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أثر الأسلوب المعرفي في نمو بعض المفاهيم لدى أطفال الروضة /
محمد، شيماء طلعت حلفاية.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شيماء طلعت خلفاية
مشرف / محمود عوض الله سالم
مشرف / محمد حسين سعيد حسين
مناقش / سليمان محمد سليمان
مناقش / كريمان عويضه منشار
علم النفس التربوى. تعليم الأطفال - مصر.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
170 ص. ؛
علم النفس التجريبي والمعرفي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية الآداب - علم النفس والصحة النفسية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 188


Effect of the cognitive Style on developing some concepts in kindergarten children
Child’s education and bringing up necessitate an understanding for numerous facts, most importantly nature of the developmental stage either on mental level or emotional and motivational level or even in terms of child’s assimilation for experiences and life skills. This mission necessitates readiness and preparation on the part of kindergarten teacher; to be able to successfully deal with child and efficiently build initial foundations for normal character in his/ her early life stages. Moreover, concepts are deemed the basic bricks of cognitive development in the child. As of 1960s, there were considerable directions towards psychological research and studies, which depend largely on studying phenomenon of individual differences via using cognitive styles. Add to that, such directions have been crystallized on the ground that difference amongst individuals in cognitive styles may reflect individual differences in numerous psychological and social aspects.
In the light of importance of kindergarten stage and urgency of acquainting child with concepts and mental operations generally as well as cognitive styles specifically in developing some of concepts in kindergartner, the researcher seeks to define effect of some cognitive styles on developing some s concepts in kindergartners. Thus, the study problem will be as following:
Statement of the problem:
Although there are various studies revolving around cognitive styles in students of different ages; in addition to numerous studies broaching scientific and mathematical concepts and programs submitted through such studies for the purpose of developing such styles in kindergarten childrens, it has been remarkable and evident that studies handling relationship between cognitive styles and scientific & mathematical concepts in kindergarten childrens are rare. Consequently, the problem of current study can be stated in the following main question:
What is the effect of cognitive style on developing some concepts in a group of kindergartners?
Off the main question branch the following sub – questions:
1- What is the effect of cognitive styles (dependence- independence) on developing scientific concepts in kindergartners?
2- What is the effect of cognitive styles (dependence- independence) on developing mathematical concepts in kindergartners?
3- What is the effect of cognitive styles (reflection– impulsivity) on developing scientific concepts in kindergartners?
4- What is the effect of cognitive styles (reflection– impulsivity) on developing mathematical concepts in kindergartners?
Objectives of the study:
The following study seeks to identify effect of cognitive style (dependence- independence – reflection– impulsivity) on developing concepts (scientific and mathematical) in a group of kindergartners.
Significance of study:
Significance of current study emerges from significance of age stage that handles, namely; early childhood that is deemed a cornerstone in subsequent development stages. So, any delays or handicaps lead to multiple complications in subsequent development stages. Moreover, despite variety of studies handling cognitive styles, there isn’t any study handling role of cognitive styles (dependence- independence – reflection– impulsivity) in developing concepts in kindergartners and subsequently providing recommendations for those are interested in child around most important cognitive styles that may hider or reinforce their acquisition of different concepts; for the purpose of developing approaches and systems of such cognitive styles in a manner that may enhance their comprehensive development.
Methodology of study:
The descriptive correlation approach has been used; owing its suitability for the study.
Sample of study:
Basic sample of study included one hundred thirty three male and female kindergartners (aged 5 – 6 years) of Shajarat Al- Dorr primary school, private Kawmia School and Nasir primary school in Beni – Suef governorate.
Tools of study:
The following tools have been in use:
1- Pictorial mathematical concepts measurement (prepared by researcher).
2- Pictorial scientific concepts measurement (prepared by researcher).
3- Pictorial cognitive style measurement (dependence – independence) (prepared by researcher).
4- Matching familiar figures test for measuring the cognitive styles of reflection and impulsivity (prepared by Fatima Helmi Foureir, 1991).
Statistical processing of study:
Researcher has utilized appropriate statistical methods for nature and hypotheses of study: T test for non correlated groups as well as SPSS statistical program in analyzing data.
Following processing data using appropriate statistical methods, study has concluded the following:
1- There are statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of dependent and independent groups on mathematical concepts measurement (pre number concepts, geometrical concepts, topology concepts, and total score) in favor of the independent group in perception area.
2- There are statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of dependent and independent groups on scientific concepts measurement (sound concept, animal concept, bird concept, total score) in favor of the independent group in perception area.
3- There are no statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of dependent and independent groups on mathematical concepts measurement (number concepts).
4- There are no statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of dependent and independent groups on scientific concepts measurement (year seasons concept, water concept).
5- There are statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of reflecting and impulsive kindergartners on mathematical concepts measurement (pre number concepts) in favor of reflecting kindergartners.
6- There are statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of reflecting and impulsive kindergartners on scientific concepts measurement (year seasons concept, water concept) in favor of reflecting kindergartners.
7- There are no statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of reflecting and impulsive kindergartners on mathematical concepts measurement (pre number concepts, geometrical concepts, topology concepts, and total score)
8- There are no statistically significant differences amongst mean scores of reflecting and impulsive kindergartners on scientific concepts measurement (sound concept, animal concept, bird concept, and total score).
Those findings have been discussed and explained in the light of previous research and studies. Furthermore, a host of recommendations and research have been submitted in the light of findings the current study has concluded.