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Occupational Health Hazards among
Leather Tannery Workers /
Omran, Amany Abd EL-Fatah Abd El-Azeem.
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Amany Abd EL-Fatah Abd El-Azeem Omran
مشرف / Hemat Abd El-Moneem El-Sayied
مشرف / Hala Mohamed Mohamed Hussein
مشرف / Hala Mohamed Mohamed Hussein
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
257p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - Community Health Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 257


eather production includes many operations with
different exposures which can be harmful for the
health of workers and particularly be carcinogenic. An
important health risk factor for the tannery workers is
occupational exposure to chromium. chromium may enter
the body by inhalation, ingestion and by direct cutaneous
contact. Professional exposure to Cr (III) increases the risk
of dermatitis, ulcers, perforation of the nasal septum and
respiratory illnesses as well as increased lung and nasal
cancers (Linos et al., 2011).
Aim of the study:
The aim of this study is to identify occupational health
hazards among leather tannery workers through:
 Assessing knowledge of leather tannery workers about
occupational health hazards.
 Assessing leather tannery worker’s practice towards
safety measures of protection from occupational health
hazards related to leather tannery.
 Assessing health status of leather tannery workers.
 Assessing leather tannery work environment.
 Summary
Research Questions:
1. Is there relation between leather tannery workers’
Socio- demographic characteristic and their knowledge
about occupational health hazards related to leather
2. Is there relation between leather tannery worker’s socio
demographic characteristics and their practice?
3. Is there relation between leather tannery worker’s
knowledge about occupational hazards and their
Research Design:
Descriptive design was used in order to identify
occupational health hazards among leather tannery workers.
Technical Design:
 Setting:
This study was conducted at leather tannery in
Egyptian tanneries; in old Cairo area which it includes 200
leather tanneries. The investigator was selected 5%
represent10 leather tanneries of total number that contain
highest number of workers and contain all process of
tanning which called:
 Summary
Name Number
Mostafa Hassan Abd EL-Halik tannery 26
Abo Senna tannery 15
Hessin El-Gabas tannery 30
EL- Fallahin tannery 23
EL- Keratt EL Zahaby tannery 39
Abo EL-Ros tannery 23
Abd EL-Rahman Hassan El-Gabas tannery 30
Ahmed Antar tannery 19
Antar Salama tannery 20
Ahmed Rady tannery 25
 Sampling:
The total number of leather tannery workers at ten
leather tanneries was 600 workers. Purposive sample
consisted of 250 leather tannery workers were selected
according to criteria of selection.
Subject criteria: To be passed on the work at leather
tannery three years and the worker does not suffer from
occupational hazards before work at leather tanneries.
 Summary
 Tools of Data Collection:
- The following tools were used:
First Tool: An interviewing questionnaire composed
of (1-71) questions, in to five parts (Appendix I):
Part I: Socio-demographic characteristics of the studied
sample such as age, educational level, marital status,
work hours (Q 1-8)
Part II: Leather tannery worker’s medical history as
regards past history and current history which
included previous and current disease, complication
and follow up. (Q 9-19).
Part III: Health habits and life style of studied sample, it
included smoking, exercise, nutrition, rest and sleep
and personal hygiene (Q 20-39).
Part IV: Occupational hazards exposures in the workplace
which included physical hazards (Q 40-43), chemical
hazards (Q 44-49), biological hazards (Q 50-53) and
psychological hazards (Q 54-58) regarding risk
factors, disease from each hazards, duration of this
Part V: worker’s knowledge about occupational health
safety: it included definition of occupational health
safety, types of PPE and risk factors (Q 59-71).
 Summary
Second Tool: An Observation checklist: (Appendix II)
Was modified from safety manual checklist, adopted
and modified from (Bonnie, 2007) by the investigator. It
was divided to assess:
A- Leather tannery Worker’s practice related to
safety measures: It included over all apron, gloves,
boot, mask as personal protective equipments.
B- Leather tannery work environment: it included
general work conditions, housekeeping, work climate
and facilities, material handling.
Third Tool: Physical Examination Sheet. (Appendix
Adopted and modified by the investigator from
(Henner, 2007). It include two parts
Part I: It was assessing blood pressure and random blood
Part II: General observation on eye, lips, skin, nails,
The study results can be summarized as follows:
 The mean age of leather tannery workers was 35.41 ±
10.11 years and 52% were married. Regarding
educational level, 42.8% of them were read and write.
 Summary
 The total score of worker’s life style was unhealthy 74%
while the total score of worker’s physical examination
was abnormal 65%. The total score of worker’s
knowledge about occupational health safety was
incorrect 78%. Also the total score of worker’s
knowledge about occupational health hazards was
incorrect 72%.
 This study showed that the total score of worker’s
practice about personal protective equipments was
unsatisfactory practice 82% and there was three leather
tanneries, were healthy environment.
 There was highly statistically significant relation
between knowledge of workers related to occupational
health hazards and their educational level and monthly
salary. Also there was highly statistically significant
relation between educational level of workers and their
practice while there was statistically significant relation
between experience years of workers in tanneries and
their practice.
 This study also reflected that there was a highly
statistically significant relation between knowledge of
workers related to occupational hazards and their
 Summary
The finding of the present study, suggested the
following recommendations:
1. Regular awareness program should be conducted
regarding safe work and use of personal protective
2. Guidelines or simplified booklet contain basic information
about safe work practices.
3. Periodic health examination and health assessment for
each worker for early diagnosis, prompt treatment and
attempt to limit disability.
4. Periodic inspection and assessment of leather tannery
workplace environment