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Mohamed, Heba Fouly Abdelmonem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Heba Fouly
مشرف / Mosleh Abdul Rhman
مشرف / Hanan Abass
مشرف / Mosleh Abdul Rhman
Family Medicine. Urinary incontinence.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
88 P. :
ممارسة طب الأسرة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الطب - طب الاسره
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Urinary incontinence is a common and distressing problem for elderly patients, their families and friends, and the health professionals who care for them. It is a heterogeneous condition, and appropriate management depends on a thorough evaluation and understanding of the multiple factors that can play a role in its cause and perpetuation. Identifying reversible causes of transient incontinence, and appropriate management of incontinence that is associated with acute illness, can be important in preventing the problem from becoming established.(1)
A thorough diagnostic evaluation of urinary incontinence in the elderly, and appropriate use of the different types of therapy, will greatly improve the management in these cases. The need and opportunities for research to improve the management of incontinent elderly persons should be considered by all those involved in caring for this population.(1) The international continence society defines urinary incontinence as the complaint of any involuntary leakage of urine.(2)
Urinary incontinence affects women of all ages.
In middle-aged women, prevalence estimates range from 30% to 40%, and rise to about 50% in older women. Nearly 35% of women older than 40 years of age have urinary incontinence, which is associated with increased social isolation, falls, fractures, and admissions to specialized nursing units. Diagnosis and treatment of this common condition by primary care physicians would be optimal The prevalence increases with age. It is estimated that 46% of women aged over 80 years have urinary incontinence. In a recent cohort study of individuals aged over 85 years.(3)
Incontinence is generally classified as urge (urine leakage with the urge to urinate), stress (urine leakage when straining, coughing, or exercising), mixed (both types), or other uncommon types of incontinence (such as neurogenic and overflow).Incontinence is a stressful problem that is associated with significant medical morbidity, including infection, UTI, sepsis, pressure ulcers, and falls. It is also associated with significant psychological stress and social isolation, depression. Incontinence causes significant caregiver burden, and is frequently cited as a reason for deciding to abandon home care efforts in favor of nursing home placement.
Family physician has big role in diagnosis & treatment of urinary incontinence in female. his role involved in:
1- Health education through lectures, brochures to explain
The nature of the disease , how to prevent it and methods
Of treatment.
2- Screening through asking elderly female in the normal visits.
3- Assessment of cases through taking full history & examination.
4- Pharmacological treatment of most of the cases.
5- Referral of the indicated cases.
Initial management of urinary incontinence in women: