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فاعلية العلاج بالوقاع في خفض السلوك العدواني لدى عينة من المراهقين في المرحلة الإعدادية /
حسن، أميرة عبد الحافظ محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أميرة عبد الحافظ محمد حسن
مشرف / إيمان فوزي شاهين
مشرف / محمود رامز يوسف
مناقش / محمود رامز يوسف
المراهفون- علم نفس.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
238 ص. :
علم النفس التنموي والتربوي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية - الصحة النفسية والإرشدا النفسي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 16

from 16


Aim of the study: The study aims to Test the effectiveness of Reality Therapy. In reducing
aggressive behavior among a sample of adolescents in middle school.
Sample of the study: The study sample consisted of 40 students from the junior middle school students ranging in age from 12-13 years, were divided into four groups as follows:
1- The experimental group ( 10 ) male .
2 - The experimental group (10 ) female .
3 – The control group (10 ) male .
4- The control group (10 ) female .
Has been among the sample homogeneity in terms of chronological age, and in terms of intelligence, and in terms of the degree of aggressive behavior scale dimensions (Aggaresssive towards self - Aggaresssive towards others - Aggaresssive toward property) and the total score, and where the socio-economic level of the family.
Tools of the study: Catella test of intelligence, prepared, Ahmed Abdul Aziz Salama , and Abdul Salam Abdul Ghaffar (1974).
Family socio-economic level scale , prepared Abdul Aziz Elshakhs (2006).
The aggressive behavior scale, prepared by the researcher .
Reality therapy program, prepared by the researcher.
The results of the study: Of the most important results of the effectiveness Reality Therapy in reducing aggressive behavior unit (Aggaresssive towards self - Aggaresssive towards others - Aggaresssive toward property) in a sample of adolescents in middle school.