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دور مؤسسات التربية اللانظامية فى تنمية المجتمع الريفى بمحافظة القليوبية /
حسنين عاشور الديب،
الديب, حسنين عاشور
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حسنين عاشور الديب
مشرف / ابراهيم مطاوع
مناقش / محمد حسن رسمى
مناقش / ابراهيم مطاوع
الجامعات المدارس التعليم
تاريخ النشر
2002 .
عدد الصفحات
321ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية عام - تربية مقارنة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 386

from 386


Educational ii dministration
The Role of Non-Government Education
Institutions In Development Rural Society in
Qalubia Governorate in The Light of World
Current Trents
A Thesis for Getting Master Degree in Education
Comparative Education Branch
Submitted By
Science Senior Master
In Kafr Al-Fogaha Elementry School.
Prof. Dr. Ibraheem Esmat Motawea
Professor ofPedagogy,
Faculty ofEducation, Tanta University
Dr. Mohammed Hassan Rasmey.
Assistant Professor of Comparative Education
and Instructional Management
Benha Faculty ofEducation
Zagazig University
Developing rural communities one of the most important
rights which those interested in development and supporting
equity and achbving balance betWeen rural and urban
populations shouL charge its responsibility. People living in
urban communities enjoy the, high level of living in spite they
represent the minority while rural people suffer from humble
declined economic1 and social conditions in spite they represent
the majority of the whole population in the country.
As a resul the country directed more interest toward
development in general and rural-based development in’
particular. Develo 1rnent process aimed at achieving three main
goals; first to deviop economic and social life for rural people.
• Second to fill the :~aP between rural and urban’districts. Third to
minimize over-po ulation in cities. These three goals would be
• achieved by devd oping the countryside-rural place~-in balance
‘with urban commuiiities. ‘
As the roots if national development stem from ‘the soil of
countryside and t.e countryside has high rate of population and
in the same time ii is deprived from most services cities enjoyed
for long times, in~egrating concerned efforts and coordinating
• between civil de vèlopmental systems, and institutions are
urgently needed to achieve rural development. The ways or
means required to that represented in identiQiing. needs and
problems, setting up plans and prçgr~ms which aim at
improving rural em’ ironment, raising economic, social, health
and educational level in countryside with exerting efforts in
implementing these programs. Also this process must relay
mainly on the resources of countryside and supporting these
resources by development systems concerned with that process.
It is àlear that rural communities are in badly need for efforts of
ministry of social co-operating with ministry of youth &sportin
developing those communities and satis’ing people’s needs and
resolving whatever they face from problems in all fields. The
concerned bodies and systems can contribute also to develop
people’s skills and talents and raising their economic, social,
cultural and moral level by mean available with their
Problem of the study:
Based on whaL mentioned above the problem Of this study
may be summarized in the following major question; what is the
rQle of non governr. ental educational institutions in developing
rural community in Qalubia Governorate in the light of current
world trends? This question prolonged into some secondary
a) What is the nature of social and economic structure in rural
b)What is the nature of development in rural community?
c) What are geographical factors and demographic traits for
Qalubia Governorate?
d)What is the nature of non government~l educational
institutions in rural community for Qalubia Governorate?
e) What are the challenges which face nongovernmental
educational institutions concerning developing rural
t~ What is the most important current world trends in the of
developing rUral community?
g)What is the role that social units and youth centres may play
in developing rural community?
Purposes of the stAy:
1 -Knowing the ac awl role which non-governmental education
insfitutions play in developing rural community in Qalubia
governorate through social units and youth centers. Thus we
can determine Factors and problems which hinder managing
this prQcess and minimize their responsibilities concerning
developing and prospering villages-countryside.
2-Getting an idea on the development of rural community needs
from civil institutions which are resulted from the
development of current age and development requirements.
3-Identifying most important world experience in that field and
trying to utilize experiences of such countries (Senegal,
Kenya, Philippines, and Lehanon).
4-Studying Qalubia society and the achievements of civil
institution~ represented in social units and youth cdnters in
villages within the governorate whether they were in solving
economic, social, cultural and sports in order to achieve
integrated rural development.
5-Providing some resolution and suggestions which may face
weakness which hinder civil institutions to take charge their
role perfectly.
