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Public health importance of dipylidiasis in gharbia governorate /
El terras, Wael Fawzy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / وائل فوزي التراس
مشرف / جمال الدين محمد العليمي
مناقش / هـ. أ. عبد الرحمن
مناقش / جمال الدين محمد العليمي
Dipylidium. Dipylidium caninum.
تاريخ النشر
1996 .
عدد الصفحات
76p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - zoonoses
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Parasltlc diseases <Ire corum nlcabl iseases aused by
animal parasites which can not 1 ave mdep nd ’Ill life. but
parusltizc on man or animal to gel their b<tsie requirements
as nutriuon and shelter,
Parasitoses are endemic in devdop’ng count ”es and
form a public- health problem. due to existina ecclo leal
factors of hostjagcnljenviru truer t which a ’e responsible for
persis encc. rnatn t eria nce and COli iuua ’OIl of uifecuon in
the community.
Animals playa major 1’01 in infection of man wtl h
parasitic diseases c ’i) .cially from the family pets.
G ’~8t nurn e of stray dogs and cats are present rn
Egypt a d may JC heavily infesLedwith arthropo s espe iall
Il as anel Icc due [0 pft”’vailing dirty environ ueni fOS ie ’ially
U1 J’ ral areas.
Dipylidium ca unum is the most common cestod ir
clogs. wtt h R high prevalence in almost • 1part’ of the world.
The infect.ion rate ill ca . i much lower.
The hurr all ir lecuon occur 110St frequentl ’in hlldrcn
in dose contact with family pet and thetr r-topa raatt es.
man appears to he highly rests ant to the infection. ’en the.