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نظرية المعرفه عند الامام الرازى كما تبدو من خلال كتابه مفاتيح الغيب /
حسانين عويضه بركات،
بركات، حسانين عويضه
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حسانين عويضه بركات
مشرف / احمد الجاحد
مناقش / سمير الديب
مناقش / احمد الجاحد
نظرية المعرفه .
تاريخ النشر
2001 .
عدد الصفحات
185ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية عام - اصول تربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 177

from 177


Research Introduction
It was shown to the research through his study to more left
by Imam EI-Fakhr El-Razy that fewer men who left vision prints
on the Islamic Education, It was shown to him also that the
personality of Imam was prominent that distinguished by unit
mind that left prints can’t be mistaken by the researchers eyes
whether on his age’s legacy or on the cultural current, in the ages
followed him, hehod left a huge number of authors, we can’t find
such as him of his contemporaries his preders or his followers in
his count or state, we can’t hardly find worry thing or nearest to
shallow left, above the over names of authors and fields he made
for in his authors and over ages that may be thousands in one
author as we see in his book ”The Invisible keys” which is
presented (found) in sixteen books and consisted of thirty two
parts and what was aroused round it accusation towards this book
that it includes every thing apart from the explanation. This
accusation was a cause to follow it, It was one of the biggest
insyclopedia in the legeslation. Arabic philosophy and
Educational sciences and others. Besides these sciences it
includes first the explanation that makes its area innocent from
this accusation.
Aristotle the first learner preceeded him pretence that all
humans seek to knowledge according to their nature and that
because this knowledge celebrate their minds from fancy, their
souls from retirement, their behaviour from error and help them
to distinguish good from bad, believing from lie and good from
wicked (I). if it enables the man to work wisely without knowing
his mistakes and knows his word get ride of his retirement open
the connection door with others with the help of acquiring
knowledge. If the learned individual is the person who acquires
knowledge desired educationally and adopt the accepted
directions morally. Perfect the required activities soc ially. To
achieve the human growth in these fields depends mainly on
knowledge. As it is essentially in the human growth knowledge
theory must become apart from sound (:!) educational and
philosophy because it increases our knowledge necessary
obligatory from all knowledge. It’s granted to mention that the
research in knowledge is too important because it’s the highest
job to human in the universe because it’s the hasic and the cause
of his successor on the Earth and his position in the universe
exploited by the Almighty God to worship Allah the one as he
said: ”Created the Evil and man kind only to worship the
almighty God with all existing things”
The Islamic Education is full of values and supported
directions for knowledge in life. To deepen its origin and calling
to look, think, understanding and reflect. The knowledge theory
in Islam depend basically on two important sources, they are the
Holly Quran and the ourity prophet sunnah they’re both insure.
( \) Aristotle: A call tophilosophy - Translated by Abdel-Ghafar Mkawy public
association Book. Cairo 1987 P.7.
( Y) Philip Finkes An Education Philosophy - Translation - Mohamed Labib EINigigy
- Franklin organization for puplishing and spread Cairo 0- T P. 468.
1- Using the mind:
It urges to use the mind considerably in acqUlnng the
knowledge and sciences and Islam raises the mind on the way or
legislation because it can’t include any thing contrary to minc!
because it’s always for man’s favour in in his religion and life
and can’t imagine and contrary between legislation and mind.
Mind can’t increase and grow without knowledge, the sa Ie
and right to its resources the contribution in developing and
supporting the mind, if the mind grew with knowledge, looking
and consideration the man would raise his position to his God
(Glory Be to Him) who said: Allah raise those who bel ieved and
those who had science in degrees (AI Mogadelah / I I). (Ii
The apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) says in his Ilolly
Hadith said by Anas Ibn Malik (Blessing to him) said: people
praised to a man at the apostle of Allah (B.B.U.H.) till they
exaggerated. He said: How is the man’s mind? They said, we telt
you the apostle about this strive to wars hip and the kinds of good
and you ask us about his mind said: the fool hit the mark with his
ignorance more than immortality of Libertine and sycophency
will be raised tomorrow in degrees according to their minds. (2)
( \) Aly Abdel-Halim Mahmoud: Arising education to Mushim Dar EI-Wafa for
publishing and spread - El- Mansoura 141 2 H / 1992 M - P. 259 - 260.
