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تحليل القيم البيئية المتضمنة في بعض الصحف المصرية /
جعفر، أسامه حسن علي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسامه حسن علي جعفر
مشرف / عبد المسيح سمعان عبد المسيح
مشرف / نجوى كامل عبد الرحيم
مناقش / عبد المسيح سمعان عبد المسيح
مناقش / نجوى كامل عبد الرحيم
الصحافة المصرية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
505 ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - العلوم التربوية والإعلام البيئي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام


We have growing impact on the human environment, whether intentionally or unintentionally, until tomorrow what we are seeing climate change, and the extinction of some of the objects and
desertification, land degradation and the repercussions of a reality reflected in the number of serious environmental problems caused where a
man on a journey to search for an easy life and live in luxury, but he did
not go crazy, but new risks threatens to become the entity as a whole, which has aroused the attention of many scientists and researchers in various scientific disciplines, and also the attention of States and international organizations, where she held the effect that many of the international conferences to discuss the subject of the environment and its problems, and the fact that our problems contemplates environmental, concludes that it does not depart from being a crisis of values, they are primarily behaviors resulting from the absence of environmental values on how the treatment of the human environment, and what was the first and most important functions of environmental education is the formation of character and environmental values to modify the behavior of individuals, so it became them to provide pursuant educationally planned and organized into the deal better than encouraged to adopt a positive patterns of human behavior towards the environment.
The media of all kinds, audio-visual and print, which overlooks the window through which individuals in the world, and is one of the oldest newspapers printed media that bring about the desired change in the public through the provision of more details and clarification of the events and the various issues raised, which gives these events or implications of different topics and helps readers on their understanding and awareness of
the composition and point of view or see around and provide the information and the evidence and the evidence, and scientific research and documents, in order to strengthen the agenda the public about the environment and its problems and maintain, and also wrote ”Ateopold” ”that little can be done to maintain the environment without creating a new kind of people” and that the only change that will make a big difference is the switch from inside the human.
Research a problem:
Crystallize the research problem in the lack of Newspapers study to highlight the effect relationship and the impact of environmental problems and the problems of life for individuals, as some newspapers, which dealt with environmental issues was the lack of visibility overall values of environmental and role towards those issues as well as the absence of the
concepts and dimensions of environmental education and comprehensive that they involved Paljzih in the treatment of the media and limiting treatment on news coverage related to the events in terms of the effects and causes more than eating solutions and methods of treatment, and that the element of attraction when viewing environmental issues adopted at
the addresses bustling, and the display in the inside pages, and walked
away in guaranteed for simplicity when drafting, and carrying a lot of
specialized academic terms, along with severe limitations in dealing with
environmental values ,and their development is an unintended manner and
without a specific target.
Research questions:
The research problem can be formulated in the following main question:
To what extent the Egyptian newspapers role in the development of environmental values to the audience?
Branching off from the main question the following questions:
1- What environmental values provided by the Egyptian press sample of
the study?
2- What format used in highlighting the environmental values in the
Egyptian press sample of the study?
3- What content, which were submitted environmental values?
4- What opinions of those who communicate with the press of offer
environmental values?
5- What effectiveness of the treatment of Egyptian newspapers study
sample issues and environmental issues to readers about environmental values?
Objectives of the research:
Monitoring the environmental values that were expressed in the study
- Identify the opinions of those who communicate about environmental
values and provided with the press of environmental values. .
- Identify the effectiveness of treatment of the press issues and
environmental issues and the development of environmental values
among readers.
Research the limits:
Committed to this research Balahud the following:
1- Analysis of the content of newspapers Al-Ahram and the delegation
and Egyptian today without the other.
2- Conduct a study Alastzlaih on a limited sample of the preparation of
Egyptian newspapers (Al-Ahram, Al-Wafd, Al-Masry Al-Youm), of the study sample.
3- Analysis of the content of some newspapers during the period of the
previous year 2009 -.2010.
4- To know the views of those who communicate with the press of offer
environmental values.
5- The effectiveness of the treatment of Egyptian newspapers study sample issues and environmental issues on the development of environmental values among readers.
Research Methodology :
The researcher used in conducting this research:
descriptive method / and quasi-experimental, so that this approach fits
Research Press because it is used in the study of research problems in their
current state, such as reading newspapers and readers characteristics and trends of professional practice among editors, writers and intellectual
trends and regulatory Press .
To answer ask these Research Astkhadd researcher materials and the following tools:
1. The list of environmental values 2. Form content analysis of the environmental values of the newspapers
the study sample – to learn about the environmental values in terms of
quantity and quality.
3. Measure of environmental values
4. Interview questionnaire for those in charge to communicate Search procedures:
To answer the research questions, the researcher the following steps:
1. Prepare a list of environmental values.
2. Design form content analysis of the environmental values of the newspapers -
the study sample - to learn about the environmental values in terms of
quantity and quality 3. Analysis of the content of newspapers, the study sample in terms of form and content, and to draw conclusions.
