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Studies On Fungi Producing Organic Acids/
Sherif, Yousry Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed.
Plant Cells and Tissues. Organic acids - Analysis.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
196 P. :
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gluconic acid is considered as an industrially important organic acid resulting from the oxidation of D-glucose, containing by-product substrates by microorganisms particularly filamentous fungi. The unique property of this acid in terms of low toxicity, low corrosively and complexing capability with metal ions has enabled its wide application in food, pharmaceutical, textile, leather and other chemical industries. Therefore, the overall demand of gluconic acid is estimated to be 6x104 tons / year and is still growing on.
The present investigation studied, the potentialities of different fungal species isolated from soil samples and the waste of sugar cane industry (obtained from Hawamedia Distillation Factories) to produce gluconic acid in their culture filtrates. The optimization of gluconic acid production by the selected most active fungal isolates as well as its glucose oxidase that responsible for synthesis of acid were also investigated. Moreover, this study was extended to reveal the effect of gamma irradiation on the gluconic acid formation and some metabolic activities of the most active fungal isolate in order to improve and yield over-producing gluconic acid fungal strain.