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العلاج النفسى المستمر على الشخص و مدى فاعليتة فى تحسين القلق /
فضة، حمدان محمود.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حمدان محمود فضة.
مشرف / صلاح مخيمر
مناقش / سامية قطان
مناقش / امينة مختار
العلاج النفسى. القلق(علم نفس).
تاريخ النشر
[ 1990 ].
عدد الصفحات
384ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية عام - صحة نفسية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 443

from 443


introduction :
At this study, the researcher had received the Topic : ”person-centered psychotherapy and its efficacy in improvement of anxiety”.
Person - centered therapy,is the therapeutic method which, had invented and developed by Carl Rogers (1902 - 1987) ; and the most famous therapy of therapies which belong to Humanistic Approach that represents now the third force in psychology, beside psychoanalysis and I3ehaviorism. Generally, all Humanistic Methods are distinguished as Martin says - by its importunity on the phenomenological philosophy, which seeks for - as pervin says- the meditation in life as experienced by the prson, without neglecting of which is humanistic, and without tearing of life to inrelated pieces, or refering it into physiological principles.
Rogerian method is considered - as Martin says - the most famous method in representation the third force in psychology - i.e., humanistic Approach., and Carl Rogers is considered-as hovel says- the complete representative of humanistic approach. by him, the Nondirective or client centered therapy had taken its way of Appearance and Development. The phelosophy of Rbgerian therapy appears of what Rogers refered that person - centered method is- at first- ”A way of being”, which finds its road in attitudes and behaviors that prepare growth - promoting climate., and it is a philosophy rather than a technique or method. When this philosophy or this person - centered way of being is lived in psychotherapy, it will lead to the process of self exploration and self discovery, and finally, leads to constructive changes in the person’s
personality and behavior. The more the therapist lives these conditions in the therapeutic relationship, the more he will become a companion to the
client at this Journey toward self s core.
Anxiety is the phenomenon which there is no human in being had not experienced it. especially, overtaking and incongruous cultural, social and economic changes in this age had made of Anxiety the problem that most peoples - if not all - suffer it; to the degree that someones had named this age ”the age of Anxiety”. Peoples are varying only in the degree of Anxiety they are feeling, and in the degree of Anxiety continuation with them. Anxiety, as an experience lived by the human, is varying from low Anxiety (Pathological), Moderate Anxiety (Normal), to high Anxiety (Pathological); at three levels contained by one continium, i.e. Anxiety
Anxiety may be ”Low” to the extent of inability of exciting and urging the person for avoiding the danger, or pushing him toward achievement and toward actualization of his self and abilities; this is one of the two levels of pathological Anxiety. On the other hand, Anxiety may be ”High” and continuous to the extent of flooding, fettering and retarding the person about going forward toward achievement and toward actualization of his self and abilities. This is the other level of pathological Anxiety. Finally, Anxiety may be ”Moderate” to the extent that is sufficient to exciting and urging the person for facing the danger, or urging him for actualizing of his self and abilities, without retarding his thinking or behavior; this is the normal level of Anxiety.
In the light of preceding, the researcher found several questions in his thinking, these questions are : if pathological Anxiety is a spreading
phenomenon, and is suffered by most peoples, can we overcome on this phenomenon through improvement pathological Anxiety level (High or low level); by transfering it into Normal, driver, and moderate Anxiety level; by means of one of famous psychotherapies, i.e. person - centered therapy ?.. can Rogerian therapy achieve an experimental success in the Egyption society, as happened in other several societies as America, Europe, Japan, and south of Africa ?.. what this study will reach, in the light of contradictory findings of several previous studies about Efficacy of Rogerian therapy with Anxiety ? ..all these questions had formed, in the researcher mind, the drive to the procedure of this study.
Terms of study :
1-Person - centered psychotherapy :
A method of therapy had been invented and developed by Carl Rogers. It aims to come with person to explore his actual perceptual field, his self and his actual experiences; at atmosphere of Acceptance, warmth, Empathy and Genuineness of therapist; and reconstruct this perceptual field in accurate way.
In procedural way : It is the person - centered therapeutic program-, prepared by the researcher.
2-Anxiety :
It is the tension which is exhibited through an organized self concept, when subceptions indicate that symbolization of certain experiences will be destructive of this organization. This will happen when the individual perceives - if through subception- the incongruence between his self and Experience. Anxiety takes one of three levels : Low (pathological). Moderate (Normal), and high (Pathological).. Normal anxiety is the driver anxiety, which takes-in its quantities - a favorable
middle between ”flooding” anxiety which leads to paralysis, and weak Anxiety which is not sufficient to Excite the person, thus, is not sufficient to be a drive to his life.
In procedural way : Anxiety is the degree which is obtained by the investigator on the scale of Anxiety, prepared by Samya El-Kattarr, and which is maintained by the degree which is obtained by the investigator on phenomenological Anxiety Scale, prepared by the researcher.
Sample of study :
It consisted of two separate sub-samples, as following : High Anxiety sample (30 students), and low Anxiety sample (30 students).. all students are of Grade two, at faculty of Education, Benha .. Every sub-sample was divided to six groups : four of them were experimental groups, and the other two groups were control. There are (5) investigators at every group.. These groups are : Individual therapy (males), Group therapy (males), Individual therapy (females), Group therapy (females), control group (males), and control group (females).
Tools of study :
1-Personal Interview checklist, prepared by Salah Mkhaimer (1968) .
2-Anxiety scale, prepared by Samya El-Kattan (1986) .
3-Phenomenologibal anxiety scale, prepared by the researcher.
4-Person - centered therapeutic program, prepared by the researcher. Hypotheses of study :
Because of muchness of hypotheses, researcher will brief them in these main hypotheses :
1 - There are statistical significant differences in the degree’s mean of high anxiety (and also low anxiety), between experimental and control
groups, after therapy (and also after follow - up); in favor of experimental groups.
2-There are statistical significant differences in the degree’s mean of high anxiety (and also low anxiety), between the two applications before and after therapy (and also befor therapy and after follow - up), for every experimental (not for control) group; in favor of after therapy
(and also after follow - up).
3-There are statistical significant differences in the degree’s mean of high anxiety (and also low anxiety), between experimental groups of individual therapy and of group therapy, of the same sex, in favor of
individual therapy.
4-There are no statistical significant differences in the degree’s mean of high anxiety (and also low anxiety), between males and females, of the same experimental group.
Used statistical styles :
I- Analysis of varience.
2- Tuky test.
Limitations of study :
This study and its results were defined by procedural definitions, sample, Tools, and statistical styles, which were used in this study.
Results of study :
Results of • this study indicated that first, second, and fourth hypotheses had been supported; whereas the third hypothesis had not been supported.
Discussion of results :
Results of this study were discussed in the light off theoretical framework, previous studies, and therapeutic changes of study sample