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Evidence-Based Techniques for Translating Repetition in Arabic Discourse into English /
Allam, Eman Helmy Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Eman Helmy Ahmed Allam
مشرف / Mustafa Riad Mahmoud
مشرف / Ahmed Gamal Eldin
مناقش / Ahmed Gamal Eldin
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
p 228. :
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - اللغة الانجليزية
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This study attempts to discover how lexical, semantic, morpho-syntactic and mixed repetition in Arabic fiction and non-fiction has been dealt with in translations by native speakers of English, as evidenced by the TTs selected for this purpose. The investigation involves scanning the descriptive translation studies literature to identify techniques for translating repetition that scholars have either proposed or drawn from actual translations by others. The techniques inferred from the translations scrutinized and the ones collected from the TS literature are compared in the course of the study. The corpus used for the purpose of this evidence-based study consists of selected Arabic literary and non-literary texts and their published translations including Naguib Mahfouz’s خان الخليلي translated as Khan al-Khalili by R. Allen and زقاق المدق, translated as Midaq Alley by T. Le Gassick; Taha Hussein’s الأيام, translated as The Days by E. H. Paxton, H. Wayment, and K. Cragg; and a collection of non-literary articles by Alaa Al Aswany, published in the Egyptian Al-Shorouk and Al-Dustur newspapers and translated under the title On the State of Egypt: The issues that caused the revolution by J. Wright. The analysis shows that 1) many techniques are actually employed, foremost among which are: merging, grammatical transposition, semantic distancing, maintenance, omission, gisting, pronominalization, and paraphrase; 2) the choice of a certain technique is determined by the type of repetition in question; and 3) certain techniques are used to enact a domesticating strategy aimed at avoiding many cases of STs repetition that are deeply and closely peculiar to Arabic language and culture. Conversely, it is also revealed that the translators of the selected STs tend to preserve types of repetition that are not unfamiliar in English in the TTs. This may account for the rather heavy use of the technique of maintenance, which would produce English TTs with a higher frequency of repetition. This violation of an essential norm of English could be considered a kind of foreignization.
Keywords: Repetition, descriptive translation studies, the evidence-based approach, parallel corpus, parallel concordances, translation techniques, translation strategies