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Light And Electron Microscopic Study Of The Testis Of One Humped Camel(Camelus Dromedarius) =
Bulefa, Mohamed Hassan Hamed
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / محمد إبراهيم عبد العزيز
مشرف / أنور محمد علي قاسم
مناقش / خليل فتحي أبوعيسى
مناقش / محمد عبد التواب زيدان
باحث / محمد حسن حمد بوليفة
Histology Biology Cell Biology
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
121 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب البيطرى - قسم الأنسجة والخلايا
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Forty testes were used in this investigation, from healthy one humped camels (Camelus dromedaries). Their ages ranged between (8-15) years old ,10 testes for each season , for light and electron microscopy, in each season . from the same parts of the routine histological study, specimens were taken for the transmission electron microscopy. The specimens were taken immediately after slaughter and opening of the abdomen, through 30 minutes of slaughter.
Specimens for light microscopy were cut into small pieces (1cm³), fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin for 24 hours, dehydrated in ascending grades of ethyl alcohol ,cleared in xylene and embeded in paraffin till 5 micrometer thick sections were prepared and stained with different stains. Specimens for electron microscopy were fixed in 2.5 % glutaraldehyde, processed till ultrathin sections were prepared ,stained and examined with Joel transmission electron microscope.
The results revealed:
1-Tunica vaginalis visceralis and Tunica albuginea :
The tunica albuginea is mainly constructed of collagenic fibers , with few elastic fibers. The framework of testis was mainly rich in reticular fibers that were concentrated around the seminiferous tubules in winter , in spring and autumn. as also in the interstitial tissue (around the Leydig cells).
2-The interstitial tissue :
The interstitial Leydig cells occupied a vast area between the seminiferous tubules especially in winter and spring but decreased in summer and autumn. In summer and autumn, the Leydig cells became smaller in size with vacuolated cytoplasm and the cells were decrease comparatively in number .
3- Sertoli cells :
In winter season , the cells were large, active having vacuolated cytoplasm and vesicular nuclei , while in spring , they were still having the vesicular nuclei , faint acidophilic cytoplasm and resting on thicker basement membrane. In summer season , the Sertoli cells were smaller in size , and having less vesicular nuclei and more acidophilic cytoplasm . But in autumn season , the cells were still comparatively small comparatively in size with densely basophilic cytoplasm.
4-Spermatogonia :
They are large cells with light cytoplasm , Two types of permatogonia could be recorded Spermatogonia A and spermatogonia B.
5- Primary spermatocytes :
These cells are arranged in two to three layers. In winter season , they were more numerous formed (4-5) cell layers that revealed spherical in shapes , and the nuclei showed mitotic figures . In spring season , more primary spermatocytes were seen formed (5-6) layer . While in summer season , few spermatocytes with few or no mitotic figures, formed only two or rarely three cell layers . But in autumn season , few spermatocytes of only one or rarely two cell layers, even with some degenerated ones .
6- Secondary spermatocytes :
accidentally in few cases as seen through the transmission electron micrographs only.
7- The spermatids:
They lie towards the lumen of the tubules. in winter season , Spermatids were elongated in shape, found in clusters . While in spring season , they were elongated and the others were spherical in shape found in clusters, fewer to a lesser extent than in winter. But in summer season , they were markedly decreased in number.
in autumn season , as in summer were markedly still decreased in number only few spermatids could be seen.
8- The spermatozoa :
In winter season , the spermatozoa were present in seminiferous tubules including , few late spermatids. In spring season , were fewer than in winter. While in summer season , the spermatozoa were difficult to be seen. And the fewest number were recorded in Autumn.
Transmission electron microscopy:
1-The basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules :
The basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules was containing mainly the collagenic fibers. The basal lamina of camel seminiferous epithelium was thick in all general, but differed from season to other.
2-The interstitial tissue :
It consisted of Leydig cells , together with some fibroblasts collagen fibers , lymphatic vessels and blood capillaries. In winter season, the interstitial cells consisted mainly of mature Leydig cells and a low number of pre-Leydig or immature Leydig cells. The cells had a spherical nuclei , that contained extended chromatin , smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum and many cytoplasmic vacuoles . In Spring season, There were predominantly mature Leydig cells , that were more active with many large vacuoles indicating the lipids. These vacuoles of different sizes were evenly interspersed throughout the cytoplasm . In summer season , The Leydig cells were dedreased in number leaving empty intertubular spaces . In autumn season , The interstitial cells began to increase ,especially in the late period of this season, and began to fill the spaces between the seminiferous tubules . Leydig cells showed some signs of activity .