(T) Ala’ EI-Din EI-Muttaky Ibn Husam EI-Din EI-Hindt the treasure of workmen
in years of sayings and deeds. Rechers and guide management - Saudi Arabi«
140211 ! 1982 M. M-G I 9 P. 123 - the researcher didn’t find this
saying in any known books but only in this dictionary.
To interest the remark and examination process which
depend on the best manuse to the five senses to consider this
away to the right knowledge. The Almighty God said: (Walk in
the Earth and look how he began the crators) (EI-Ankabout / 20)
and said: they did not walk in the earth to have hearts or ears to
hear with (AI-Haj / 46) and said: If we revealed on you a book in
a cornet and they touched it with their hands, these Hypocritics
would say this is evidentmagic (El-Anaarn / 7). (I)
The Islamic Education didn’t permit the examining course
but made it duty because It’s useful to humanity and heal many of
its pain from one side and it was bad itself. It wouldn’t uncover
some harm and removed by it many bad things but when all these
benefits that achieved many of the human good and to be
recovered from medicines and to make it easy to achieve the
favour for its demands.
2- The Assu ranee:
One of the most important of the mam knowledge is
Assurance because its source is based on persuasion and
conversation and using evidences and proofs even in Monotheism
issue to be man’s believe is on complete persuation and after
thoughtful urging that aims at clearing truth and reaching it with
all insurance as the Almighty God said: we show Ibrahim the
Heavens and the Earth kingdom to be one of insurances, when the
night sheltered he saw a planet then he said, this is my lord, when
( v) Saleh Ibn Solyman El-Amro : The position of senses towards knowledge and
its achievement in the school up published doctor’s degree - faculty of
education. Urn EI-Qra university in Mecca 1411 HI 1981 M. P. 270.
it sat he said I don’t Iike sitting when he saw the moonsh ing he
said: this my lord this is bigger when it sat he said: If my God
didn’t guide me I’ll be from those who lost their way, when he
saw the sun shining he said, this is my lord this is bigger but
when it sat he said: oh people I’m innocent from disbelief (AIAnaam
Besides that the Quran and the sunnah ae uroging to chear
up the knowledge from mistakes based on thinking and fancy and
guessing as this may result in damage and big corruption in the
Ear than the sky as Allah said, If the truth followed their hobby.
the heavens and the earth would corrupt and all in them, (AIMoeminoon
/ 7).
These four points the research mentioned, the main
supports to the knowledge theory in the holly quran and purity
sunnah don’t out as it’s to Emam Al-Fak hr EI-Razy shown
clearly in his book / the invisible keys / as it has spiciality that
makes it expressing to its owner so it appears.
(1) Aly abdel-Halim (Previous Dictionary) P. 26
(2) Al Fakhr EI-Razy (Previous Dictionary) P. 15
In its side of his excellent reputation in education through
and his genius and personality which is away from chasing
Horrizon, and also in it his in it his ’ability to accurate and
In spite of this special interest and distinguished position
that iso ccupied by the knowledge theory in the education
philosphy but it didn’t receive of study what is go with its
educational interest and fit to its leading position and this is what
this research will cure God willing.
The research Issue:
Its marks limit and clear up In the following main
How can go out with educational thoght that can cure the
knowledge theory to Imam EI-Fakhr El-Razy as it seem from his
book the invissible keys’?
This questionnaire is about these branches:
• What is the cultural frame for education in the age of Imam
EI-Fakhr EI-Razy?
• What is the life of Imam El-Fakhr EI-Razy?
• What is the knowledge theory, its nature, sources
researchers to Imam EI-Fakhr El-Razy?
• What are the educational application to the knowledge
theory to Emam EI-Fakhr El-Razy?
