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Ultrasound studies on Diagnosis of reproductive status in arabian mares /
Abd El-Razike, Mohamed Abd El-Monem Mahmoud,
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد عبد المنعم محمود عبد الرازق
مشرف / محمد توفيق السيد نصر
مناقش / محسن عبد الحفيظ محمد عجاج
مناقش / محمد توفيق السيد نصر
Arabian horse. Obstetrics and gynecology. Ultrasound Diagnosis.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
162 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - obstetrics, gynaecology, and A. I
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This study was carried out at EL-ZAHRAA stud for Arabian horses (E.A.O), in Am-Shams, Cairo. Using 72 pure Arabian (Egyptian strain) mares 6-12 years 01d. These mares were divided randomly into groups: Group I:Comprised 60 mares, to obserVe the length of follicular, and luteal phases, and the whole estrous cycle in Arabian mares. This was done by using a teaser male to detect estrus mares. The length of follicular phase was 5.5 } 1.25, luteal phase was 12.58+1.35,and the whole estrous cycle was 18.08 }1.07 days. This group of mares were were investigated using ultrasonography to detect the ovarian cyclic changes and early pregnancy diagnosis . It was found that, anestrum mares had ovaries with follicles measuring 1.51}0.04cm in diameter.During estrus phase, there were Graffian follicles measuring 2.57 ~0.06, 3.69}0.06, 4.04}0.22, and 4.85 +0.21cm in diameter in the lil, 2il~ 3&and 4th days of estrus respectively, where during luteal phase, the ovarian follicles were 1.01}0.04 and 2.13}0.02 cm in diameter at early and late diestrus respectively. Group FI:Comprised 12 mares, where blood samples were collected daily from the beginning of estrus signs till the end of the estrus signs. Thereafter, the samples were collected every 3 days till pregnancy diagnosis by using ultrasonography. Pregnancy was detected in 5 mares. while 7 mares were non-pregnant. The serum samples were subjected to hormonal essay of Progesterone and estimation of- Copper, Iron, and Zinc levels. We tried to estimate Manganese levels, but it was under the detectable levels. The samples were classified according to the phase into: I- Samples during estrus phase of non-pregnant mares (36 samples). 2- Samples during luteal phase of non-pregnant mares (48 samples). 3- Samples during follicular phase of pregnant mares (26 samples). 4- Samples during early stage of pregnancy (44 samples). It was found that: * There -were significant increases in the progesterone during luteal phase (4.366}0.346 ng/ml) and early stage of pregnancy (4.144}2.11 ng/ml) than follicular phase (0.548}0.062 and 0.390 }0.80 ng/ml) for non-pregnant, and early pregnant mares respectively. * There were significant increase in Copper levels during luteal phase (1.609}0.097 pig/mI) than follicular phase (1.517 }0.037 pig/mI) for nonpregnant mares. where in early pregnant mares, the Copper levels increased non-significantly during estrus phase (1.528}0.26 jig/mI) compared with the levels observed during early stage of pregnancy (1.477}0.49 pg/mI). * The levels of Iron increased significantly during luteal phase and nonsignificantly during early stage of pregnancy (3.262~0.156 and 3.247 90+1.03 jig/mi) respective!y, as compared with those recorded during follicular phases (3.00+0.163 and 3.049 }1.27 pg/mI) for non pregnant and early pregnant mares respectively. * Zinc levels were significantly higher during follicular phases for nonpregnant mares (0.730 }0.060 pg/mi) and non- significantly higher for preagnant mares (during the same phase) (0.782}0.37 pg/mi) as compared with those of luteal phase and early stage of pregnancy (0.590}0.54 and 0.611 }0.24 pg/mi) for non-pregnant and early pregnant mares respectively. from this study, it could be concluded that, estimation of progesterone levels, trace elements concentrations, in addition to ultrasound observations of ovarian changes during estrus, and early pregnancy detection, could be an aid for diagnosis of reproductive status in the Arabian Thares.