4. The design of form to contact those in charge of the interview (Editors).
5. .Application form to a group of newspaper editors and draw conclusions .
Scale setting of the values of environmental and exploratory experience
6. .Identify a sample of source material from the print press
7. .Identify a set of readers
8. .Scale application of environmental values on tribal groups–
9. Readers group read the sample source material for the press for a limited
10. Scale application of environmental values on the Group Uday
11. .Draw conclusions and processed statistically
12. Recommendations and proposals
Search results
To answer the first question
- The results of research show that environmental values are included in the
domestic issues came in the introduction, and occupied the values of ”protecting the ecological system” ranked first, then the values of ”environmental citizenship”, and the values of ”the development of environmental resources” in the third, then the values of ”rationalization the use of environmental resources ”in fourth place came in the stern values of” maximizing the green economy,
”The environmental values are included in foreign issues has been led by the
values of” environmental citizenship ”, and the values of” protecting the
ecological system ”in the second, then the values of” development environmental
resources ”in the third, then the values of” rationalizing the use of environmental resources ”in fourth place, and came in the rear values” appreciate the beauty of the environment ”, Foreign Affairs and this may explain the order of the agenda
of environmental values in the newspapers, the study also notes the convergence of the order of environmental values in both domestic issues and foreign interests in newspapers, study, came a year (2008-2009) best interest of the hand of
environmental values ,Al-Ahram newspaper came at the forefront of attention to the subject of the study Newspapers environmental values of the delegation and then finally the newspaper Al Masry Al Youm, the spectrum at rates close.
To answer to the second question:
The results of the research:
- The multiplicity and diversity of patterns used by the newspapers to publish the study sample topics include environmental values ,was the focus of the study Newspapers drastically publishing Maitalq environmental values by the news, which came to use his newspapers during the study period of time in the first place either shapes Other Kaaltgarir investigation and talk and column and editorial, graphics, cartoons and Responses and contributions from readers came
respectively in the ranks of the next and a few, and the discrepancy in the use and interest Newspapers study by the publication of topics that include environmental values during the years covered by the study, were the contributions of readers in second place, far behind the news, and then came the column and then press talk then replies then the investigation report and then study or scientific research drawing satirical cartoons and then editorial and rates are very low compared.
- Did not deal with the Egyptian newspaper today, but the news and contributions from readers, without all forms of media material pattern during the year (2008-
2009), while it topped the newspapers in the study Clamn ”press to talk” and
”study or research.
” The three newspapers have focused on some of the patterns without the other,
and generally focus on one without the other patterns, a news and newspapers
focused on the scope of the three local geographical location, far behind the
international arena and in the Arab Nschermodoat included environmental
Newspapers neglected study use, Alsourmoduaah fees and graphics, Almancet, colors, and most of what was published in the inside pages, followed by a large margin the first page and then came the last page while specializing in the rear.
To answer the third question:
The results of the research:
- Focused on the three newspapers to target the general public, based on multiple sources (unofficial) in the spread of the topics included environmental values , has come to rely greatest significance delegates and reporters, while neglected rely on scientific research and letters to the press material sources (official).
- Newspapers highlighted the study values the protection of the ecosystem and environmental citizenship in both domestic issues and Aforeighaly arrangement,
more than the rest of the environmental values came Ahram newspaper at the
forefront of the study, which Tnolthma newspapers, the newspapers have highlighted the themes of other environmental values are variable, has shows are not exposed Wafd newspaper, but the value of one of the values of environmental citizenship during the year (2010), also highlighted the newspapers three each includes the value of ”protecting the environment from pollution,” which came in
ranked Alaolyo value of ”sustainable development”, which came in ranked second, the value of ”rationalizing the use of water resources,” which came in
ranked third from the sum of the values of environmental research topic.
- Neglected Aharaúd Maitdmn all three of the value of ”Nrashid the use of
mineral resources,” value ”tasting the environmental beauty of the Nile River and its shores”, and the value of ”green industries.”
To answer the fourth question:
The results of descriptive statistics of the responses of 60 journalists on the questionnaire against the following:
- That there is interest from contact-based environmental issues, but most of them did not know anything about environmental values ,and came (meetings and seminars) from more sources, which are reliable, and more arts journalism, which
can be used for the development of environmental values among readers came in the first place (economic), and that environmental problems are the main test
which determines the nature and existence of environmental values or not in the Egyptian press, and can by addressing environmental issues can develop environmental values. ,based on the evidence and the evidence to answer the fifth question :The results of descriptive statistics - That for reader’s responses on scale environmental values by reading the
newspapers and after the sample has changed very little and is D. When
the level of function (0.05), ie, there was no statistically significant differences between the application and the pre and post application in the gauge degrees of environmental values, and thus were not the effectiveness of the treatment effect of journalistic values Albeihaly readers noticeable, as the results proved that the development of environmental values for readers not affected by Atarae not changed.