Importance of the study:
The importance of this study can be formed in the . 4
Attention should be focused on~ developing rural
community as a community that has several needs and
problems which hinder its progress such as poverty, illness,
illetracy, uncomployment, over population and shortage in
income as well as passivity and beliving in undersired rituals
and habits. So the country was interested in establishing civil
institutions in village in order to contribute as possible to
elevate those problems by all available means.
• Explaining actuality of non-governmental education
institutions in terms of developing rural community to learn
what weakenesses and shortcomings in that filed working to
mediate them. In doing so those institutions will be able to
take part effectively in developing rural community.
Our villages now ar~ disabled to provide what they need of
• food as it was the matter before,. hence we should help them
to rely on themselves instead of cities.
• This study is considered one of studies that deal with
integrated rural development as it is an urgent subject matter
in all countries of third world. It. is an object that concerns
also most international organizations arkd foundations.
• The study relates between civil in~titutions and rural
community aiming at utilizing it in problem solving in rural
community and providing needed services suitable for
villages people.
Trying to achieve purposes of the study the author used the
follo’s~’ing approach:
Descriptive approach:
This approach was used to record the actuality of non
governmental education institution represented in social units ad
youth centers within rural community in Qalubia governoratê
and their relationships with population live in. Also, it was used
to identify most important functions these institutions should
charge perfectly.
Thefirst chapter
The framework of the study contains:
The problern of the study:
The aim~ of the study, the importance of the study, the
curriculum, the tools of the study, the expressions of the study
the. previous~ studies and the responses of the study~.
The second chapter
The nature of the social and economical structure of the
rural society and that contain: Introduction, the social structure,
concept of the social characteristics of the rural society, the
concept of the economical structure, the steps of the economical
structure, the role of agriculture in the rural society, the
relationship bet~yeen the land and the animal, the geographical
and demographically characteristics of Kalubia govemrate, the
education in the Egyptian rural, the co-operative movement in
the Egyptian countryside.
The third chapter
Introduction, a summary about the steps of the local
development of the rural development and that contains.
- The recent condepts of the development apd its importance.
- The principles of the rural development.
- The aims of the rural dëvelØ~jent the rural development in~
the rural society. ~. .
- The knowledge development~ the role of education in the
whole rural development.
- The concept of the rural community and its problems.
Thefourth chapter
The nature of the in discipline education in the rural
society that include: Introduction, the basic of the interest ~f the
in discipline education, the concept of the in discipline
education, the characteristics of the in discipline, the types of the
in discipline education the institutions of the in discipline
eduQation, the social units, the youth centers.
• The curriculum of the study
The., researcher used the method of collecting data in
Qallubia governrate from the institutions and the social units
and youth centers.
• The study limits
1-The human limit that include the instructors and social units
staff and the youtl centers, the headmasters of the social
units, the youth and villagers.
2-The place limit that incloudes 5 villages in Qalobia
governorate regions are (Toka, Benha, El Kanater El-Khairia,
Qalub, Shobra El-Khama).
• The time limit
The study procedures lasted four months in the period
from 1st of April to 31st of August 2000.
The objedt~ve limit
The study stick to study the role of the non-government
educational organizations in Qalibia governorate countryside, in
addition to the models of the rural development in some
advanced countries in this field.
• The study tools
The researcher used some tools that helped him such as:
1-The field studies.
2-The personal interviews
3-The questionnaire
The study terms
1-The role
2-The non-government educational organizations
3-The rural society development.
• 4-The development
• The study plane
In the light of the aims of the study and to answer the
challenges that faces the nongovernment educational
organizations in the rural society.
Thefifth chapter
Introduction, the weak points in the locail development
models, the negative situation of the situation of the rural
development, the retardant of the development, the retardant
The sixth chapter
The international attitudes that contain the kenian’s
experience, the senegal’s rural development, the philipin’s rural
The seventh chapter
The field study that include the procedures of the field
study, the field study results.
The eight chapter
The results and recommendations, about the social units
- Recommendation about the aims of the social units.
- Recommendation ab ~ut the programs and the activities of the
social units.
- Recommendations Lnd general suggestions for the social
- Recomniendations about the programs and activities of the
youth centers.
- Recommendations fix a successfUl patterns of the role
organizatio~ns in the rural society development.