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دراسة اقتصادية للمشروعات الزراعية الصغيرة في محافظة البحيرة /
عبد الله، مدحت عوض طاهر.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مدحت عوض طاهر عبد الله
مشرف / محمود صادق العضيمي
مشرف / بهاء الدين محمد مرسي
مناقش / محمد أمين مصيلحي
مناقش / صلاح محمود مقلد
مناقش / بهاء الدين محمد مرسي
مناقش / محمود صادق العضيمي
الزراعة- اقتصاديات.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
242 ص. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - الاقتصاد الزراعي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 242

from 242


An Economic study for small agricultural projects in Behera
governorate .
Unemployment spreads between urban and rural Egyptian people is mainly due to the emigration of rural people from country to cities. To combat this problem, it is important to encourage the establishment of small size projects in rural areas to benefit from rural material and manpower. Moreover, marketing, products of such projects are available in the rural sector.
Small size projects are considered one of the economic national programe component to increase agricultural exports and to create employment opportunities. Thus, small projects will assist to create employment opportunities, increase per head incomes and thus increase standard of living.
The main objective of the present study is to examine the economics of agricultural small projects in Behera governorate and its effects on family and farm incomes. M0reover, the study defines size and kinds of such projects and its effects on nurall areas and unemployment.
The study depends on two types of data; published and unpublished data from available resources. The second type of data war the results of sample of small projects for four kinds of projects; bees keeping, aqua fish culture, poultry fattening and calves fattening.
The study contains four chapters the first presents the theoretical framework and reviews previous researches. The second chapter is
concerned with financial agencies related to small projects. The social
economic fund is the first and important source of finance of small
projects; about 39% of total small projects were financed by this fund.
Other financing sources were local development and fined, PBDAC.
The third chapter describes the development of small projects in
Egypt. The development of beekeeping and its distribution all over the
country was shown. The development of fish aquaculture in rice fields
during the years 1997 – 1012 its production and consumption were cited.
About 22% of total fish aquaculture was produced in Behera government.
The fourth chapter evaluate small projects in Behera governorate
in two sections; the first describes and analyses the sample confected from
jour kinds of small projects in Behera governorate. The governorate
comes second in producing honeybee .
It also came second in producing aquaculture fish in rice fields.
The first section of chapter four presents the results of the selected
sample; 40 farmers were selected from beekeeping from three districts ,
20 farmers of fish – in rice field – projects in one district, 50 farmers from fattening calves projects in three districts .
The second section of chapter four, evaluate the economics of the
sample collected for each group 4 small projects. For beekeeping the
results show that net farm income was about L.E. 893 per farm and the return / cost ratio was 1.29. The results also show that beekeeping project may increase agricultural production of the region by about 20%. As for fish projects , the result state that the net return per feddan was about
L.E.52, in addition to an increase of about 0.28 ton of rice . Poultry
fattening project estimate to achieve profit of about 137% of total costs.
Fattening calves projects is estimated to achieve about the rate of 1.26%
of total costs. Finally, the section presents problems facining farmers and
owners of small projects raised during the sample survey.