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دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعى على الانترنت فى تفعيل المشاركة السياسية /
سيد،ابراهيم سمير على.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ابراهيم سمير على سيد
مشرف / هبة امين احمد شاهين
مشرف / دينا محمد كام الخطاط
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - علوم الاتصال والاعلام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 16

from 16


The problem of the study:
Social communication through social networking sites on the Internet such as Facebook has increased among the various classes of Egyptian community especially the
youth. The most striking features of this communication has been the individuals participation in political content and their discussion with their friends and activists interested in political affairs which is considered a level of electronic political participation.
The social networking sites has been used to mobilize individuals whether they are
political activists or ordinary people towards certain political issues by the means of
political campaigns that are launched by ordinary individuals interested in politics or
who belong to political movements and parties. The role of social networking sites
has been emerged in the coordination of protests among political activists and their
strong impact appeared clearly in bringing together most of Egyptians to take part in
demonstrations during the revolutions of January 25 and June 30 where these sites
are no longer for communication only, but they now play a major role in political life
as well and become a great factor in measuring the extent of satisfaction with government policies.
- The importance of the study:
1- Practical importance:
The importance of the study comes from the increasing influence of social networks
on political life in the Egyptian society because of the huge increase in the number of
users of social networking sites especially Facebook where the study seeks to examine the relationship between social communication of the youth and social networking
sites as well as realistic and electronic political participation. It analyzes a sample
content of Egyptian political pages on the Facebook site to understand their role in
the crowdedness during the revolution of June 30 and the detection of slacktivist and
political activities that call for it as well as how the audience responded to them.
2- Scientific importance:
This study is an extension of the Arab studies which focused on studying the Internet
in an effort to identify the most important features and characteristics of the worldwide web community which represents social networking sites and discuss the effectiveness
of social networking on the Internet in increasing the levels of political participation
in the Egyptian society as a means of communication through which Internet users,
whether they have realistic personal or virtual relationships, can talk with each other
and interact socially as well as share political information.
- Objectives of the study:
The study aims to achieve an overall objective, that is, the verification of the hypothsis
of a relationship between social networking for the youth through social networking
sites and the high levels of political participation among the young in the Egyptian
society. To achieve this objective this study seeks to achieve a set of sub-goals
- Objectives of the study in its theoretical aspect:
- To monitor the shift from Mass Society into the Network Society.
- To identify the origins and evolution of social networking sites.
- To monitor the characteristics and types of social networking sites.
- To identify the forms and levels of political participation.
- To monitor the role of social networking sites on political participation.
- Objectives of the study in analytical aspect:
- To understand the role of political pages in the crowdedness for the Revolution of
June 30.
- To identify the sources of information that are posted through the political pages.
- To identify the political movements and groups initiatives, and the extent of its audience response.
- To monitor the forms of political mobilization that are used in social networking sites.
- Objectives of the study in its field apect:
- To monitor the extent of trust in what is posted on social networking sites.
- To clarify the extent of the social networkings use to follow up and discuss political
- To understand the role of Slacktivism activity in social networking sites in increasing the level of political participation.
- To discover political electronic participation forms in social networking sites;
- To analyze the decentralized power of electronic social networks in networking and
mobilizing individuals »founding Network Society« toward political issues.
- Methodological procedures for the study:
- Type of the study:
This study is one of the descriptive studies which seeks to identify the role of individuals
social communication on social networking sites in increasing the level of their political
participation through collecting, analysis and interpretation data and information
about this topic to extract implications or issue general results. Therefore, they require
the presence of variables that can be measured quantity and the resulting data can be
mathematical analyzed which contributes to reaching conclusions, figures and data
which allows to reach a high degree of accuracy in the formulation of the results so as
to enable to generalize and predict as well as to benefit from the results in developing
the performance and getting rid of obstacles.
- Methodology of the study:
The study is based on the Media Survey Method which is considered a scientific
structured work to obtain data, information, and descriptions of the phenomenon under
study of the number of elements that form the components of the study population
during sufficient period of time for the study. The survey method is one of the highlights
methods used in the field Media studies especially descriptive and exploratory
researches. The survey method is not limited to the use of one method of data collection
but it may resort to the use of different methods such as and questionnaires, in-depth
interview and detailed observation as well as other methods of data and information
collection. The study uses survey method to monitor as much as information and data
on the electronic social networks relationship with political participation through:
- Survey the means content:
analysis of the political pages content on Facebook and determine the most important
political issues and features on them.- Public survey:
survey of public from social networking sites users on the web through a series of
questions formulated in the form of a questionnaire applied to a representative sample
of the youth community.
- The study population:
The identification of the study population and sample type is one of the most important
methodological steps leading to precise scientific results. The identification of the
study population depends on the topic and objectives that the study seeks to achieve
which include in this study to measure the role of social networking sites on the
Internet in activating political participation. Therefore, population of analytical study
is represented in all social networking sites on the Internet and the population of field
study is represented in Egyptian youth in various governorates of Egypt.
- The study sample:
The study includes two types of samples:
1- The sample of the analytical study:
The sample of analytical study is represented in analyzing the content of a sample of
three political pages on the site of »Facebook«, during the month of June 2013, and
include the following pages:
2- The sample of the field study:
The sample of the field study consists of 400 individuals who are selected in a manner of
the available sample of users of social networking sites in the age group of 18-35 years
old and represent urban provinces, upper and lower Egypt of various economic levels.
- Data collection tools:
The study data was collected through two of research tools as follows:
1- Content analysis form:
The researcher designed content analysis form in order to analyze the content of what is posted on the political pages on social networking sites. This form include a set
of themes that have been carefully selected in order to achieve the objectives of the
study and answer its questions:
the first theme tries to identify the basic information of the political pages while the
second theme can identify topics that are addressed on political pages and the nature
of the contribution of those who posted these issues. The third theme is to identify the
nature of the posted content of the political pages in terms of form and sources of this
content and how to use the links as well as the language used in providing this content. The fourth theme tries also to identify the type of the posted content on the political pages while the fifth theme monitors the dynamics of the political events during the
analysis period and the sixth theme tries to monitor the reaction to issues which are
raised on political pages during the analysis period, identify the nature of the content
of the comments on the political pages and the languages used in these comments as
well as determine the level of political debate among individuals in these comments.
2- Questionnaire:
The researcher designed a questionnaire form which includes 37 questions representing a range of themes that have been carefully selected in order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer its questions and to validate its hypothesis as follows:
The first theme deals with the questions of the huge use of social networking and
its motives as well as the most important Web sites used by young people while
the second theme contains the questions about the languages used on the social
networking sites and the extent of the trust in the posts on the social networking
sites as well as the extent of follow-up and discussion of political issues on the
social networking sites. The third theme deals with the questions about the level of
electronic political participation, the level of realistic political participation of young
people and groups communicating with the youth. The fourth theme poses questions
on the number of accounts and the number of friends on Facebook and the questions
about the level of privacy for youth on the social networking sites while the fifth theme
contain the questions of follow up the news on social networking sites and the most
important news networks watched by young people as well as measuring the level of youth interest in political issues. The sixth theme questions the demographic data of
the study sample.
Results of the study:
1-The study shows the diversity of political content information sources on social networks leading by the content originated by the users of the political pages by 41.78%,
the content of other users on the social networks to host the content such as YouTube
and Flicker sites by 19.68 %, the content adapted from other Web 2.0 applications which
also represents the citizen journalism models where the content is adapted from bloggings by 0.81%, the wiki by 0.40%, and the forums by 0.27% to become the contribution
of users of political content on social networking sites and other Web 2.0 applications
totaled 64.94%, while the content adapted from traditional media represented by 24.8%
and the content derived from the sites that are not affiliated with the media by 8.08%.
2- The study concludes that the call for political activities comes at the forefront of
the content of political pages by 34.22%, then the call for realistic political activity by
32.2%, and the call for political activity by 20.02%, the call for satiric political activities
by 29.11%, and the expression of opinion by 23.72%.
3- The results of the study show an increase in the intensity of the use of social networking sites where the intensity of the youth use in the sample is high by 48%, medium by 36%, and low by 16%.
4- The results of the study show that there is not a relationship between the intensity
of the use of social networking sites and increasing levels of electronic and realistic
political participation where the application of the One Way Anova test does not prove
that there are statistically significant differences between the means of electronic and
realistic political participation levels depending on the intensity of the use of the social
networking sites.
5- The study reveals that the users of social networking sites use the colloquial Arabic language in their communication with each other on the social networks by 70.5%,
followed by the cultural colloquial Arabic language by 27.3%, the classical Arabic by
22.3%, while the francoarab language )Arabizi( by 22%, as well as English language by 20.8%, and the combination of English and Arabic languages by 13%.
6- The results show that there are statistically significant differences between males
and females in the level of electronic political participation where the value of )T( is
statistically significant at the confidence level of 0.001, and there are also statistically
significant differences between males and females in the level of realistic political
participation where the value of )T( is statistically significant at the confidence level
of 0.01.
7- study results concludes that there are statistically significant differences between
the means of electronic political participation levels concerning the follow-up and
discussion of political issues on the social networking sites where the value of )f( is
statistically significant at the at the confidence level of 0.001, and there are statistically significant differences between the means levels of realistic political participation
concerning the follow-up and discussion of political issues on the social networking
sites where the value of )f( is statistically significant at the confidence level of 0.001.
8- The results concludes that are statistically significant differences between the
means of electronic political participation levels based on the membership of the
political groups on the social networking sites where the value of )f( is statistically
significant at the confidence level of 0.001 , and there is also statistically significant
differences between the means of realistic political participation levels based on the
membership of the political groups on the social networking sites where the value of )f(
is statistically significant at the confidence level of 0.001.
9- The study shows that it is possible to predict the level of realistic political participation level through the electronic political participation on the social networking sites
where there is a strong positive impact of the electronic political participation )Slacktivism political activities( on the realistic political participation where the value of )f( is
statistically significant at the confidence level of 0.001, and the beta )B( value is positive to indicate a positive directional relationship between the political Slacktivism
activities on the social networking sites and realistic political participation.
10- The study shows that it is possible to predict the level of social capital level through
the electronic political participation on the social networking sites where there is posi- tive statistically significant effect of the electronic political participation on the social
networking sites on the social capital where the value of )f( is statistically significant
at the confidence level of 0.001.