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استخدام الشباب الجامعي للصحف الأقتصادية المصرية والإشباعات المتحققة منها /
البطاوي ، آيات محمد محمد عبد الله .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / آيات محمد محمد عبد الله البطاوي
مشرف / سلام احمد عبده
مشرف / مؤمن جبر عبد الشافي
مناقش / محمد زين عبد الرحمن
مناقش / إيناس محمود حامد
صحافة الشباب مصر
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
179ص. :
الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - الإعلام وثقلفة الطفل
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 179

from 179


If flourishing economic activity comes at the forefront
of the attention of various countries, especially in the era of
globalization, where melted border between regional
markets, and has become the whole world as a big market,
forces it to people who can acquire the largest area of the
market, which is not strong enough on it, but thanks to the
offer, especially in economic activity to doubt that any lesion
undermine the prosperity of economic activity must be
addressed and resistance.
Study Problem:
Seeking a researcher in this study to detect the most
important reasons and motives that make students study
sample exposed to those newspapers, and try to reach the
most important Acbaat earned them a result of this
exposure, as well as disclosure of their views and their
opinions about what they offer these newspapers and
suggestions, and then can determine the problem of the
study also follows: Use of university youth of the Egyptian
economic Newspapers and realized Acbaat them and then
becomes the main question of this study is:
activities among students.
advantage of newspapers among students.
newspapers and their uses.
newspapers of economic (Specialties literacy).
ϳ͘ tŚat degree of importance occupied by newspapers and
other economic activities center for university students.
The importance of the study:
• The role of economic newspapers in the upbringing of
students’ cognitive and emotional, Mharria and building
their character from all sides in order to develop these
human energy can meet the challenges of the century.
• Pivotal and essential role of newspapers in the overall
development of economic development, whether political
or economic, social or cultural.
• The lack of studies on the role of economic newspapers in
satiate the desires and the needs and requirements of the
• Became distances between peoples measured great
Mathakgah of science and then Which state do you want
to take her position will not be able to this without that
provide their citizens with the knowledge and skills
required in the era of science and technology.
• The vital role of the economy in the lives of individuals and
communities is at stake main decision-making also helps
them to transfer their expertise to others and to solve the
problems that confront us.
• The importance of addressing the issue related to the
human sector is important and vital sectors of society are
university students.
Objectives of the study:
ϭ- The study aims to determine the student uses for economic
newspapers, and the motives of this use, and usage
patterns, and type Acbaat achieved of use.
Ϯ- Get most prominent Acbaat that obtained by the students
under consideration of economic newspapers.
ϯ- Get topics and information of great interest by the sample
under study.
ϰ- Get newspapers economic interest of the sample under
ϱ- Identify the differences between the students of the study
sample (males - females) in their reading of newspapers
in terms of the rate of economic density reading.
The variables of the study:
ϭ- The independent variable: The newspapers Alaguensadah
including addition of media content.
Ϯ- Dependent variable: Realized is to Alachaabaat the
exposure of young people for economic Newspapers
ϯ- Middleware variables: The demographic variables (genderthe
name of the university - the economic level - college).
The study hypotheses:
Based on the objectives of the study, which seeks to
achieve and in addition to the questions that the study
attempts to answer them know seeks to validate the
following hypotheses:
ϭ- There are significant differences between the demographic
characteristics of the study sample students and the rate
of use of the economic newspapers.
Ϯ- There are significant differences between the demographic
characteristics of the study sample students and
motivated their use of economic newspapers.
ϯ- There are significant differences between the demographic
characteristics of the study sample students and Acbaat
derived from their use of economic newspapers.
ϰ- There are significant differences between the demographic
characteristics of the study sample students and draw
benefit accruing to them from exposure to economic
The methodology of the study:
(A) the limits of the study:
Per limits of scientific study stands then even
complemented by another study conducted by the
researcher himself or other researchers The study following
are the limits:
ϭ- Time domain: (time limits) and the scope of this study is
February, March and April, where the researcher has
applied a questionnaire to the students of the study
Ϯ- The geographical area: (spatial boundaries) The spatial
limits of the study in
universities to implement the study as the researcher
applying the form of a questionnaire to a sample of
students from the University of Cairo, Ain Shams and
Alexandria and Al-Azhar.
ϯ- Borders objective: dimension is determined by the
objective of this study (uses students of economic
Newspapers and realized Acbaat them) applied study on a
sample of students from universities of Cairo, Ain Shams
and Alexandria and Al-Azhar.
(B) The type of study and its methodology:
Belong to this study descriptive study designed to
identify the descriptions of the exact phenomenon or set of
phenomena that the researcher studied in terms of the
essence, nature and current status and the relationship
between them and the various factors affecting it in order to
obtain sufficient and precise information about.
(C) The population of the study and appointed:
The research community in this study are as follows:
Geographical society: a society is determined geographical
universities distributed at
Cairo University and Ain Shams and Alexandria, Al-Azhar.
ϭ- Type of sample: resorted researcher to select a sample
study in a deliberate manner specified number of
universities, the University of Cairo, Ain Shams and
Alexandria as belonging to the provinces of these
newspapers are distributed, as well as the presence of
a large number of students in this university.
Ϯ- Sample Description: The application study on a sample of
areas was applied form students have representation
variables demographic in the study sample were included
males and females, as well as residence (rural - urban)
and also the social and economic situation were
withdrawn simple random sample in the way.
(D) Study tools:
The study will be based on newspaper questionnaire
prepared by the researcher.
Data Statistical treatment:
Transaction was to resort to the following statistical
tests in the analysis of the study data:
Mini duplicates.
Averages and standard deviations.
significance of the relationship between two variables of the
nominal variables (Nominal).