The research Interest:
Its interest is hidden in the following points:
• To recognize the Emam’s El-Fakhr El-Razy thought
through his book ”The Invisible Keys” and to reach to the
knowledge theory and its educational applications, to
consider him a science of the Islamic thought sciences who
has a distinguished educational personality and varity
abilities and assimilated his age from all its sides and
reacted with it and influenced and affected it.
• The interest of this research IS also with our natural
recognition both interest of the knowledge theory in the
society strengh and its tenacity and it’s the real obligation
to build civilizations and increasing the production.
• I had some studies in a limited sides of his thought
concerning the jurisprudence and its originals. the
explanation, the wordly SCience, phi losophy and
quarelling, but they didn’t expose to the knowledge theory
in an education vission and this is what the research agree
The research aims: .
Its aims are crystalled as following:
1) To recognize the life Emam El-Fakhr EI-Razy.
2) To show the cultural frame to education in egypt.
3) To clear up the nature of the knowledge theory and its
resources and searches and its end to him.
4) To reach the educational applications to the knowledge
theory to ’him as they see from his book ”the invisible
keys” which contributed greatly in preparing a generation
of scientists and moslim thinkers and it helped to
advanced the educational and thought process.
The research limits:
The research will be as short to his book ”the invisible
keys” and to extract the knowledge theory fromitin an
educational vision to Emam El-Fakhr El-Razy for these resons:
- \ . -
The invisible keys is excellent to others of Emam El-Fakhr
EI-Razy authors with the conquest of the educational mark to him
and in spite of this it is a book that distinguished with its huge. As
it includes thirty two parts in sixteen books, thus it is considered
one of the biggest books to Emarn El-Fakhr El-Razy.
It is distinguished to ,others of the explanation books with
the plentiful researches in kinds of knowledge and science as it is
an Ensyclopedia which the searchers benefits from in various
Methodology of Research
According to the nature of research, the researcher used the
historical method of research because it concerns with the past
and what had happened in it. This is obvious in the saying or
Allah: ” Tell narrative may they contemplate” (AI-Aaraf/l 79)
and in his saying” In their narrative there has been warning for
the intellrct” (youssof / 111).
Some differentiate between two levels In the historical
method of research,
The first: as a tool or away of research adopting in a simplified
manner history. motion to all human and physical phenomena.
The second: as an explaining ability distinguishing among the
historiographer method. historian and history explanation
levels’ I)
(’) Ali Khalil Mostafa ”Historical Research on Islamic Education. - Dar /\1-
Fekr Al - Arabi- Cairo - 1990 .P 18-20
The historical method of research is based on criticism of
scientific substance after collecting it from its sources then
criticising and explaining it and presenting the resu Its that lead to
this explanation’<’
The researcher used this method while tracing the period in
which Imam Al-Fakhr Al -Razi lived from ”544 to 606” to
identify forces and societal, cultural, economic and political
circumstances that prevailed in that period and had their
undeniable effect on his thinking and educational and
philosophical VIews and how far he influenced those
circumstances .This was carried out by tracing what had been
written on that time particularly, on AI- Fakhr AI-Razi in primary
and secondary sources.
Furthermore, using historical method of research to studv
the the life and thought of this educator ( AI- Fakhr AI- Razi) is
of special importance to Islamic education that needs a lot of
historical researches. Unless the worker and responsible for
education pay special attention to this matter, learner will lose a
great deal of scientific substance important to their creative
Research Terminology
(Theory): There are several difinitions of this term we will
provide as follow:
( ’) Hassan Othman .” Historical Methodology of Research”- Dar AI -Maaref -
Cairo - 2nd edition - 1970 -P 197.
