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El-Bahat, Magda Attia Abd El-Moamen Ali,
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Magda Attia Abd El-Moamen Ali El-Bahat
مشرف / Usama A. El-Behairy
مشرف / Salah Hossein Sarhan
مناقش / Essam Abd EL-Monem
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
96 p. ;
العلوم البيئية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - Agricultural Sciences
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The present study was carried out in Mansoura Horticulture Research Station , Mansoura , Dakahleia Governorate , Egypt to study the effect of some different cultivation methods i.e., hydroponic (soilless culture), greenhouse and open field as a conventional production method on the concentration of some heavy metals in tomato and strawberry .The aim of this study was to determine heavy metals i.e. (Pb , Ni, Cd & Co)concentrations in tomato and strawberry fruits and leaves under these cultivation methods.
Hybrid tomato (Jackal) was transplanted at 10th March 2006 in the 1st season and 4th March 2007 in the 2nd season, respectively. Strawberry cv. (Camarosa) was transplanted at 8th October 2006 in the 1st season while the 2nd season at 14th October 2007, respectively.
Two separated experiments were conducted using the same design and treatments for tomato and strawberry plants. The design of the experiments was randomized complete design (RCD).
Data were statistically analyzed and the results were summarized as follows:
Growth characters:
There was a significant increment among the production methods in the plant height, the cultivation under greenhouse gave the highest value of the plant height followed by open field method during the two seasons of tomato and strawberry plants.
The open field recorded the highest value of fresh weight of tomato plants over than greenhouse and hydroponic at both tested seasons. On the other hand, there was no significant increment in fresh weight of strawberry plants during the two tested seasons among the cultivation methods.
The dry matter content of tomato plant was significantly increased with open filed method compared with greenhouse and hydroponic cultivation methods during the two experimental seasons. While no significant effect among the cultivation methods on dry matter content of strawberry plants during the two experimental seasons.
Yield and quality parameters:
Results revealed that there were significant differences among the cultivation methods and during the two tested seasons on the fruit weight average of tomato and strawberry, the average of fruit weight increased with greenhouse way followed by open field during the two seasons over the hydroponic cultivation method.
The highest value of tomato fruits number / plant was obtained with open filed followed by greenhouse one. While the lowest value of tomato fruits number / plant was obtained with the hydroponic method, while there was no significant effect between the cultivation methods on fruits number / plant during the two experimental seasons of strawberry plants.
The highest increment of fruits weight / plant of tomato were recorded with open field method followed by greenhouse method in both seasons, while the lowest value of fruits weight / plant was found with hydroponic cultivation method but, the highest values of fruits weight / plant of strawberry were recorded with hydroponic method in both experimental seasons and the lowest value was obtained by open filed method.
There were no significant differences among the cultivation methods were detected in total soluble solids (TSS) content of fruits during the two seasons for both tomato and strawberry fruits although hydroponic method gave the slight increase value.
Macro-elements content in leaves:
There was significant increment in N (%) content of tomato leaves in hydroponic method followed by greenhouse method, while, there is no significant differences among the cultivation methods during the two seasons of strawberry leaves.
There were significant differences obtained with hydroponic and greenhouse methods, while the lowest value was found with open filed method in P (%) content of tomato plant leaves and no significant differences of strawberry leaves during the two seasons.
There was a significant increment in K content among the cultivation methods of tomato and strawberry leaves during both seasons and the highest increment in K % occurred with hydroponic production method.
The hydroponic cultivation method gave the highest values of strawberry fruits Fe concentration in both seasons (106.2 and 110.57 ppm, respectively), followed by open filed method.
Micro-elements concentration in leaves:
Higher values of Zn concentration in tomato and strawberry fruits during the first season were recorded (14.10 and 12 .97 ppm, of tomato and strawberry fruits, respectively) by using the hydroponic method compared with open field and greenhouse methods.
There were no significant differences in tomato and strawberry fruits concentration of Mn and Cu between the cultivation methods i.e. hydroponic, greenhouse and open field during the two tested seasons.
On the other hand; there was not significant increment among the cultivation methods in tomato fruits concentration of Fe, Mn during the study seasons, also, Zn concentration in tomato and strawberry fruits in the second season.
Heavy metals concentration in leaves and fruits:
Data indicated that there were significant differences among the cultivation methods in Pb, Ni, Co & Cd concentration of tomato and strawberry leaves and fruits in the experimental seasons.
A- Heavy metals concentration in leaves:
Results detected clearly that, the lowest values of Pb, Ni, Co & Cd concentration in tomato and strawberry leaves were recoded under hydroponic cultivation method conditions followed by greenhouse method. Whereas the highest ( Pb, Ni, Co & Cd) concentration in leaves was obtained from the open field cultivation method of both crops during the two tested seasons.
B- Heavy metals concentration in fruits:
The lowest concentration of Pb, Ni , Co & Cd in fruits were recorded from hydroponic cultivation method , the values of ( Pb, Ni , Co & Cd) were higher in tomato and strawberry fruits produce from open field cultivation method than hydroponic cultivation method at mean of the two seasons ( 2 .21 – 3.48) times of Pb, (3.12 – 3.37 ) times of Ni , (3.09 – 4.99) times of Co and ( 2.35 - 2.44) times of Cd , for both fruits ,respectively.