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Medicolegal Aspect of
Abdominal Injuries in Egypt
A Retrospective study in Cairo and Giza
governorates throughout the years 2009, 2010\
Ibrahim, Amr Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Amr Mahmoud Ibrahim
مشرف / Magdy Mahmoud El-Meligy
مشرف / Saad Ahmed Nageib
مناقش / Saad Ahmed Nageib
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
229p. :
Chemistry (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - سموم
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 229

from 229


The present study aimed at evaluation of abdominal injuries
in Cairo and Giza, and their relations to different factors. Data of
cases with abdominal injuries, presented to departments and
morgue of Cairo and Giza in Medicolegal Administration in 2-
years period was collected and analyzed. The total number of
cases was 912 cases.
Regarding the age of victims, it was found that the highest
percentage of cases was found in the age group B (from above 18
to 40 years of age). Moreover, the age group B had the highest
percentage of accidental, homicidal and suicidal circumstances.
It was found that the majority of cases in this study were
males (76.86%). Males outnumbered females in each age group
except age group A where females were more than twice the
percentage of males.
Regarding the motive of injury in this study, it was found
that the highest percentage of cases (36.84%) was injured due to
arguments. The second highest percentage of injuries was found to
be due to No motives (accidental; 12.5%). It was also found that
males outnumbered females regarding all motives except for the
child abuse (30.30% vs 69.69%) and family troubles (34.69% vs
65.31%) where female percentage was higher. As regards the circumstances of injury in this study, it was
found that the majority of cases were homicidal in nature
(77.08%). It was also found that the percentage of suicides in
females were twice that in males (15.17% vs 7.70%).
Regarding the type of trauma in the current study, it was
found that the majority of cases (30.20%) suffered from blunt
traumas followed by stab wounds (25.06%) and cut wounds
Regarding the weapons used in the present study, it was
found that the highest percentage of weapons used was sharp
objects (32.58%). Also, it was found that the second highest
percentage of weapons was hands and feet (15.29%) and blunt
objects (12.74%).
It was also found that the highest percentage of most of the
weapons used was found in the age group B; the exception was
corrosives and hot fluids and objects where the highest percentage
of use was found in the age group A (40% and 58.62%,
As regards the site of trauma, it was found that the most
injured organ in the abdomen was the liver (25.73%) followed by
the intestine (17.11%). The least organs to be injured are the
stomach (8.63%) and the kidneys (7.89%).
Regarding the prognosis in this study, it was found that the
majority of cases (52.74%) ended in death. It was also found that the majority of cases in age group A (89 out of 130 cases) and
group D (41 out of 54 cases) ended in death.
It was also found that the percentage of deaths and
complete recovery were higher in females than males (58.76% vs
50.93% and 36.97% vs 32.95%).
As regards the relation between prognosis and motive, it
was found that the percentage of cases ended in death was higher
in child abuse (75.76%). The percentage of cases ending in death
was also higher in cases of immoral behavior (74.19%) and
revenge (65%).
In cases of psychological instability all cases (100%) ended
in death.
As regards the manner of trauma and death in the current
study, it was found that in the majority of cases (55.15%) the
abdominal injuries didn’t cause death.
Regarding the cause of death in the studied cases, it was
found that there were 481 cases that ended in death, the majority
of which (57.17%) died from hemorrhage. It was also found that
the percentage of different causes of death was higher in males
than females, except for the histaminic shock.
Positive findings in postmortem cases included different
forms of infections in the cases that didn’t die immediately after
the injury but survived for sometime ranging from one day up to 5 months. These included bed sores, meningitis, pneumonia,
peritonitis and generalized sepsis.
It was noted that the commonest infection was pneumonia
followed by peritonitis.