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المضامين الفكرية فى اشعار دافيد افيدان /
الجوهرى، حاتم منصور شفيق.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حاتم منصور شفيق الجوهرى
مشرف / احمد عبد الطيف حماد
مشرف / سامية جمعة على
مناقش / زين العابدين محمود ابو خضرة
الاداب العبرى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
322ص. ؛
الأدب والنظرية الأدبية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة العبرية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 322

from 322


The title of this study is: ”the Intellectual contents in David Avidan’s Poetry: An
analytical Study”, it’s concerned about analyzing the content side and the values of the
poet David Avidan, but with out the direct involving in it’s literary form and language. The study
depends on the edition of ”The Complete Works” of David Avidan with it’s four parts, and it takes
the ”analytical and critical approach” for it’s method in general; although it deals with the
”cultural criticism” method which reveals the ”cultural patterns” within the literary phenomenon,
and putting the spot on it’s relationships with the other historical , sosiological
, and humanitarian patterns , which the literary phenomenon involves with.
the importance of the poet David Avidan lies in his role as a poet in the period of ”after the
state” in the modern hebrew literature, he is to be known with his special way in the poetry which
related strongly to the ”existential philosophy”, and the nihilism vision as well. This study
takes it’s place because approaching the modern hebrew literature from that angle, didn’t
take the sufficient concern in both: arabic and hebrew studies. This angle didn’t take it’s place
because the idiological, and political situation of this literary generation; which declared the
death of ideology in it’s obvious form!
The study consists of: a preamble, four section, where every section divided into tow parts, which
every part consists of four items as well in the three last sections (the applied sections which is
about the poems of David Avidan), and every part consists of five items in the first section
(which is about the general theoretical frame of existentialism in the Zionist literature). The
preamble was under the title of: zionism and existentialism (the existential zionism), which
contains a simple definition for the existential philosophy, the historical context of
existentialism in the the twentieth century, the zionist form of modernism and postmodernism, the
existential crisis in the jewish history, the parents of the the existential zionism before
declaration of the