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Prevalence of microbial infection in camel’s milk and antimicrobial activity against these isolates.
جامعة جنوب الوادى -كلية الطب البيطرى بقنا.
Hypy Mahmoud ، Mahmoud Abbass
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Camel’s milk represents the principal milk for consumers in the arid and sub-arid areas where camels present the main animal source because camel can thrive under extreme hostile conditions and produce milk of high nutritional value. Regular consumption of camel’s milk in those areas is mainly occurred in raw state or just soured by nomads.
Unhygienic measures adopted during production, handling, processing, storage and distribution were responsible for the highly contamination of raw milk. The high rate of contamination of the raw milk with different types of microorganisms may induce undesirable and objectionable changes rendering them unfit for consumption, moreover it indicates that them may at times, constitute a public health hazards.
So the present work was planned to investigate Prevalence of microbial infection in raw Camel’s milk (non heat treated) and antimicrobial activity against these isolates. A total 89 samples of Egyptian camel’s milk (Camelus dromedarius) collected from different places from desert of Mersa Matruh 57 samples from Swani Samalos and Dabaa, 30samples from Ras El-hekma and 2 samples from camel research center in Mersa Matruh governorate where are those areas considered as the largest gatherings of dairy camel in Egypt.
These samples were examined bacteriologically, it has been found that most of the microbes isolated from these samples as the following:-
 Staphylococci spp was with percentage of 17.9% of the so Staphylococcus spp considered as major pathogen isolated from camel milk.
 E. coli isolated with percentage of 1.1%.
 Gram negative bacilli isolated with percentage of 1.1%.