - fish - crease - elongation of the pieces - tensile strength cutter - contraction and the stability of the dimensions - resist tearing).
The fourth chapter :
”Histocompatibility induced design contemporary art relationship.”
This chapter included to identify the nature of Textile Design in general and curability particularly from the point of the work of view histocompatibility manual design and learn about the fine elements of the design in terms of (point - line - space - the color and the color of a role in enriching the busy textile - Texture)
- Understand the technical and aesthetic values achieved in textile painting.
- The concept of modernity and learn about the art of drawing hand with modernity relationship.
- In the contemporary art of weaving.
- Contemporary art movements of the fabric.
- Contemporary Textile formation of a group of artists trends.
- Identify specific variables warp histological methods.

Chapter V :
”Research experiment”
- This chapter included a prelude to the experience of research and clarify their goals.
- And identify the tourist souvenir and usability factors of textile products in terms of tourist souvenirs (utilitarian value - economic - Memorial - historical).
- And to identify the civilization Nakada - and why call it - to identify the periods and the division of the world William her).
- Understand the textile trade between the distant past and the near yesteryear.
Building research tools:
- Textile design work evaluating the output of research experience card.
- Card targets.
- The formulation of the card.
- Card items.
- Testing the validity of the card.
- Explain the main themes and sub-items for the card business valuation
Throughout the experiment:
First: the design phase.
Second, the implementation phase.
- Analysis and technical and aesthetic of the results of the research experience of the eighth artifacts.
- Statistical analysis to evaluate the results of the experiment and discussed in the light of the hypotheses.
- Discuss the results in light of the hypotheses.
- Results of the statistical analysis of the textile artifacts.
- Recommendations.
- Supplements.
- References.