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The effect of inclusion of agricultural wastes in rations for lactating buffaloes performance/
Mohamed, Farouk Amin El Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فاروق أمين السيد محمد
مشرف / هانى محمود جادو
مشرف / حمدى موسى متولى
مناقش / بدر البسطويسى مطر
مناقش / حمدى محمد السيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
VIII 118 P.:
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - الإنتاج الحيوانى
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view


This experiment was carried out to evaluate some agricultural wastes, such as wheat straw, bean straw, berseem straw, rice straw and corn cobs, in dairy animal rations.
The experiment was composed of two stages as follow: -
In the first stage, eleven complete rations ( a mix of roughage and concentrate sources ) were formed , chemical analysis of these rations
,moisture , crude protein , crude fiber , ether extract , nitrogen-free
extract ,organic matter and ash ,were assayed . Rate of disappearance of dry matter and organic matter in rumen were determined by using In­ Situ dacron polyester bag technique and subsequently, digestibility of dry matter and organic matter were measured by using special equations. Percentage In-situ DM and OM % disappearance were calculated from the equations : In-situ DM % disappearance = {( weight of sample dry x DM %) -(weight of remaining sample after incubation and drying)} I ( weight of sample dry x DM %) x 100 and In-situ OM% disappearance=
{( weight of sample dry x OM%)- (weight of remaining sample after incubation and burning)} I (weight of sample dry x OM%) x 100.
In the second stage, three complete rations with different protein and roughage sources from above were selected to be fed to dairy buffaloes compared to the control ration (the ordinary station ration).
Animal performance, in terms of body weight change, dry matter and
protein intake, milk production and composition, rumen fluid measurements, blood measurements, were evaluated as a result of feeding on the proposed rations.
First stage result: - The highest rate of disappearance for both dry and organic matter in the rumen, (during the three incubation periods, 24,
48,72 hours) were recorded for the third and the first ration, respectively, whereas the lowest rate were recorded for the eleventh and the tenth ration, respectively.
Second stage result: - Types of agricultural wastes used in the second
experimental stage were bean straw, wheat straw, berseem straw, corn cobs, rice bran and rice hulls, They were all used in complete rations for the dairy animals.
Feeding experiment: Twelve dairy buffaloes in the fourth season, were used in thfeeding experiment that tested for eight months .They were randomly classified into four feeding groups as follow :-
First group: the ordinary station ration+ berseem hay+ rice straw Second group: first complete ration+ berseem hay + rice straw Third group : third complete ration + berseem hay + rice straw Fourth group: eleventh complete ration+ berseem hay+ rice straw
Production Performance:-
live body weight was not affected by any of the rations.
The second and the fourth groups increased milk yield than the control group.
Milk fat was significantly increased by the second and the fourth
groups than the control and less significantly increased for the third. Milk total protein was higher by three complete rations than the control ration.
Lactose was higher by both the second and the fourth groups than the control group.
Solids not fat and total solids were both higher by the second, the
third and the fourth rations than the control ration. Recommendations: The three proposed rations are recommended to be used in dairy animal rations, since they are of less cost and have a positive effect on the productive performance of the dairy animals. Usage of such rations helps in getting rid of the agricultural wastes and keeping a better environment.