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Nutritional Studies on Diets Contain Differnt Levels of Sugar Beet Pulp and/or Cassava /
Ali Ahmed Bakr khaliel،
khaliel, Ali Ahmed Bakr،
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ali Ahmed Bakr khaliel
مشرف / Samir Tawfik Mohamed Fahmy
مشرف / Mohamed Abd El-Fatah Ahmed Mohamed El-Barody
مشرف / Saied Ahmed Mohamed Saied Ahmed
Sugar Beet. Cassava. Sugar Beet - Pulp.
تاريخ النشر
2009 .
عدد الصفحات
100 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الزراعة - Animal Production
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This study was done in the Farm of Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University. Two experiments were carried out in this study through the period of May 2004 till January 2008.
Experiment (1).
Determining the feeding value of cassava hay as a feed ingredient in sheep ration. In-Vitro and In-Vivo trials were conducted in this respect.
The major results obtained from this experiment are:-
1-Cassava hay (CH) consist of cassava leaves (CL) that represent (71%) of the hay, while cassava stems (CS) represent (29%) of CH.
2-Cassava leaves contain 22.33 %CP, 7.51% EE, 40.65% NFE, 18.05% CF and 11.67% Ash. Cassava stems contain 10.20 CP, 2.64% EE, 41.54% NFE, 34.56% CF and 11.06% Ash. Cassava hay contain 18.78% CP, 5.91% EE, 41.20% NFE, 22.49% CF and 11.49% Ash.
3-The In-Vitro dry matter and organic matter disappearance of CH were 58.53% and 73.53%, respectively.
4-The digestibility coefficient of CH nutrients were 68.84% DM, 69.76% OM, 80.60% CP, 34.19% EE, 33.97% CF and 66.97% NFE.
5-The total digestible nutrients (TDN)% of CH was 52.47%, while the DCP% was 15.33. The nutritive ratio of CH was 1:2.47. cassava hay could be fed to lambs up to 75% of the ration without any adverse effect.
6-Hydrocyanic acid content in cassava leaves is 133.84mg/kg DM and cassava stems 115.59mg/kg DM. Air dried CH do not exert any abnormal changes on the performance and viability of lambs fed rations contained CH for 60 days.
7-The significant improvement in protein digestibility of CH containing rations may be partly due to the presence of condensed tannins that render the dietary protein less degradable in the rumen, while it was efficiently digested in the intestine.
Experiment (2).
Different proportions of sugar beet pulp (SBP) as a feed ingredient in sheep ration and it’s effect on digestibility, feeding value and performance, were studied.
The results obtained could be summarized as follows:
1- The sugar beet pulp (SBP) is rich in NFE 63.54% and CF 21.55%, while it is poor in CP 9.36%, EE 1.20% and Ash 4.34%.
2- Addition of urea to SBP increased crud protein content on the account of nitrogen free extract. The best level of urea supplementation was 2% as indicated from IVDMD and IVOMD values.
3- The IVDMD and IVOMD for rations contained 0, 50, 75 and 100% USBP were significantly (P<0.01) differed. The best IVDMD and IVOMD values were (75.62 and 80.15%) in the ration contained 50% USBP, while the lowest values were (66.56 and 70.23%) for IVDMD and IVOMD respectively, in the ration contain 100% USBP.
4- The DMI was (1.07, 1.04 and 0.981 kg/h/d) for rations contained 0, 50 and 75% USBP. It was decreased with increasing the level of USBP in the rations, while water consumption was (2.18, 2.52 and 2.61 L/h/d). It was increased with increasing the level of USBP in the rations.
5- The DMI as % of body weight was (4.45, 4.15 and 4.19%) for R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Significant (P<0.01) differences were found among all rations. Water consumption as % of body weight was (9.68, 10.06 and 11.15%). Significant (P<0.01) differences were found among all rations.
6- The average daily weight gain was (0.194 kg/head) for lambs fed ration contained 50% USBP compared with the control ration (0.167 Kg/head) and (0.171 kg/head) for lambs fed 75% USBP.
7- The digestibility coefficients of DM, OM and CP were significantly (P<0.01) different among the tested rations. The highest values were achieved in R2 that contain 50% USBP, while the lowest values were found when 100% USBP ration was fed.
8- The digestibility coefficient of CF was significantly (P<0.01) different among the tested rations. The highest value was for 50%USBP ration, while the lowest value was for the control ration. The figures were 45.22% and 25.80%, respectively.
9- The TDN and DCP were significantly (P<0.01) different among the tested rations. The highest values were (69.45 and 11.30%) for 50% USBP rations, while the lowest values were (62.90 and 9.54%) for 100% USBP rations.
10- The feed conversion values were 6.83, 5.46 and 6.34 kg feed/ kg gain for R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Significant differences were found among rations(P<0.05).
11- The feed cost of kg gain was (5.42 L.E) for lambs fed R2 that contained 50%USBP compared with (7.74 L.E) for lambs fed the control ration, while the feeding cost of kg gain for lambs fed 75% USBP contained ration was 5.84 LE.
12- Rectal temperature was significantly (P<0.01) different among lambs fed the control ration, 50% USBP or 75% USBP ration for a long period. The rectal temperature was lower at 8.30 am compared to 3.30 Pm. No significant difference was found between male and female lambs in this respect.
13- Total protein, albumin, globulin, total lipids, cholesterol and urea in blood plasma were significantly (P<0.01) different among rations. Significant differences were found among sampling time (0, 3 and 6 hr from feeding) and between male and female lambs in this respect.
14- Total protein (TP) concentration was 6.92, 7.20 and 6.52 g/dl for R1, R2 and R3, respectively.
15- Significant differences were found among rations in plasma albumin (P<0.01). Differences among sampling time and sex were significant.
16- The highest value of total lipids in plasma was (146.78 mg/dl) for the control ration, while the lowest value was (104.61 mg/dl) for 75% USBP ration. Significant differences (P<0.01) were found among rations and sampling time, but the difference was not significant between male and female lambs in this regard.
17- Cholesterol concentration in plasma was significantly (P<0.01) different among rations. The values ranged from 51.17- 58,72mg/dl. Cholesterol concentration was not significantly different among the sampling times, but significant (P<0.05) difference was found between male and female lambs.
19- Urea concentration in blood plasma was significantly (P<0.01) differed among tested rations and sampling times. The highest value was 45.05 mg/dl for 75% USBP ration, while the lowest value was 22.61 mg/dl for the control ration. The difference was not significant between male and female lambs.