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Reemerging of bovine tuberculosis in slaughtered animals in Minufiyah governorate /
Amer, Seham Hemdy Abd El-Aziz.
Tuberculosis in animals. Pets diseases. Animals diseases.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
112 p. :
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Tuberculosis has a world – wide distribution.In many countries bovine tuberculosis is still a major infectious disease among animal population and transmission to humans constitutes a public health problems.This study depends on single intradermal tuberculin skin test, bacteriological examination using mammalian PPD for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in cattle and buffaloes.
A grand total of one hundred and two slaughtered animals were examined during the year 2007 and were divided into two groups.The first group of animals ( 57 ), (tuberculin reactors ), which had been Previously injected by a single dose of intradermal tuberculin skin test was represented by ( 25 ) cattle and ( 32 ) buffaloes.The post- mortem examination represented by , (72 %) of slaughtered cattle showen VL while the other (28%) showen NVL . In slaughtered buffaloes (65.6%) showen VL and ( 34.4% ) showen NVL. Concerning the study of correlation between VL in post – mortem examination and site of infection , in cattle represented by respiratory infection were (28%), digestive infection were (12% ), mixed infection were (respiratory and digestive) ( 20% ) and generalized infection were ( 12% ).In buffaloes repersented by respiratory infection were (18.8%), digestive infection were (46.9%) and none in mixed, generalized infection.Bacteriological examination of samples, the percentage of M . bovis in cattle was represented by ( 76% ) and in buffaloes was ( 53.1% )
On the other hand, the secend group of animals (45) were those animals routinenly examined in the same slaughter- houses during 2007 in Minufiya Governorate for detection of tuberculosis, represented by (23) cases were in cattle and (22) cases were in buffaloes.The percent of isolation of M.bovis in cattle was (82.6%) and in buffaloes was (68,2 %).Concering the site of infection of tuberculous suspected animals were in cattle represented by, respiratory infection were (13%), digestive infection were ( 69.6 %), mixed infection were (respiratory and digestive) ( 13% ), and generalized infection were ( 4.3% ).In buffaloes represented by , respiratory infection were (13.6%), digestive infection were ( 81.8% ) , mixed infection were (respiratory and digestive) ( 4.5% ) and none generalized infection. Concering the results achieved , the percent of isolation of M .bovis in cattle is more than the percent in buffaloes in Minufiya Governorate. So it is very important to retesting of animals at interval of 8 weeks to get ride of reactively positive animals, decreasing transimision of disease , studing epidomological states of tuberculosis and knowing the sources of infection in untested herds.