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Use of Carob Powder to Produce Chocolate Confectionery Product Replacement to Cocoa Powder
Ahmed Hussien Maamon Fouda
Ahmed Hussien Maamon Fouda
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Aly Khamis Amin
مشرف / Abdel-Moneim El-Ahwal
باحث / Ahmed Hussien Maamon Fouda
مناقش / Ahmed El Sayed
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
المهن الصحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - المعهد العالى للصحة العامة - Food Analysis
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As a result of children’s enjoymenl to eat chocolate as sweet. Which reach to 63 of them consuming chololate there are some side effect for some consumers most of them are children, this side effect include allergic disease, skin irritation respiratory system disease. Also, chocolate are high in cholesterol, saturated fatty acids and tannins which cause undigestability, as a result of combination with protein through the intestinal wall and also combination with iron and inhibits its absorption in th body. Also, ingesting the chocolate .cause distres such as tea & cola was after 6 hours of its’ ingestion since it contains a nitrogen compound known as ”methylxantin” which triggers cell growth by extending the activity of a certain cell chemical. Theobromine in cocoa has a bad effect on human. body. After microscopic examination of ground cocoa bean it was shown that it contains insect fragment and rodent hairs because of its high fat content; chocolate also contain carcinogenic substences which accummelate at fatty tissues. Thus, this study was carried out to find substitute for cocoa to avoid all this side effect and also to saticfy the consumer by finding other product such as chocolate from cocoa, we found the carob is a so suitable substitute for cocoa that some company adde_d ratis of carob powder to decrease product price. While chocolate preparedfrom cocoa pwoder was consdered to be a robber of dental, the carob is catabolic, since the carob is rich in calcium, it contains 352 mgj 100 gm, while milk which is considered an excellent source of calcium contains only 120-130 mgjl00 gm. Also carob is ricn in protein and high in carbohydrate this makes it high as sweetners, and at the same time decreases calory by 60 less than that coca chocolate, carob contains fiber which is a regulator for intestinal movement. Also, it isa rich I 1 source of pectin and vitamins (B, B3, A) Carob is cultivated in Egypt and produce high crop, against cocoa bean which is imported from many African countries so consuming a hard currency, then we can utilize carob as a substitute for cocoa after analysis and replace cocoa by it at different percentages then analyse the products physical &.