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نموذج إحصائى مقترح لتقدير استھلاك المياه بمصر.
أبو السعود, نھال حامد أحمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نھال حامد أحمد أبو السعود
مشرف / عمرو إبراھيم عبد الرحمن الإتربى
مشرف / عبد الفتاح محمد مطاوع
مناقش / عبد الفتاح محمد مطاوع
الإحصاء التطبيقى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
141P. :
العلوم الاجتماعية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التجارة - قسم الاحصاء, الرياضة والتأمين
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 141


Suggested Statistical Model for Estimating The Water
Consumption in Egypt
The Problem:
Egypt is facing an increasing pressure; Regarding its limited
water resources. This is due to various factors as it depends
mainly on The Nile River. In addition, Egypt hopes to increase
the area of agriculture, number of factories. This led to increasing
demand on water even through it suffers from scarcity that
reflected on the average of water consumption per person which
has reached 700 m3.
Objective of The Research:
This research aims to building a statistical model to estimate the
water consumption in Egypt and determine the variables that
affect water consumption in order to assist the designated
authorities to make the right decisions.
Importance of The Research:
The importance of this research comes from the fact that water is
vital to the economy. This is due to the wide use of water in all
sectors, especially the agricultural sector, which accounts for the
largest consumer of water and the main source of food.
Research Plane:
To achieve the objectives of the research a study of five chapters,
which can be summarized as follows:
Chapter 1:
This chapter presents the research introduction, problem,
hypotheses, limitation of the study, goal and significance. In
addition to the sources of data and literature review.
Chapter 2:
This chapter illustrate the available water resources in Egypt, that
can be categorized into traditional water resources (The Nile
River, rainwater, floods and groundwater), and non traditional
water resources (The reuse of agricultural drainage water, The
reuse of sanitary drainage water and desalination of sea water).
Chapter 3:
In this chapter the researcher presents the current use of water and
future water needs in various sectors such as agricultural,
industry, drinking, river navigation, hydroelectric power and
In this chapter the researcher discuses the statistical methods used
(Ordinary Least Squares Method, Ridge Regression and Partial
Least Squares Method) and statistical analysis.
Chapter 5:
In this chapter the researcher presents the resulting and
recommendations based on the statistical methods.