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Effect of Obesity on Pregnancy Course\
Ali, Azza Abd Elhameed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Azza Abd Elhameed Mohamed Ali
مشرف / Aziza Ahmed Attia
مشرف / Eman Mostafa Sayed Ahmed
مناقش / Eman Mostafa Sayed Ahmed
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
189P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - التمريض
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Obesity has become a worldwide health problem. Obesity is increasing rapidly among women all over the world, Obesity, an excess amount of body fat, frequently results in significant impairment of health including pregnancy outcome, attempts should be made to prevent or reduce obesity prior to pregnancy. Practitioners and educators may wish to begin counseling adolescent and young women prior to pregnancy regarding maternal obesity and the associated costs for the mother and her fetus/neonate/child. Because of the multitude of short and long-term implications of maternal obesity, and the potentially large economic impact, it is important that efforts are made to attempt to address this problem. Research that aims to reduce the impact of maternal obesity may contribute towards reducing the financial costs incurred, and improve maternal and infant health.
Subjects and Methods
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of obesity on pregnancy course.
This aim was to be achieved through:
2. Assess the effect of obesity on maternal condition.
4. Assess the effect of obesity on fetal condition.
 Summary
Research design
Descriptive research design was used in carrying out of this study.
Time and setting:
The study was conducted at outpatient antenatal clinics in Ain Shams Maternity University Hospital in the period from January 4022 to December 4022.
Sample size
Women representing 256 (51) of total obese pregnant women (571) admitted to the outpatient antenatal clinics in Ain Sham Maternity University Hospital, the study was conducted during a period of one year, at the beginning of January 4022 to the end of December 4022.
Type of sample:
A Purposive sample was selected in the study so the sample selected was according to certain criteria to achieve the aim of the study. The sample was selected in the study according to the following criteria.
The sample criteria included:-
2. Obese pregnant woman (BMI  20Kg)
4. Woman pregnant at the first of 4nd trimester
2. Free from medical disease &obstetrics disease
 Summary
E. Tools of data collection
2) A Structured interviewing questionnaire:
Was designed by the researcher based on reviewing related literatures, it took about 20mintues to fill by the researcher; it consisted of the two parts.
First part:
Was designed to assess Socio-demographic characteristics of the study sample.
Second part:
Was designed to assess previous medical. &surgical history
Third part:
Was designed to assess previous obstetric history as the following gravity, parity, number of living children, previous pregnancy complication & previous labor complication.
Fourth part:
Was designed to assess Previous family history administered with the following medical includes 5 questions. & obstetric complication includes
Fifth part:
Was designed to assess present pregnancy history administered with the following LMP, EDD, GA, ADL, number of meals per day, meals component, exercise, personal hygiene & Housing Sanitation.
 Summary
9) Maternal & fetal observation sheet
This tool was designed in order to assess effect of obesity on pregnancy course that consist of maternal observational sheet and fetal observational sheet.
Maternal assessment sheet to assess the effect of obesity on maternal condition (at the first of 4nd trimester and the end of 4nd trimester). Consist of observation sheet that included the following sections:- Present complain, vital signs, anthropometric measures, abdominal examination, kick count per day, deep tendon reflex, Edema, Investigation, Drug recommended:
Fetal assessment sheet: This part was designed in order to assess effect of obesity on fetal condition (at the first of 4nd trimester and the end of 4nd trimester), Consist of observation sheet that included the following sections: Fetal ultrasound examination results includes: five parameters were examined by researcher which include fetal measurement:, Fetal weight, fetal heart rate pattern, fetal movement and fetal abnormalities.
Based on the findings revealed by the present study, it can be concluded that: Maternal obesity has a negative effect on pregnancy course; both on maternal & fetal condition highly statistically significance in symphysis fundal height measurement, investigation of blood sugar, pus cell in urine and fetal movement with maternal BMI. While statistically significant in the kick count, edema, hemoglobin level, maternal present complaint, fetal measurement, fetal heart rate pattern with maternal BMI.
 Summary
In the light of study finding, the following recommendations are proposed for the Prevention of future maternal obesity:
- Preconception assessment and Nutrition consultation should be offered to all overweight or obese women, Nutrition and exercise counseling should continue postpartum.
- Providers would need to be educated to provide initial screening, health education and counseling regarding the risks of entering pregnancy as obese
- Raising awareness and education about maternal obesity among populations at greater risk for maternal obesity and excessive GWG (e.g., individuals residing in rural communities, individuals residing in deprived neighborhoods, etc.).
- Further research and clinical trials are needed in the field of obstetrics to contribute towards evidence based care of obese women. The quality of care provided to obese women must be evaluated.