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تقويم الحملات الإعلامية للتوعية بمشكلة التلوث بالسحابة السوداء للمزارعين في محافظة الشرقية /
محمود، فاطمة إبراهيم إسماعيل .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فاطمة إبراهيم إسماعيل محمود
مشرف / محمد معوض إبراهيم
مشرف / هشام إبراهيم القصاص
مناقش / اعتماد خلف معبد
مناقش / محمد السيد الننه
البيئة - تلوث .
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
279ص. :
الأنثروبولوجيا - علم الإنسان
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - قسم العلوم التربوية والإعلام البيئي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 279

from 279


In fact, the problem of the black cloud considers one of the most important and serious problems facing the Egyptian environment annually. This problem affects negatively people particularly residents in Cairo and Giza. Rice straw is the main cause for the appearance of the black cloud, still, this phenomenon could utilized economically by making it a source of national income through using the straw as animal feed, organic fertilizers, or in the industry of wood and paper and others. Moreover, this phenomenon has a critical effect on the health level causing lots of diseases such as the respiratory diseases, suffocation, and asthma.
Mass media in their different orientations are all concerned about this problem so they discuss it every year exploring the role of the authorities in charge of facing the problem of the black cloud through media campaigns to be directed to farmers attempting to enlighten them with the problem and its fearful size.
Study Problem:
The problem of the black cloud is one of the most important pollutants emerged in the last few years in Egypt causing critical health problems. Agricultural wastes are a serious problem in Egypt since they represent about 20 million(2003) dry tons yearly and they are not utilized so they are mostly burnt. Rice straw wastes burning is one of the crucial problems Egypt faces. The cultivated area of rice in Egypt represents 1.549 million Feddan with straw productivity about 3.5 tons, and with total area about 5.422 million tons. Al-Sharkia governorate is the biggest one in procuring rice, cultivating about 10% of the cultivated area of the whole state cultivating about 221.337 feddan in 2007; so the rice straw occupies the first rank on top of problem s of this governorate.
The study problem is crystallized in the following main inquiry “What is the role of the mass media campaigns to enlighten farmers in Al-Sharkia governorate with the black cloud pollution problem?”
from this major inquiry, the following minor inquiries are stated:
1. What are the environmental issues associated with the black cloud problem should be proposed to farmers during the enlightenment campaigns?
2. What is the form should the enlightenment media campaigns be presented through in Al-Sharkia governorate?
3. What is the content these media campaigns should contain?
4. What is the effectiveness of the enlightenment media campaigns on development of awareness of farmers of the pollution problem of the black cloud?
5. What is the proposed conception of the enlightenment media campaigns for developing farmers’ awareness of the black cloud problem?
Study Significance:
The study significance is defined in:
1. The role the media campaigns play to provide the various categories with facts, news, and information about the black cloud and its risks.
2. Identify the most important environmental issues associated with the black cloud problem?
3. Providing benefit for people in charge through supporting strength points and avoiding points of weakness in future in media campaigns so they can serve the society effectively.
4. The study results are practically and likely useful for intended authorities to rationalize their decision-making and policies due to the audience attitudes and visions.
5. The study is useful for designers of the media campaigns to make appropriate decisions and continually promoting their campaigns.
6. The study is useful for farmers in directing their behavior towards the environment.
7. The study direct farmers to the way they can use to benefit from the rice straw and agricultural wastes in general.
8. The study is beneficial in defining form and content that the enlightenment media campaigns should be, particularly those directed to farmers.
Study Objectives:
1. Identify the most important issues associated with the black cloud problem and what should be handled by media campaigns to treat this issue.
2. Identify the form the media campaigns should be like against the black cloud problem in Al-Sharkia governorate.
3. Defining the content the media campaigns present to enlighten with the black cloud problem.
4. Identify the reasons the researched persons are following news about the black cloud problem in various mass media means.
5. Identify the effectiveness of the media campaigns on development of farmers’ awareness of the black cloud problem.
6. Presenting environmental awareness to peasants.
7. Setting a conceptualization of form the media campaign should be like to develop the awareness of the black cloud problem.
Study Hypotheses:
1. There is a significant positive statistical relationship between researched items’ exposition to mass media campaigns about the black cloud and their awareness degree.
2. There is a significant negative statistical relationship between researched items’ perception level of the black cloud problem through the mass media campaigns and their age stage.
3. There is a significant positive statistical relationship between researched items’ exposition to mass media campaigns about the black cloud and their scientific certificate (less than middle – middle – university & higher degree).
4. There are significant statistical differences between researched items due to difference in demographic variables (age – educational level).
5. There are environmental problems accompanying the appearance of the problem of the black cloud.
6. There are several multiple means through which the problem of the black cloud could be displayed.
7. The content of the mass media campaigns affect partially on the farmers’ awareness.
8. There should be a specific form through which the mass media campaigns are to be presented in order to become more effective and more attractive.
9. There are suggested resolutions to overcome the problem of the black cloud.
10. Mass media campaigns are the only means for confronting the problem of the black cloud.
Study Limits:
The Human Limits: the researcher uses a random sample from people residents in Al-Sharkia governorate, consisting of (150) individuals and 20 experts and professionals.
The time Limits:from. 15 october to 30 November 2012
The Spatial Limits: Villages of Menia Al-Kamh center – Al-Sharkia governorate – Ministry of Environment – Ministry of Media – Ministry of Agriculture.
Study Type & Methodological Procedures:
The present study belongs to the qualitative type of studies, using the sample survey method with a random sample. The study also uses the social survey method.
Study Tools:
The researcher depends in collecting data on:
1- A Questionnaire Form (1) of farmers exposed to media campaigns.
2- A Questionnaire Form (2) of experts and professionals.
3- Media campaigns designed due to scientific bases of planning and execution of media campaigns.
Study Results:
1- The study results prove a positive significant statistical relationship between researched people exposition level to media campaigns of the black cloud and their scores on the total measurement of awareness of this issue.
2- The study results prove a negative significant statistical relationship between researched people perception level of the black cloud problem through media campaigns directed to increase awareness of this issue and their various age stages.
3- The study results prove a positive significant statistical relationship between researched people exposition level to media campaigns of the black cloud and their scientific qualification (less than middle – middle – university & higher degree).
4- There are significant statistical differences between researched items due to difference in demographic variables (age – educational level).
5- There are environmental problems accompanying the appearance of the problem of the black cloud.
6- There are several multiple means through which the problem of the black cloud could be displayed.
7- The content of the mass media campaigns affect partially on the farmers’ awareness.
8- There should be a specific form through which the mass media campaigns are to be presented in order to become more effective and more attractive.
9- There are suggested resolutions to overcome the problem of the black cloud.
10- Mass media campaigns are the only means for confronting the problem of the black cloud.
Study suggestions:
1- Activate the actual role of the Ministry of Environment and make more effective actual media campaigns.
2- Making media campaigns about the black cloud and showing the positive aspect of the agricultural wastes.
3- Making television programs about the (Causes and means to limit it).
4- Making a series of meetings, lectures and symposiums in the attendance of specialists from ministries of Environment, Agriculture, and Media.
5- Making and preparing specialists in field of environmental awareness in cycling agricultural wastes in centers and villages.