( ’) Deupold vandaline:” Research. Methodologies on Education and Psychology”
- Translated by Mohamed Nabil Nofal et al- Anglo - Egyptian- 1969- P 295.
some view that” it means a proposition or intellective structure
formed of coordinated concepts and aiming at relating premises
to results” (I)
Some view that” it names what matches practical exercise
in the factual field, i.e chance- free experiment abstracted from
practical applications” (2)
The others view that ” it names what corresponds with
slang knowledge that is limited by practical results and remains in
some sense partial (3) i.e it indicates the topic of coordinated and
regulated method logical concepet , its form exhibits some
scienti fie features ignored by people.
(Knowledge) : There are several definitions provided for the
term as follow:
The word ”Know ledge” comes from the substance ”
Know” to imply reward, ”I do know what you have done”
means ” I reward ”I reward you for it”, moreover, in the
substance of” know” their are the letters of the word H
raise” hence, the meaning is suitable where the word ~~
knowledge” comes to imply what is high, honoured and
good, and it is said for people when veiling: they covered
(’) Gamil Saliba:” Philosophical Dictionary” Lebanese Book House- Beriut-
1971 -p477.
(’)Rageh Abdel- Hamid Al-Kordi:” Knowledge Theory between the Quran and
their knowledge, And Allah made the paradise known i.e
made it good, and the sea crests i-e its waves rise’( I)
Tthere are who see knowledge as ” science that doesn’t
accept doubt if the known is the self and qualities of Allah (2)
There are also who see knowledge as ” the decisive belief
whether traditional or evidenced science” (1)
Knowledge Theory
There are several difinitions of this term we wi II prov ide as
Some view it as” an organised methodological study of
science proposition and knowledge issue by studying its
essence, potential, nature. values, limits and how to reach
Some view that” it concerns with investigating into the
nature of human knowledge. this means to ask about its
definition, what distinguishes it from other human mind
activities and if it IS characterised by validity and
( ’) AI- Zamakhshari .” Rhetoric Basis”- Dar AI- shab- Cairo - 1960 ~P 623 -
(’) Al-Ghazali:” Work Balance” - Gindi Library - Cairo - 1971- P 175.
( ’) Rageh Abdel v- Hamid Al- Kordi:” Knowhedge theory between the Quran
and philosophy”~ ( aprevious reference) - p 44.
( !) Rageh Abdel - Hamid AI~Kordi (the previous reference) -P 63.
certainty or there is what can be called false or probable
know ledge (1)
Some view that H it asks about subject possibility to object
and if it proved that possibility, it would investigate into
its tools then , into its limits and validity, and that it
investigates into its nature and means then in its value,,(2l
There exist who view that ” it is investigation into
knowledge nature, its limits, value, origin and means and
into philosiphical problem that arises from the relationship
of perceptive or knowing subject to perceived or known
- There exist ,who view that H it is that can be expressed as
matching of what exist in OUf minds as ideas with what
exist outside as facts”?”
- Some scientists view that •• it is the basis ,center and
essence of human studies where its study concerns with
( ’) Mahmoud Zidan:” Knowledg theory among Moslem Contemplators and
Contem poraneous western Philosopers” - Dar AI - Nahda AI- Arabeya-
Beirut - 1989 -p9.
(’) Abdel - salam Ibn Abdel - Aal:’ Estomology Lesson” - Dar AI- Taliea ..
Beriut- 1983 - P 11.
(-) Abdel - Monem Al - Hefni:” Dictionary of Philosophy” ~ AI Dar AI -
Sharkeya - Cairo - 1410 I 1990 -P 356.
(’) Suzan Mohamed AI - Mahdi .” Education Contents of Ibn Taymia’s Theory
of knowledg” - Educational studies Magazine volume 6c /30 - Modern
Education Association - Cairo - 1990 - P 285.
the most important form of human life, that IS human
knowledge” (1)
- Some of them see that” it is the connection between the
perceptive subject and perceived object, and demonstrating
to what extent our concepts match what is really taken
independent of subject’Y’
The researcher views that it is an objective and
constructive study because it investigates its nature, ways,
theses, fields and conditions to reach its end.