3-Sertoli cells:
The Sertoli cells were irregular, or pyramidal , extending from the basal lamina to the tubular lumens . The cells had a abroad base, a trunk region and lateral and apical processes extenteding between the different germ cells. The lateral processes form tight junctions with neighbouring one of the other Sertoli cells, so forming the blood-testis barrier. The latter divides the tubular lumens into basal and adluminal compartments . The organelles occupy only the smaller fraction of the cell. The bulk of the voluminous Sertoli cell consists of ground cytoplasm and cytoskeleton (microtubules and filaments). The Sertoli cell had ovoid nuclei with condensed chromatin peripherally. The cytoplasm was rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous mitochondria , glycogen particles and lipid DROPlets , which formed large vacuole in winter and spring. Sertoli cells were characterized by concentrically arranged cisterna of rough endoplasmic reticulum, abundant mitochondria and many profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus was in form of medium to small sized units. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum was represented by tubular structures. Small cytoplasmic vesicles were present between or attached to the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and were apparently pinched off from the latter. In some Sertoli cells there were signs of apoptosis as many cytoplasmic vacuoles, many electron dense lipid DROPlets beginning of dissociation of the nucleolus , few mitochondria, lipid DROPlets, profiles of smooth reticulum and autophagosomes, residual bodies, and free ribosome. Sertoli cells were large and showed many signs of activity in winter, and spring. While become smaller with signs of inactivity in summer and autumn.
4-Spermatogonia :
Two types were easily demonstrated in the camel. In winter season, they had cytoplasmic vacuoles with large oval nucleus. The cytoplasm contained phagosomes, numerous mitochondria and numerous profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum . In spring season, Spermatogonia had an irregular or oval contour and electeron lucent nucleus due to a lot of euchromatin . In summer season, The spermatogonia
had cytoplasm with few mitochondria and less expanded rough endoplasmic reticulum. In autumn season, spermatogonia revealed vacuolated cytoplasm .
5-Primary spermatocytes :
The last spermatogonial division yields primary spermatocytes. In winter season , these cells had well-developed wide cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, numerous mitochondria, and phagosome . In spring season , primary spermatocyte with wide irregular perinuclear space and large cytoplasmic vacuoles . In summer season , primary spermatocyte with one nucleolus and few patchy area of heterochromatin , the cytoplasm revealed fewer mitochondria .In autumn season , Few primary spermatocyte with few patches of nuclear chromatin, having fewer destructed mitochondria than those of primary spermatocytes .
6-Secondary spermatocytes:
In winter season , the cell body and nucleus of these short- living cells were smaller than in primary spermatocytes. The nucleus was characterized by marginal accumulations of heterochromatin and also provided with some central chromatin condensations. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum was apparent . In spring season , the secondary spermatocyte had small nucleus and condensed chromatin as well – organized rough endoplasmic reticulum. In summer season , The secondary spermatocytes had smaller nuclei with a lot of condensed chromatin, with scanty cytoplasm. In autumn season , due to less mitotic divisions , those cells were difficult to be discerned except in few cases .
7-The spermatids:
In winter season, elongated late stage spermatids with distinct manchettes as microtubules extension beginning slightly away from the region of expanded ends of the acrosome for each spermatid . In spring season , more central region of one
Seminiferous tubules having many profiles of spermatids in a different section levels . In summer season , more or less as the following autumn season. In autumn season , spermatid in early stage of spermiogenesis revaling Golgi zone, acrosomal vesicle containing acrosomal granules, spermatid nucleus.
The apoptotic cell signs recorded through the spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells , revealed the relative highest records were evidence in summer season; including Sertoli cells, spermatogonia ,primary spermatocytes and secondary spermatocytes. The relative least of apoptotic records were in winter season; in one spermatogonium. An intermediate condition of apoptotic cells were in spring ; especially in Sertoli cells. In autumn, very few apoptotic conditions were through spermatogonium and primary spermatocyte.
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