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جماليات العلاقة المتبادلة بين المفردة والفراغ فى الزخرفة العضوية الإسلامية كمدخل لاستحداث تصميمات زخرفية مستمدة من الكائنات البحرية /
أحمد، هشام فوزى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هشام فوزى أحمد
مشرف / حسينى على محمد
مشرف / شندى محمود أبو الخير
مناقش / حسينى على محمد
مناقش / عماد فاروق راغب
مناقش / محمد على عبده
مناقش / شندى محمود أبو الخير
التربية الفنية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
235 ص. :
تربية فنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية النوعية - التربية الفنية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 16

from 16


Find the problem revolves around aesthetics inspired by the art of crafting organic Islamic decoration through the vision of a new artistic vocabulary depending on the novel of the same objects Bharihali way to build the foundations of the Islamic organic motifs, but the elements of Mokhtafah and updated. The problem can be formulated in the following question:
The possibility of creating decorative plates on the list inspired by the aesthetics of the establishment of the foundations and organic motifs in Islamic heritage and take advantage of these foundations in the construction and formulations developed processors based on the introduction of new variables such as the severity and extent of their impact glass, different space interfaces to work decorative paintings.
The researcher followed during this study, several steps have been organized in four chapters as follows:
Chapter (1):
Background Search, Search problem, research hypotheses, Research Objectives, The importance of Seat, Borders Search, Research Methodology, Search Terms.
Chapter (2):
Studies related to:
- First, studies related to the structural underpinnings of the trappings of organic.
- Second, studies related to aesthetics mutual relationship between the individual and the vacuum.
- Third, studies linked to formulations of configurable Islamic art.
Chapter (3):
The aesthetics of the mutual relationship between the individual and the vacuum in the organic Islamic decoration includes:
- Vacuum in Islamic art.
- Aesthetic mutual relationship patterns of organic motifs of Islamic
- &&
Chapter (4):
Practical experience and include:
Introduction, Search Tools, Subjective experience by the researcher, conclusions and recommendations, References and recommendations, Supplements Search, summary in Arabic, Summary in English, a list of references in Arabic and English.
Then this chapter also deals with building research tools and controls, and then display the results and recommendations.