Previous Studies
Previous studies on some of the di ffcrent aspects of Irnan
Al ~ Fakhr AI- Razis personality and his theory on knowledge
can be traced as follow:
1- Study of” Mohamed Galal Al-sheikh Al- Zahabi” on ” AI -
Fakhr AI- Razi and Arab elocution ” - Unpublished
Doctorate Thesia - AI Azhar AI - Sharif University --
Faculty of Arabic - Rhetoric and Criticism Department -
2- Study of ” Ibra him Mohamed Ibrahim ”Imam AI- Fakhr
Al Razi, his methodology and opinions on speech
problems” Unpublished Doctorate Thesis -AI Azhar Al -
Sharif University - Faculty of Religlon fundamentals -
Department of Faith and Philosophy - Cairo 1396 / 1976.
(’) Adel Mohamed Abdel - Halim AI - Sokkari: ” Knowledge Theory and its
Educational Dimensions •• - Un published Master Thesis - Ain Shans
Univerity - Faculty of Education- 1414 - P2
( ’) Arabic Convention: ” Philosophical Convention” General Authority for Publ ic
Press- Cairo - 1983 - P 203.
3- Study of” Mokthar Ahmed Eid AI - Saliheen” on •• Allah
and the universe in the philosophy of Fakhr Al - Din ;\l --
Razi” Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, Cairo Unirersity,
Faculty of Arts, Department of Islamic Philosophy, 1984.
4- Study of ” Saleh Ibn Soleiman Al - Arnr” on ” senses
status to knowledgw in Islam and achieving it in school”
- Unpublished Doctorate Thesis , Omm Al - Kora in
Mecca Al - Mokarrama, Faculty of Education, 141 1/
5- Study of” Shawki Ali Omar” on ” Fakhr Al - Din Al -
Razi’s theory of knowledg” - Unpublished Doctorate
Thesis, Cairo University, Faculty of Dar Al ~ Oleum,
Department of Islamic Philosophy, 1991.
6- Study of” Ragab Mahmoud Al - Deeb” on” Imam Al -
Fakhr Al - Razi’s thought and theology through his
explaination ” Divination keys” and its employment in
the modern time” - Un published Doctorate Thesis, AI -
Azhar Al - Sharif University, Faculty of Religion
Fundamentals, Department of Faith and Philosophy ,
1412 I 1991.
7- Study of ” Adel Mohamed Abdel - Halim Al - Sokary”
on ” Knowledge theory and its educational dimension in
some modern philosophies”. Unpulished Doctorate Thesis
, Ain Shams Univeristy , Faculty of Education - 1414 I
General Comment
considering this review of previous studies that emphasized
the importance of this research and the importance of addressing
knowledge theory of Imam AI - Fakhr AI - Razi as it appears
through his book ”Divination keys” with an educational vision,
we can identify the differences between them and this research in
the following summarized points:
Some studies concentrated generally on addressing Imam
Al - fakh Al - Nazi’s thought on philosophy, faith and
ethics whereas the other limited themselves to addressing
knowledge theory in an abstract and fundmental istic
formula.this research is considered as extension of the
objective trend because it addresses Imam’s theory of
knowledge as it appears through his book” Divination
keys” with the educational applications of this cagnitive
Some studies were confined whenaddressing ”Divination
keys” to the interpretative aspects of figure science, stars,
astronomy, medicine, agriculture and others because of the
strong connection of these sciences with the Quranic
verses that come in the inferential sites of the existence
and oneness of Allah whereas the present research takes
the educational character of the verses of Allah to extract
the knowledge theory from” Divination keys”.
In addition, some studies addressed” knowledge theory”
from the non - educational aspect due to their interest in
philosopy , sociology and ethics while this research
cocems so much with the educational aspect in addition to
other fundoentalistic, social and philosophical aspects.
And this would have a great influence on society progress
and welfare.
Thus, it has been obevious that the topic of knowledge
theory by Imam Al - fakhr Al - Razi as it appears through
his book ” Divination keys” wasn’t presented in an
educational vision nor it had its own right of attention or
independent prese ntation in previous studies particularly
Istamic education researches. therefore, this research is an
attempt to achieve that.