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Surgery for Intestinal Atresia: A
Comparative Study Between Primary
Anastomosis and Bishop-Koop Technique /
Ghanem, Mahmoud Ibrahem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mahmoud Ibrahem Ghanem
مشرف / Ayman Ahmed Al Baghdady
مشرف / Hesham Mohamed Abdel Kader
مناقش / Ahmed Bassiony Arafa
General Surgery.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
P 91. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - الجراحة العامة
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Summary and Conclusion
Intestinal atresia contributes a serious congenital anomaly that characterized by complete occlusion of the intestinal lumen and accounts for 95% of cases and its management based on various surgical techniques including Bishop-Koop ileostomy and primary anastomosis.
Intestinal atresia have seven possible causes, which are excessive resorption of Mckels diverticulum, attenuation of intestine, failure of complete recanalization, proliferation, intussusception, snaring of loop in umbilical ring and thrombosis of untestinal vascular supply all leads to necrosis and closure of proximal and/or distal ends.
Clasification of intestinal atresias include type I; mucosal (membraneous) atresia with intact bowel wall and mesentery, type II; blind ends are separated by a fibrous cord, type III-a; blind ends and separated by a V-shaped (gap) mesenteric defect, type III-b; apple peel atresia and type IV; multiple atresias (string of sausages).
Several techniques are available for resection and anastomosis of the small intestine. Closure of the intestine atresias carried out accurately by care being taken through avoid interruption of significant vascular supply. There is no general agreement about the most appropriate surgical technique nor are there records comparing the different methods of anastomosis in children.
Currently, the sutiable treatment composed of usage the poorly prognosis primary anastomosis procedures after excision of the dilated bowel, which is useful necessitating exteriorization of proximal small bowel. However not only the operation is lengthy, but rather risky especially, when the distal bowel is very small and atretic. Furthermore, it has risk for poor nourished that such infants exposed to hazards and extra cost, but have a good chance of reaching normal bowel function as well, normal growth and development.
Bishop-Koop stationary approach done through the proximal dilated bowel is anastomosed to the side of the distal atretic bowel. Unless, it has the disadvantage that further surgery may be required to close the ileostomy and the risk of intraperitoneal anastomosis. On the other hand, it has advantages of no retention or rise pressure inside the gut, rapid restoration and can be visualized with minimized the risk of fluid and electrolyte disturbances, as well as less postoperative complications.