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فاعلية برنامج كمبيوتر باستخدام الوسائط المتعددة في تنمية مهارات الاتصال اللغوي للمتأخرين عقليا فئة القابلين للتعلم /
شاهين، سلوى أحمد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سلوى أحمد محمد شاهين
مشرف / محمود حسن إسماعيل
مشرف / غادة فرج الدري
مناقش / أمل عبد الفتاح أحمد سويدان
مناقش / اعتماد خلف معبد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
448 ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - قسم الإعلام وثقافة الأطفال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 448

from 448


In fact, the current study is characterized by quick subsequent changes which main trait is the informative revolution and a great deal of information and various learning resources such as computer and multimedia.
The mentally retarded children can through these media acquire skills and concepts necessary for learning; they can also improve their basic cognitive process (attention – perception – remembrance), having less time in education and learning academic subjects in addition to improving their linguistic vocabulary and skills, unlike the traditional education which has less effect and less effectiveness on these processes.
*Research Problem:
The current research problem in light of the several previous researches and review of literature is crystallized in the low level of mentally retarded students’ academic achievement. Several studies show that the main reason for this low level is embedded in weakness of linguistic skills (listening – conversation – reading – writing) since reading represents the main basic pillar for acquiring such academic skills. Hence, the study problem is basically formed in the following major inquiry:
“What is the effectiveness of a computer program using the multi-media in developing linguistic communication skills for the educable mentally retarded students?
•from this major question, the coming minor questions are derived:
1.What are the linguistic communication skills necessary for students of grade four of the ”educable” mentally retarded category?
2.How could we build an educational programming using the multimedia for development of linguistic communication skills for students of grade four of the ”educable” mentally retarded category?
3.What are the obstacles for using multimedia for development of linguistic communication skills for students of grade four of the ”educable” mentally retarded category?
*Research Significance:
1.Proposing a multimedia-based on program for the ”educable” mentally retarded students due to traits and characteristics of this category.
2.Proposing a scale of linguistic skills for the ”educable” mentally retarded students after modification.
3.Benefitting from this scale in developing curricula for mentally retarded students.
4.Presenting a model for using the multimedia programs due to proper scientific bases.
5.Expand in knowledge auto-learning and viewing field through communicating to the internet.
6.Directing the attention of those in charge of preparing teachers programs to the necessity for train teachers to use and produce multimedia programs and programming to employ them in teaching Arabic language.
*Research Objectives:
The current research drives at designing program based on computer and multimedia technology for development of linguistic communication skills for grade four students of the ”educable” mentally retarded category.
*Research Instruments:
•Scale of linguistic skills for mentally retarded children.
•A proposed multimedia-based on program.
*Research Limits:
1)Regarding the content:
the present research is limited on some topics in Arabic language course of grade four students in mental education schools for the second semester of the academic year 2012/2013.
2)Regarding the sample:
The sample consists of (30) students in grade 4 who are ”educable” mentally retarded category, aged (6-9 year olds), with (50-70) IQ regularly attending the mental educational schools, divided into two groups as follows:
•The control group: consisting of (15) students, taught through the traditional educational program at school.
•The experimental group: consisting of (15) students, taught through the multimedia program applying all activities exist in the program.
3)The Spatial Field:
The pilot study is administered on a (n=15) sample of the 4th grade primary students of the mental educational schools in Al-Mahla Al-Kobra School.
The experimental study is administered on a (n=30) sample of the 4th grade primary ”educable” mentally retarded students of the mental educational schools in Al-Gharbia governorate in Al-Mahla Al-Kobra.
*Research Procedures:
•For answering the research questions and check the hypotheses validity, the study follows the following procedures:
oReviewing literatures and previous studies and researches that tackled with current research variables (computer–multimedia-linguistic communication skills) directed for the ”educable” mentally retarded children to benefit from in the theoretical framework and analyze the review of literature, extracting as well the results and discuss them.
oDefining skills of linguistic communication should be developed in the ”educable” mentally retarded students grade four in intellectual schools, achieving this through:
1.Reviewing literatures and previous studies and researches that tackled with development of skills of the ”educable” mentally retarded students.
2.Reviewing the Arabic language book curriculum decided on for students grade four in primary schools of intellectual education.
3.Defining the bases and standards should be considered at designing the multimedia programs for the mentally impaired students.
4.Defining the multimedia based on-elements of computer regarding content and devices.
5.Designing the research tools and means of controlling them.
6.Expose these tools on a group of professionals for checking out their content validity and applicability.
7.Prepare the fundamental requirements for operating the program.
8.Selecting the research group.
9.Apply the scale of linguistic skills on children with mental disability.
10.Execute the program on the experimental group due to the proposed multimedia program.
11.Making a post-application on the research group and monitor results.
12.Making the statistical treatment for data.
13.Expose research results and explain them in light of the previous studies.
*Research Results:
The research results prove the effectiveness a multimedia program in developing the linguistic communication skills for students who are mentally retarded but educable as results show that:
1.There is a significant statistical difference at significance level (0.05) between average scores of the experimental and the control group regarding the post-application of the linguistic skills scale (totally) and its branch skills, in favor of the experimental group.
2.There is a significant statistical difference at significance level (0.05) between average scores of the experimental group individuals regarding the pre/post application of the linguistic skills scale (totally) and its branch skills, in favor of the post application.
3.There is a significant statistical difference at significance level (0.05) between average scores of the control group students regarding the pre/post application of the linguistic skills scale (totally) and its branch skills, in favor of the post application.
•Focusing on computerized multimedia in teaching to this specific category to make them interact better and respond to the proposed shows.
•The need to provide enough numbers of developed computers to achieve the targets of the educational process and develop these students’ academic achievement.
•Train teachers during service and students-teachers in Faculties of Education to the skill of using programs; and prepare programming of various subjects in mental schools.
•Train teachers to skill of composing scenario of various programs in Arabic language subject and its various branches for various stages in mental education schools.
•The necessity for considering the school textbook regarding the content and exercises that develop skills of linguistic communication (listening-speaking-reading-writing) all over the stages and particularly the primary stage.
•The continuous following-up and supervision by supervisors and counselors of Arabic language to make education technology and educational programs part of the daily lessons planning.
•Making training counseling courses based on auto-learning for students’ parents to become able to deal with them.
•Reducing traditional means in education mental schools for being unfruitful in acquiring skills.
•Providing schools’ libraries with CD of the educational courses to be proposed in multimedia simple means.
*Suggested Researches:
1.The effectiveness of multimedia programming for training students-teachers to use approaches of linguistic development skills for students in intellectual education schools.
2.The impact of the computerized multimedia in developing self-appreciation among the educable mentally retarded students.
3.The impact of using computerized multimedia in development of social interaction skills among deaf students.
4.Designing a similar study but on other topics in Arabic language in mental schools in primary stage.
5.Comparing the computerized multimedia and programs to other educational technological means such as video and discuss its impact on development of linguistic communication skills for mentally retarded students.