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Post-Operative Ultrasonographic Assessment of Sub-Urethral Tapes (TVT-TOT) Position In Females With Stress Urinary Incontinence /
Nahla Sayed Ahmed Abu ،Shaheen
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Nahla Sayed Ahmed Abu Shaheen
مشرف / Hisham Mohamed Fathi
مشرف / Amgad Al-Said Mostafa Abou-Gamrah
مناقش / Ihab Fouad Serag El Din Allam
تاريخ النشر
أمراض النساء والتوليد
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - النسا والتوليد
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Female urinary incontinence is a common symptom, the prevalence of which varies between 5%-40% of the female population, according to the age group. Although conservative treatment for stress incontinence might give temporary relief, definite cure requires surgery.
Burch colposuspension is a well established operation for the correction of anatomic stress incontinence. But even in the hands of experienced incontinence surgeons, this operation and other various sling procedures result in cure rates tens of percents below one hundred. Moreover such major surgery is associated with post-operative morbidity, tendency for urinary retention, the need for catheterization, prolonged sick-leave and considerable costs.
Although TVT fulfills criteria of minimal invasive technique, it carried the risk of complications as bladder injury, urethral injury and retention; some are life threatening as bowel perforation. This has led to the introduction of new technique TOT that depending on tape passing through obturator foramen away from bladder and bowel in relatively a vascular area away from important vessels and nerves, thus markedly decrease the complications associated with the procedure.
The aim of the current study was to test the position and mobility of the TVT and TOT tapes and its correlation with the operation results one hundred and twenty two patient underwent TVT and TOT included in this study. Fifty six of them underwent TVT operation and sixty six underwent TOT.
All patients were assessed clinically, post operative urodynamic studies and translabial ultrasonography within 12-60 month postoperative.
Results showed that the success rate in both TVT and TOT is more than 90% and postoperative urodynamics results give good improvement and by ultrasound the tapes in both TVT and TOT are distal to midurethra by time within 5 years postoperative and by cough or Valslalva, the tape move more distally in both TVT and TOT but more in TOT so, the tapes are mobile not fixed.
It is concluded that TVT and TOT procedures appear to be a safe and effective minimally invasive surgical technique for treatment of female genuine stress incontinence and give high success rate and the tape move distally and showed tape mobile not fixed.
It is recommended that further studies to be done on larger number of patients and for follow up longer periods to test the success rate of operation and tape position and mobility and its correlation with the operation results.